1954 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 52 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 182

BOllllY GARR ISON up and in for the Vandals in an Oregon Duck conquest during the 1954 season.

GAT IIF.R AROUND G.\ NG-Hcad haskctha ll coach Chuck Finley gives his big five (Cat·rison , Flynn . .'llorri~on . Melton and Falash) a dc:.c•·,·ed rest. ' I he unorthodox rest period huddle cau,ed much comcrsation around the :\'orthern Di' i~ion loop.

NO RTHERN DIVISION STANDI NGS, l 954 Oregon State __ ···--·------lDA I I0 -------------------------Oregon _________ ____ ,.___________ Wash ington -----------------Wash ington State --------

W II 9 9 5 4

L 5 7 7 9 JO

Pet. .688 .563 .563 .357 .286


w Southern California ___ _ .C.L.•\ . -----------------------Ca I iforn ia ----------------- __ Stanford ·--------·----------·--·


8 7 6 3

L 4

5 6 9

Pet. .667 .583

.500 .250

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