1950 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 48 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 352

Frosh Frolics Made a Big Hit on Campus There must have been some Irishmen among the freshmen. March 17 was the dtlte set for the frolicking frosh dance decorated in shamrock green with all the trimmings of St. Patrick's o."y. Connie Baxter lIInd Bruce Mcintosh were crowned Queen and King of the Leprechauns at the "Wearing of the Green" semiformal dance. Glen Henry's orchestra came straight from Hollywocx:l to add their "Impression in Rhythm" to the gala l!Iffair. Special guests "t the dance were visiting high school seniors who were "Iso shown about the campus and through the various academic departments of the university by representatives from the Class of '53. Not so many veterans appeared in the new crop. Most of the frosh were direct from high school, and properly bewildered by the campus world of activities, wheels, all-campus events and conflicting id~s presented in the classroom. The youngsters soon odopted the "collegiate air" and by second semester were amozing their big brothers and sisters by their "savoir loire" in matters curricular ond extra路curricular. Oh, those reference papers! rRESHMAN CLASS orrICERS



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