1944 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 42 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 102

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M<>rlon Franson, El<>ine Thom41, Claire Bracken, Beverly Weber, Muriel Fug<>ht Row 1: Bob Aamuuen. Barbara Sutcllll, Dr. Steffens, Maxine Miller, Reed File. Row 2: Bob M<>nnlng, Russell M1les, M4rk Burgqr<>l, Bruoe Jepeon, Dr. Cromer.

WOMEN'S JOURNALISM HONORARY ... Future members ol the press, these women prepare lor their future work by writing for the Argonaut and the Daily Idoho路 nian. Requirements for membership ore Arg work, high grades, and on interest in journolism. Tapping of new members is held eoch spring.

PRE-MED HONORARY ... Admittance to this national froternily is obtoined only upon maintenonce of 3.0 grode point average. These slaves of the microscope ond test tube meet only infrequently and discuss latest medico! achievements. OFFICERS

OFFICERS President Vice President Secretary路Treasurer Ninety-Eight

President Claire Bracken

Vice President

Reed File Bruce Jepson

Muriel Fugate


Barbara Sutcliff

Beverly Weber


Robert Manning

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