1943 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 41 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 45

CARr•l!NTl!R, THEODORE C.-B.S.(Agr.): Grangeville High School: Lindley Hall. CAWLl!Y, PAUL H.- B.S.(Soc.) : ()aden High School, Ogden, Utah: Alpha Tau Omega, House Preoident 3: Phi Mu Alpha: Pep Band Le.der 4. CHAMBERLIN, joHN L .· M .S.(Ed.): Lewiston High School: Phi Delta Theta; Alpha Phi C hi 1-2-3-4: Manaaers' Club 3: Intramural Officer 1-2-3-4 : lnd~ndent Caucus 1-2-3: Future Teachers of America : Kappa Delta Pi, President 5: Scabbard and Blade: University Sinaero.

CIIAMIIBRS, WrLLIAM R.- B.S.(Agr.): Jerome High School. CmLDS, MARION M.- B.S.(H.Ec.): Huntington Park, California: Camma Phi Beta. CooNER, 0RRIBTTB M . B .S.(Bus.): Kimberly High School Kappa Kappa Camma, H ouse Officer 3: W.A.A. 2-3-4: Weotmin,ster Guild 2; Univera:ity Sinaera 2.

CoLK, WELDON-B.S.(Ed.) : Fieldinr Hirh School, Paris: Alpha Tau Omega, House Officer 3-4: lntercolleaia te Knighto 1-2: Vandaleero 2-3-4: Cia.. Pres ident 2: Blue Key: Dramatics: Pep Band Show. CoLLINS, Louosl! M.- B.S.(H.Ec.): Nampa High School: Oregon Stale College: Hays Hall : Home £.c Club. CoMNICK, MARrs- B.S. (H.Ec.): Ceneaae High School: Forney Hall: Home Ec Club 1-2-3-4: Key Cirl Chairman 4: Phi Upslion Omicron: 4-H Club 2, Treaourer : Taps and Terps I : Cern I: A. W.S. Representa tive 4.

CoN LEY, PliiLIP 1.-B.S.(Ceol.): Lourdeo Academy, Wallace: Hirh Honora 4 : Sigma Camma Epsilon: S ki Team 1-2-3: Newma n Cl ub. CooPER, HowARo--B.S.: Lewioton Hish School: Sigma Alpha Epsilon; House Officer 3: Vandaleero 2-3-4: Cem 3. Cox, ELLEN- B.A.: M eridian Hi gh School: Forney Hall, House Officer 3, President 4: Al pha Lambda Delta: Curtain 3-4: Attic Club and Atticana I: ASUI PI aye 3-4: Treble Clef I: Independent Council 4: Westminster Cuild 1- 2: Cem 2-3-4: Highest Honors 3; High Honora 1-2.

C ROWE, C HARLES F.- B.S.(Chem.E.): B oise High School: Sigma Alpha Epeilon. C ROWLEY, HENRY j . -B .S.(Ed.): Lewiston, Maine, Higb School: Alpha Tau Omega. CRUICKSHANK, MARIORY B.S.(Ed.): Montour High School: Delta Camma : W.A.A. 1·2·3: " )" Club 2-3-4: Arsonaut 1-2: University Sin~ers 1; Weetminater Guild, Key Girl 2: Inter· national Relations I : RiAe Team 1-2, Manaaer 2: W. A.A. Executive Board 2.

CRuSRR, M AuRrNE-B.S.(H.Ec.): S urar-Salem High School; Hayo Hall: Home Ec Club 2-3-4: Lambda Delta Sigma 2-3-4, Treaaurer 3.

CuRTI S, joHN S.-B.S.(Meeh.E.): Montou r High School: Lindley H all: High H onors 1-2-3: Aooociated Enaineers: Phi Eta Si.rma: Sigma Tau: Idaho Cloud Clippero: Independent Council 4: Ri8e Team 1: A.S.M.E . Chairman 3, Vice President 2. DArLEY, CoRDON H .- B .S.(Aar.) : Palouse High School, Palouse, Wash. : Campuo C lub : H ouse Ollicer 4: Ad Club 1-2-3-4: Perohinr Ri8eo 2 : RiRe Team 2-3·4, Preeident 3, Secretary-Treasurer 4 : I ndependent Council 4,


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