1943 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 41 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 38

MAJOR A. S. U. I. COMMITTEES Two of the most active committees on the Idaho campus this year were the Student Union Activities Board, established in 1942, and the A.S.U.I. Victory Committee, a "war baby." Headed by Marylu j ensen, the activities g roup directed and controlled policies of the Student Union building and promoted several studentinterest programs. I t was instrumen tal in establishing a recreational p rogram on the upper floor of the " Bucket."

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chairman, boosted the sale of war bonds and stamps on the campus. It supported Idaho's famed " Minute Maids," a group of co-eds who canvassed group houses weekly to sell stamps. And in the spring, the committee sponsored a Victory Ball, charging no admittance, but requiring dancers to buy a dollar war stamp for admission. Both committees worked in cooperation and under :the guidance of the A.S. U. I. executive board.

The Victory Committee, with Ben Martin as

STUOftNT UNrON AC'TtvrTrEs BoARD . . . Norma M a rc:hi, Merrie Lu Kloepfer, M olly McMAnn, I larry Moaman. Marylu Jen:ten , Mrs. H . P. Magnuson.

Helen Calc.

VtCTORY CoMMJTl"R& •.. J oe Cordon. Anne Thompson, Harry Lewics. C hattman Ben Martin , Bob Stillinser, Rex Blewett, Helen Jean Brink,


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