1929 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 27 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 348


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l3ett)" {\ shworth Perc\ Frost ,\ I ar} Ellen :\danh H orace Parker Edwin iggins i\ larrha E. Adams Georgia Edwards Louis l lahn J oan l l:uris Ethel l .afferty \\' illiam Calla wa ,. G eorge Anne Bn;wn J ack Frederick Charles Lei'vloyne Shi rley C un ningham Eu nice von Ende La wrence llollingshead G eorgie I.i ttle Lucie \\'omack iVl a rylou Craven Ruth Crowe ll ubhell Carpenter George Beardmore George l llichevsk\ Doro'thy Craven 路 Polh Patcrka Richard Erwin Cedric d'Easum Dave Cook Elwyn Peterson Pauline .\l itchell Smith i\l iller Esrher i\ I ire hell

.\l aryvina Goldsmith P atric'a \\'ilson Charles H uggins Howell llall Wesley Spencer Constance i\l itchdl George i\IcDonalcl J ay T aggart Ralph T aylor Katherine Roc J ean York E lizabeth Smith Catherine York Helen Hansen F ync tte Guthrie Phil DuSau lt Aida Li ttle Georgette 1\lillcr Edith Bradsh aw Edgar Aukema Sam H u t chings He len i\Jains \ 'irginia l\l erriam \'o~man Forster 1\ina :\ewman Gladys Pence :\ ldo~ H offman Andrew Thomson Elizabeth T aYlor Alice Stamm路 Helen T a vlor H arry W i.lliamson i\ l ild~ed King


Bem \\' ibon \'adine T ucker Grace Parsons Ted T hompson \' irginia Lee i\ lcGuirc Lucile Glindeman Lucile ll addock ll cnrietta Paroz P hilip Ford \\' illiam K nox D aniel Zicmann Estclh: Pickrell Port ia Gli ndeman Frank 1\lcAtce i\ larian W ormcll Dororh y Simmons Ja mes Sommcrcamp Dorothy W hitenack W illiam Shamberger Arthur Simm Catherine l\ loodr I loracc R ichards W illiam Gnaedinger Douglas Bradshaw Clarke Smi th Chandler Smith Roherr Swain Frank \ \'arner Rohertson i\lc Bridc l\'orman 1\l cGinn Joc Pearson 路 Carl von Endc \\'al t er T ate

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