1928 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 26 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 390

D elta Chi Founded at Cornell University, 1890 Idaho Chapter Installed Nor:ember 6, 192-t CoLORs-Buff and Red FLOWER-White Carnation

Dean F. G. t\ l illcr

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David Cook II ugh Fcl tis Donald Aungst Troy M oore

G len T rail Boyd llodson George P owell Albert Koster George J ustice \\'alter Steffens Robert !!olden Burton Stewart Robert Crooks Edward Cross Robert \' oshe\1

Page 374

G. Sderud

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SENIORS August Miller H arold Lee W illiam Moran W ilfred J ohnson J UN IORS Leigh Gittins L aVern H ughes P aul R udy J ohn H ughes Harry Spence SoPHOMORES Evan P yrah Thomas Galigher F RESHMEN R obert Anderson \\' ilbur Hogue


Rogers !.iter Spence T homas Boardman C laire Collier

W illard K lingler I ames Crooks 路Bruce Sifton Alvin Reading W ard !lowe!( Lucien Oliver Kenneth Kenworthy Ray llolmquist \ ' irgil Eastman Carl Oberg l\ lerlc Frizzelle

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