1925 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 23 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 49

PAUL McLEAN HARLAN, B. S. Ballimo1·e City College, Baltimore, Md. 1\npp:~

Sigmn: .-\lpha Zeta: XI Sll(nH\ PI: Sih•er Lance: l nWrt'Olleginte Knights: Enp:llsh club: Winged HelClns~ President ( 1): Edi· tor or the C.em or the )lonntnln~ ( 3), ( 4): Director or "Fnll Foliies.. ( 2 ) . ( 3 ) ; ,\s.-oclnte Editor Idaho Forestl'r 13) : .\rgonaut !'tall' (I) . ( ! ) : cn~t or "'.\dam and E'e" , ··For tbe Lo,·e of )like", "Fall Follies" (;Jt•e dub ( 3 ) : lnter-Vrnternltr t-oun<'il ( 3 ) , ( 4) : Sluut Fe,t 0) . ( 2) . (-1) ; '',\ '' llonor~ ( 1) . 111<'1: .\,,o('inted Foresters:


RALPH H ARDING, B.S. Malad Hi{fh School l'hl Dcltn Theta.

JAMES HAWKES College of Jdctho

RUTH HAWKINS, B. A. Unit•cl·sit)J of Cctlifomia 1'1

Bt>ln Phi:


llelmcl; SC<'rctnr)'

or )lortar

Bon rei: En~rlish Club; Vke l're~ldent or Winged HeI. mt'l: Orche$lr:i ( n): Ass()('lntc Editor Blue Bucket c3 ) : Editor Blue Bucket ( I): 1\ rgonnut Stnfl' ( 3), (•I): " ,\" llonm-s ( 3) . ( 1) .

MILLARD U. HEATH, B. Gl"ange ville Hirth School


Sl,:mn .\lpha Epsilon: .-\lphu Kappa Psi: Glee club ( 2) : "A" Honors ( 8);


LOLA HEDGE, B. A. E t·e1·ett HirJh School, Wash. Dnlcth Tcth Gimel: W .•\ .•\.

FRANCES HUFFMAN, B. A . Jfoscow HirJh School Daleth Teth (;imel.

MARY E. HIBBELIN, B.S. Orofino High S chool l'i Ep-ilon Sigma: De Smet dub: club.



club; Spanish

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