1923 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 20 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 319

l'Ichool f\ yellr after g"ruduating from high ~chool. tlnd practiced chcwing toI.\cco, I gol so thnt I could c\'(~n chew Copenhagen. and figured thul 1 could milke II bUllch choo»(: me on my chews, which 1 thoughl Wf\S lhe principll.l qualificllnon. Bul whcn I golup here 1 found thalthcy ",eren'llllerd'y a frulernily, bul thlll the.\" \I"ere Il band. I wus stumped for awhile whcn 1 found that e\'ery member llnd pledgc hMI to be ablC' to toot his horn-I mean pill." a musical instrument. ThC'1l I had nn inl'lpiration-I went dO\l'n and got Il Jews-harp. und got Mer big h~' playing solos to them. I was bid ulmost immediatel.\". But plnying in the buml hns Ltlken so much of Ill)' time tlml I lllll ilfruid that I Rill going to lower 111.\' »cholarshil) rating so thnl we sludl lose our c!UlIlCC for that Clip. This is It complex life." "You're right. old Ind, H.hsolutcly," suid 11 Sif,....lul Nil frosh, who hnd just horned in on the Illst word. "And the longer you li\'e it the more COIllI)lexion it ~ts. Xuw tnkc me. I hud ttlwnys rather hopc(1 to be II Signm Nu, XO\!" frotH wllllt I had !lcnni (>f thcm for th<' past fc\!' yelll's I thought thnt they IH'rc 1111 liteI'llI'." light.~ -or dllrk OIH's-nnd so I got somc stories of minc puhli~hl'(l to nttmct their alt .... ntion. But whell I got hcre I found thllt the.\' had lwo ligid rcquil'cHlcnls for entmnce--~'ou either hlltl to come from Coeur d'.Alene Ill' (!'Olll GerH·.~ec, and thc." hlld a rigid neight requirement. Every nUlll that g'Ct,~ in o\'er thcl'e goes 011 the sClllcs and tlnll rccillirclllent is II wcigh up, .-\ hCIII'." one. I l!ltd g-ot by on thc locatioll rlo(luin~mcllt. with II fOl'g-ed hirth-certificate, bllt thc ~el~olld I Imd to wait two weeks until I lllld ,!:Cnined enough to gel by their senles. You'll notice th<ltlhe Sig-llHl Nu's llre nearly all o\'er-si:i:f' men-well, 111Ilt's beCllllse their motto is '\Vlu'rc therc's H will there's 11 weigh.' Ellting Illdf It pOUlld or lead II day hilS had II hl1d clred 011 Ille though, so I'lll llfraid that I Iml goin,!:C to gel too light 10 Stt1y ill thc dmpler. .If only T weren't light helHlcf1 I mighl hc ,1hh· to lllllke lll.\· wci,!.(hl tlll'Cl1lgh nIl right. hut n~ it is, 1 lUll Ilfmid that J um going' to lose out."

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