1904 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 2 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 47

EDWARD R. CIIRTS~tAX, Captain 16th U. S. I nfantry, Professor of 1\Iilitary Science and Tactics; Cadet U. S. 1Iilitary .\ cademy, 188-1; Second Lieutenant lJ. S .. \., '88; Fir:.t Lieutenant, '95; Captain, ·w; sen·ed witfi Second Infantry Sioux Indian Campaign, '90-91; with Sixth lnfantr;t Santiago Camf>aign, ·~8; with Sixteenth Infantry in Philippine hland... '99-1902; Professor 1Iilitary Science and Tactics lJniversity of I dahl), '9-1·'<;8 and 1902. ED\\'ARD ~1 \SIX JIUL1IE, Instructor in History and Public Speaking. A. B., Leland Stanford, Jr., Cni,·ersity, I8gi; A . 11., Cornell Cniversity, 190!: Cornell Travelling Schollarship College de Sorbonnc, Paris, 1902. \VILLL\1[ S \NDS MORLE'r, Professor in Mathematics. A. B., The College of Emporia, 1893; A. l\1. Princeton Uni,·ersily, 18go; Graduate Student, l'niven.ity of Berlin, 1900-'01.

l\ IJLES FR.\NK REED, Principal P reparatory Department and Instr uctor h Pedagogy. B. S., University of I da ho, 1901. XLBERTA :McVICKER, Instructor in E nglish. B. A., \V~·st \'irginia Uni,·ersity, 1900; M. A ., \ Vest Virginia Unh·er:;ity, 1901: Fellow in English, \Ve~t Virginia Un iversit), J9QO-OI. ROSA ALLETIIA FORNEY, Assistant Instructor of Modern Languages. ,\. B., L'niversity of Idaho, 19~1; B., Mus. Uni,·ersity of Idaho, 1902. HAROLD LUCil' S AXTELL, Instructor in Latin and Greek. .\. B., Kalamazoo College, I89i; A. B., Uni,·ersity of Chicago, 18g8; A. M., l: niversity of Chicago, 1900; Students in American School of Classic.l, Stuairs Rome, Italy, 1902-'03. DOR.\ D. PORTER, Instructor in Domestic Science. B. H. E., Oregon Agricultural College, 18g8; Xormal Course in Science; Drexel Institute, Philadelphia, 1901.


JOHN G. GRIFFITJ f, Director in Athletics. B. S., 1Jniversity of Iowa, 1901. 11RS. l\1. E. YOlJNG, Preceptress and Director of Department of Domcst;,; Science. JlERBE RT T. CONDON. Registrar and Secretary of Facul ty. Instructor in P0litical Economy. B. S., Un i,·crsity of u rego n, 1892; LL. B., U ni versity o f M ichigan, 1894: i\IARG;\RET BRYAN l\lcCALLIE, L ibrar ian. B. S., Uni,•crsity of Idaho, 1898.


(l;rm of t~r Slouutuitts 1904

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