Fugue 25 - Summer 2003 (No. 25)

Page 139

In the 11010miles at an altimde of IWO Ihousand melers where I was sup!X)sed 10 recuperate. I met my fUlIlre husband. \Ve nlllSI be opellto the beauties of fonuity. Your stylist can help analyze your hair's texture and recommend styles that will work with it, not against it. A machiue thai measures bcauty. He disappeared from my life. '\'C lived alone in a lillIe house with a big garden. My greatloncliness began. A haircut is an expression of yourself. The woman leaps away fmlll her shadow. She leans in al the hip and thell againslthe air, tumingand looking up p.l.sl her wrist. pasl her hand cupping the sheWs edge.

Summer 2003


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