Fugue 25 - Summer 2003 (No. 25)

Page 138

Suzette Bishop

Hannah H6ch Berlill pholollJollt.v;e .1ltisf who used pop images offhe Modem 11"0/1),11/ ill lIel'work. 1889-1978. Based Oll her life. Imrk. and I\'ritillgs. SutiollS ill ilalics are qUOles from H6ch's l\'lifiJlgs or :lI"e lillt路s oflIel"l1'ol"ks.

~ly lIlother was an amateur p.,inter. Evelllually four siblings were born. I worked in my father's office. and I was pulled alit ofthe girls' high school to care for this child frolllthe time she was three days old ulltil she was six. Hair swept softly off the face is the perfect complement to this season's decidedly romantic turn-of-the-eentury dresses. "111e night scelle in lhe Imods. Sketc/I for MelllOli.ll to .111 llllPOl1.11lt

L1ce Shilt.

I studied glass design. I did Red Cross work. He leal'es pUll>le bmises blooming all Illy arms. I p.,eked lip and welltto Italy. Much oflhe trip to Roml' I made by fool. The borders had just reopened. It's gathered gently high atop the head to expose the sensual taper of the neck. the velvety smoothness of bare shoulders, and to create overall balance. (/he 1J.1;tIfef) IIl1d.l/ed. p,.ob.lb~l' 1920. He /hol/ght /lm/ the tre.lcherollS female soul (treachelY no doubt its 1ll0Sf impOitanl demenl alongside emptiness) could appear as a cubisl lemol/.I'd/ow spiral .11lJong fhe green.

Snow and bloollls-abortions in janualT and May. I wall! 10 blur the boundalies. Keep the look soft, touchable-not lacquered. 'Illey summoned me to a house on the sea. He himself was the most pclfeci I\Icrz work, a continuum. (met her then. She knell' holl' to put words together, how to look at me. 1933: Hitler. Everyone was suspect. L.,nguage was forgotten. \-Ve were hennelically sealed olT. Carni\"OI"Qlls plants. \VitlJ Tiro Faces: ~lasks, Vcils, Make路up. I keep the edgcs frayed. Be careful to choose a headpiece that accents your hairstyle but doesn't overpower it.



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