UICC NCCP Toolkit - Supporting Cancer Control Planning

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Section 5: How will we measure our success?

Critical questions for evaluating success The following questions should help clarify the scope of the evaluation included in the cancer control plan and how it will be conducted. • Are our cancer control plan objectives and strategies stated in such a way that they can be evaluated? Are they SMARTER?

• Do we have a budget for doing the evaluation as part of the resource needs for cancer control?

• Do we have people involved in the cancer control planning process who have the skills needed to design and carry out an evaluation?

• Who will be responsible for reviewing the evaluation results? How often will the review take place?

• What are we going to evaluate? • What are we evaluating for?

• How will we communicate the evaluation results to our cancer control planning group and to the public? • Who will communicate the results and when?

• Will the evaluation help improve unsatisfactory performance?

Tools for evaluating the plan Tool 5.1 Evaluation skill sets

Tool 5.3 Checklist for choosing evaluators

Tool 5.2 Overview of evaluation steps

Tool 5.4 Sample evaluation questions

NCCP tools can be accessed through www.uicc.org/resources

Global Initiative for Cancer Registry Development in Low- and Middle-Income Countries GICR This initiative has been convened by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and backed by several international organisations. It aims at developing – and creating where needed – the capacity to produce reliable, high-quality information on the burden of cancer so that effective policies for cancer control may be developed and implemented. gicr.iarc.fr/

References and useful links • US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention. Evaluation Resources (Manuals and Framework for Programme Evaluation). www.cdc.gov/eval/resources/index.htm • Canada: Sustaining Action Toward a Shared Vision: 2012 – 2017 Strategic Plan. 2012. Available from www. partnershipagainstcancer.ca/wp-content/uploads/Sustaining-Action-Toward-a-Shared-Vision-Full-Document.pdf • Canada: Impact Report 2010: Partnership makes the difference. 2010. Available from www.partnershipagainstcancer.ca/wpcontent/uploads/FINAL-Impact-Report-ENG-for-web1.pdf • Canada: A portal to connect Canadians to cancer resources and tools: www.cancerview.ca • Centres for Disease Control and Prevention. Guidance for Comprehensive Cancer Control Planning (Volume 1: Guidelines and Volume 2: Tools). Atlanta: US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention; 2002. www.cdc.gov/cancer/ncccp/pdf/ Guidance-Guidelines.pdf • World Health Organization. National Cancer Control Programmes: Policies and Managerial Guidelines. 2nd edition, 119-123. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2002. www.who.int/cancer/media/en/408.pdf • University of Wisconsin Extension Service. Planning a Programme Evaluation. 1996. www.uwex.edu/ces/pdande/evaluation/ evallogicmodel.html • Netherlands National Cancer Control Programme. NPK Monitor 2009. https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/sanco/heidi/ images/3/3e/Netherlands_National_Cancer_Control_Programme_English.pdf

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