Daisy Award

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An Introduc+on to

The DAISY Award For Extraordinary Nurses www.DAISYfounda.on.org

The DAISY Founda+on Diseases A5acking the Immune SYstem Founded November, 1999 In memory of J. Patrick Barnes

Please Meet Pat and DAISY’s Co-­‐founders

Tena and Pat (and baby Riley)

Bonnie and Mark

The DAISY Award Today

•  Over 1,700 healthcare facili.es interna.onally commi5ed to honoring their nurses with The DAISY Award –  In-­‐pa.ent and ambulatory care facili.es –  From urban teaching hospitals to small rural community facili.es •  Over 40,000 nurses honored •  Nearly 400,000 nurses nominated

Suppor+ve Associa+ons

Evidence of Impact •  Independent research conducted in 20 sites –  Reveals all the “right” –  Defines “extraordinary nursing” from pa.ent/ family point of view –  Adds voice, depth to pa.ent sa.sfac.on surveys –  Drives and shapes organiza.onal culture

Source: Strengthening the Workforce Through Meaningful Recogni.on. Nursing Economic$, December, 2012

DAISY Award’s Fundamental Principles •  On-­‐going recogni2on all year long •  Turn-­‐key implementa.on –  DAISY provides most materials

•  Flexible to fit your needs and culture –  Criteria set by each Partner –  Compassionate care is key

Run By Staff Nurse CommiHee Shared governance or ad hoc. Consider including –  Pa.ent Experience Officer or staff –  Marke.ng person

•  Role –  Embed The DAISY Award in your culture –  Choose DAISY Nurses –  Coordinate presenta.ons –  Provide DAISY Nurse informa.on to marke.ng team and DAISY Founda.on –  Have fun!

Nurses Are Nominated •  By pa.ents, families, colleagues, physicians, other staff •  Every nomina.on tells a story of extraordinary care and compassion

Award Presenta+ons in the Unit

Nurse Manager Reads Nomination

Nominator Invited Chief Nursing Officer participates

Celebration In the Unit with Honoree’s peers

Each DAISY Honoree Receives

A “Healer’s Touch”

Artists’ video on DAISY website

At Every DAISY Celebra+on

DAISY’s Message To Nurses •  You may think what you do every day is rou.ne, but please do not take what you do for granted –  Your pa.ents and their families surely do not! •  Let that wonderful Cinnabon aroma be a sensory trigger –  Stop for a minute and think about how the impact you have –  And how special you are because you’re a nurse.

A Banner To Hang In The Unit

Since DAISY Presenta+ons Are OPen Very Moving…

Generously donated by Kimberly-­‐Clark Health Care

Chamberlain College of Nursing Special Tui+on rate for DAISY Nurses

Interna+onal Recogni+on For DAISY Nurses •  •  •  •  •

DAISYfounda.on.org Scrubsmag.com/DAISY Nurse.com NurseTogether.com DAISY Founda.on Facebook page

ThoughSul Nomina+ons Are Worthy of Acknowledgement •  With a copy of nomina.on •  Note to nominee from Manager or CNO

Mul.-­‐nomina.on pin

Funding The DAISY Award •  Partners help ensure long-­‐term sustainability of program by funding program –  Or finding sponsors

•  Cost based on size of nursing staff/number of DAISY Award presenta.ons per year in each facility

Funding The DAISY Award Number of Nurses

Recommended # Awards Per Year

Yearly Cost to Hospital













Why DAISY? •  Interna.onal program, ac.vely supported by nursing organiza.ons –  Created by a pa.ent family •  Focuses on the care of pa.ents by direct care nurses –  Across the con.nuum of care

Why DAISY? •  Celebrates the reason why most nurses became nurses – compassionate caring –  “Thank you for reminding me why I became a nurse” •  Nomina.on stories reflect the voice of your pa.ents –  Reveal specific behaviors they find meaningful, of true value •  Enables staff to stop and reflect on what’s going on that’s “right”

Why DAISY? •  Role-­‐models behaviors that are consistent with the organiza.on’s vision/values –  That leadership wants reinforced throughout the staff –  Especially powerful for new grads/residents •  Effec.ve team-­‐building for staff nurses who share in the implementa.on of the program –  And for the team of each DAISY Honoree •  Easy to implement •  It reminds nurses of their impact and importance throughout the year

Moving Forward •  Your ques.ons? •  Next Steps –  Complete “Commit to DAISY” form on DAISYfounda.on.org •  Your Welcome Kit will be mailed •  A Welcome webinar will be scheduled with your commi5ee, sharing keys to successful program

We will be proud to partner with you to honor your Extraordinary Nurses The Co-­‐founders, Staff, and Board of The DAISY Founda9on and our Proud Founda9on Sponsors

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