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THE GRAND LODGE General powers of all substituted authorities

3. Every Brother who shall, in accordance with the laws and procedure of Masonry, preside or act in the Grand Lodge, or in any Metropolitan, Provincial or District Grand Lodge, or in any private Lodge, or on any Board or Committee for, or in the place of, any Officer or Brother who may be absent, shall, while so presiding or acting, have all the rights, powers, and duties of the Officer or Brother whose substitute he shall be or in whose place he shall act; he shall enforce all rules and regulations, and his acts shall have the same validity in all respects as those of such Officer or Brother, unless the contrary is expressly provided for in these laws and regulations.

Powers of the Grand Lodge

4. The Grand Lodge possesses the supreme superintending authority, and alone has the inherent power of enacting laws and regulations for the government of the Craft, and of altering, repealing, and abrogating them, always taking care that the antient Landmarks of the Order be preserved. The Grand Lodge has also the power of investigating, regulating, and deciding all matters relative to the Craft, or to particular Lodges, or to individual Brothers, which power it may exercise either of itself or by such delegated authority as in its wisdom and discretion it may appoint. The Grand Lodge, while retaining authority to expel a Brother or to erase a Lodge, delegates its judicial and disciplinary authority to Metropolitan, Provincial and District Grand Masters, the Board of General Purposes, Appeals Courts and the Panel for Clemency as hereinafter provided.


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