UFO Encounter #282

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the COMMITTEE President : Sheryl Gottschall Vice President : Tino Pezzimenti Secretary : Alan Reading Treasurer : Michael West Membership : Gale King Sightings & Encounters : Sheryl Gottschall Public Relations : Tino Pezzimenti : Gem Regan : Sheryl Gottschall Librarian : Alan Reading Webmaster : Nate Odger Film Production/Editor : Barry Taylor Editor, UFO Encounter : Lee Paqui Officers : Roy Kalecinski : Colin Philips : Bron Parnis : John Conlon

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Public Meetings are held on the last Friday of every month [except December] at 7.00pm sharp at the Kenmore Library, Meeting Room 3, Kenmore Village Shopping Centre, 9 Brookfield Road, Kenmore.

2015 Meeting Dates: Friday November 27, 7.00pm December - no meeting 2016 Meeting Dates: Friday January 29, 7.00pm Friday February 26, 7.00pm Friday March 25, 7.00pm Topics will be advertised at http://uforq.asn.au/ meetings/, on Facebook, or how about joining our email list for all the latest updates? Email us at info@uforq.asn.au for more information. If you can’t make it to our public meetings tune in to the Witching Hour on 4ZZZ (102.1FM) Saturdays 1012pm. Stream or listen on demand: www.4zzzfm.org.au/program/thewitching-hour

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from the


If you could write a letter to ET, what would you say? This is the question being posed by the Breakthrough Initiative (http://www.breakthroughinitiatives.org/), who have launched an international competition to create messages that can be ‘read’ by civilisations other than our own. By which they mean ET. Natch. Actually, the Breakthrough Initiative team refers to ET as ‘advanced’ civilisations, but I feel that’s a bit short-sighted. Why should we assume that extra-terrestrials are always going to be smarter than us? What happens if – heaven forbid!! – we turn out to be the advanced civilisation? This topic is far too philosophical to be explored in the space of this editorial, but suffice it to say that humanity is displaying its collective ignorance. Again. It’s a bit like a well-worn petticoat under a too-short skirt, and the petticoat is always hanging out. We’re dumb, and we’re not smart enough to know it. If making contact with other intelligences really mattered to us, shouldn’t we be writing letters to civilisations of all intellectual capacities? Shouldn’t our foray into space be the equivalent of somebody moving into a new neighbourhood and sending out a tray of shortbread to the neighbours, or distributing lovely little notes on embossed notepaper that say ‘Hi, this is my name and this is where I live and can we pretty please be friends?’

For a start, I would not assume that the intelligences I am reaching out to are smarter than me. I wouldn’t assume they’re dumber than me, either. I would write to them as equals. And I wouldn’t brag. I wouldn’t be writing things like, ‘Hey! Did you know E=mc2?’ because I don’t want them to think my scientific development reached its peak about a hundred years ago. I wouldn’t be telling them about all the nuclear bombs I’ve made either, coz that might predispose them against me moving into the neighbourhood. I wouldn’t mention anything about the fact that even now, in the twenty-bloody-first century we are STILL fighting wars over religion. And I would undoubtedly skirt red-faced around the fact that poverty still cripples the majority of the people on our planet while a small minority jealously guards all the wealth. I might tell them that we have the ability to remove hair from our bodies permanently, but I won’t bring up the fact that we’d rather put our effort into hair removal than putting it into curing cancer. Actually, I won’t even mention the hair bit, in case they think we’re Neanderthals. All of which doesn’t leave me with much to put in my letter. Which means I’m back to the shortbread, and a neatly printed note that reads: ‘Hi, I’m not a Neanderthal, would you like to meet up for lunch some time? Oh, but you’ll have to come over to my place… unless you guys have Uber where you are?’ It will be interesting to see the types of entries the Breakthrough Initiative receive for their competition, and I look forward to reading the winning letter. Although, at this stage in the proceedings it’s safe to assume that any civilisation that is more intelligent than we are is already reading our letters… and what an embarrassing lot of boring twaddle that must be.


That would be the smart thing to do. But rather than send out little notes, the Breakthrough Initiative has offered a million dollar prize for somebody (anybody) to come up with a greeting a lot more complicated than a tray of shortbread. And the competition is open to everybody, from school children to scientists to the person that glops your chocolate shake into a cup. It’s even, believe it or not, open to you. So, for a million bucks, what would you write? Well, I could really do with that million bucks, so here goes:

“Is that reverse charges?”

UFO Reports. . . 4 Spaceship Earth . . . 6 Project Newsprint . . . 7 Return to Kings Tableland. . . 10 NOT the Headlines . . . 14



UFO reports Adelaide, 22 September, 2015

Northern Gold Coast, 29 September 2015

A witness saw a large object low in the sky which looked like a big bright star. He shone a high powered spotlight at it and it disappeared. Twelve months previously he was outside having a cigarette. He looked at the sky and saw eight lights that he thought didn’t belong. Then he saw a faint blue-purple light that emanated like corrugated sheeting and rippled down towards the ground. Twenty two years previously the witness was with his father when they saw a big bright ball of light in the sky about 300ft high and 300-400 metres from their location.

For a couple of mornings around 3:30 – 4.00am my wife has sighted strange lights east of Ormeau, northern Gold Coast, out towards Jacobs Well way. She said the first light a couple of days ago was a flash of white light that came from the sky like a laser that fanned out as it got closer to the ground. She said no storms and not lightning. It was followed a few minutes later by a big wide flash coming up from the ground skywards. This has now happened twice.

Forbes, NSW, 26 September, 2015, 2.00am Three people were sitting around a campfire, when one said to the others “look at that”. They looked towards the northern sky and saw a light hovering, at times twisting and shooting away only to return to its original location. Then smaller lights appeared in the sky, at one stage organising themselves in a straight line. These smaller lights were blue, red and orange. The witnesses watched the lights from 2am to 5am until they disappeared in the light of the rising sun. They were adamant the lights were not planes or helicopters and didn’t believe in UFOs until they had seen these lights themselves.

Surfers Paradise, 28 September, 2015 Two men had taken a video of a white dot moving across the sky. They didn’t want to release it to UFORQ but preferred someone to look at it at their home. This report was referred to Peter Matic on the Gold Coast. On 4 October, 2015 Peter called to report he had visited the men to view their footage which revealed an object flashing as it flew across the Moon. He reported the footage of the object was only a few seconds long and there was not enough data in the footage to reveal anything to aid identification.

Ormeau, 28 September 2015, 3.30am White and blue light beam. Dissipated vertically downwards over a reservoir in the south east.


Stanthorpe, 1 October 2015, 7.45pm Was out on the Southern Downs region on Thursday night 1st October 2015 at around 7.45pm, not far north of Stanthorpe QLD (The Summit). My sister and I were working out how to get a semi-trailer into her side paddock for a delivery, and then where it could turn the easiest for an early delivery the next morning. She shone a torch in the general direction of some trees directly west of the gates, to indicate a clear turning area, and I spotted an orange light glowing in the sky off in the distance off to the northern side of the Passchendaele Television transmitter, but what appeared to be above the tower. Hard to judge distance and altitude in the total darkness. We watched this orange light as it pulsed on and off, then beside it another light pulsed on and off, then another did the same. These appeared from our perspective to be in extreme close proximity to each other, as in [] [] []. There was also an audible low-pitch sounding noise coming from the direction of the lights similar to a distant machine running - like a quarry crusher or a very large fan. Hard to describe in words. Then directly below at quite a distance another one lit up and did the exact same thing, then off to the right at a considerable distance apart, from what we could see, another pulsed set of 3 lights -- all orange too. We were stunned by what we thought we were seeing. Then a fourth set of three repeated the same routine.


I grabbed her LED torch and flashed straight back in their direction, flashing off and on towards them all, and they all stopped pulsing immediately, and the ‘fan/humming’ noise stopped too, we thought they’d gone. Total silence. We stood and waited, and waited -- and SMS’d family as to what we were seeing. Then my wife said had I taken any photos, I hadn’t as I didn’t have the camera phone on me, and hadn’t thought about it due to the total darkness without the torchlight. Quite a few minutes passed and then they started up flashing again, and the humming noise started again, so I shone the torch towards them once again. They stopped flashing once again, and the humming noise also stopped again. I took the torch to the car (about 70+ meters away) and grabbed the phone, and got back to the gate asap. We waited for a short while, and after quite a few minutes wait they came back on, but this time only one of the set of three lights pulsed, also the humming/fan noise had started up again. We were quite excited, and kept the camera recording, as you can hear on the video - I apologise for the noisy comments. Even if we had remained totally quiet the mic probably would not have picked up the fan/humming noise. All up we watched for around 45 minutes, totally fascinating stuff. The video has not been altered or enhanced at all - the lights start at about 22 seconds in. Link to clip is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79xd NNwLKzk&feature=youtu.be

Kalbar, 12 October, 2015, 8pm A farmer living on a 100 acre property became concerned when his dogs began to bark, so he walked outside his


home to investigate what was disturbing them. He looked towards a visitors car parked approximately 30 metres from where he stood but had difficulty seeing the car due to the reflection of a light on the car. He described this as “blurring out” the car. He initially thought he was having problems with his vision, but two seconds later he saw an object appear above the car which he described as looking just like the moon and luminous. It then moved straight up into the sky, changed course to a 45 degree angle, then ‘shot off’ disappearing from view. He called to his family to come outside to see the object but it had already disappeared. He described the object as not being mechanical, perfectly round and if it didn’t move he could have sworn it was the Moon. He had not seen anything like this before. He also said he had heard of reports of UFOs but he never thought he would see this for himself.

Albany Creek, 13 October, 2015, 9.05pm A man was looking east through a glass window in his home when he saw a blue-green object in the sky for about 3 to 4 seconds travelling north to south. He described its location as somewhere between Albany Creek and the Brisbane Airport, approximately a 15 km span in distance. He then walked outside to get a better look at the object and found it had changed its direction of travel to the opposite direction, south to north, then turned towards the east. He watched the object the second time for 5 to 6 seconds before it disappeared. He described the light as constant and intense with the local evening sky having light cloud cover. The witness wondered if the object was a drone which could explain its fast change of direction.



the mysterious city of Nan Madol Off the shores of a tiny island of Pohnpei in the Pacific lay the ruins of an ancient civilization. Built on a coral reef, Nan Madol was once home to the Saudeleur dynasty who ruled the island of Pohnpei for more than a millennium until around 1628. The city spans 80 acres and is constructed in a lagoon and consists of a series of small artificial islands linked by a network of canals. The site core with its stone walls encloses an area approximately 1.5 km long by 0.5 km wide and it contains nearly 100 artificial islets of stone and coral filled platforms bordered by tidal canals. A lot of questions have stumped archaeologists about the mysterious construction of Nan Madol and how the city was built entirely out of gigantic magnetized basalt crystals, some weighing as much as fifty tons, but obtained from quarries very far away. In total the city contains approximately 250 million tons of the prismatic basalt rock, but how were they moved to the location? Building Nan Madol and moving these giant stones required an extreme amount of effort and expertise in construction, but the technology utilised by these ancient people to create the city still baffles scientific explanation today. The unusual location of this stone city also raises questions. And why build a city on a coral reef only 5 ft above water level? What was the purpose of Nan Madol? In the early twentieth century, when the island was under German rule, Governor Victor Berg entered the sealed tomb of Nan Mandol and opened the coffin of the ancient island rulers. He found skeletons of giants two to three meters tall but who were these mysterious giants, why did they build Nan Madol and why did they mysteriously vanish? The mythology of the indigenous people talks about an alien God with a fire spitting dragon who cast a magic spell to cause the basalt beams to fly across the ocean from

a very distant quarry, but could these descriptions of a spitting dragon have actually been some type of aircraft or rocket propelled vehicle? While mainstream scientists have ridiculed any such probability, they haven’t been able to answer any questions logically. Could it be that these ancient people actually had the ability to move these large stones over the ocean themselves? Or is it a possibility they had help by others with advanced technical capabilities, and could they have been extraterrestrials? We may never know the answer to that question and many ,more still remain such as - Why was Nan Madol constructed in such a remote place? Was it to make it inaccessible to the rest of the world? Was some activity carried out there that its designers didn’t want our ancestors to know? Could it have been some kind of a testing ground or a research facility? How were the materials quarried and carried to the construction site? The description depicted in local legends of “basalt pillars landing from the skies in neat piles” certainly seems accurate because, to this day, these pillars still look as if placed in a neat pile without use of mortar or any other technology. How is this possible? One thing is for certain, the mysterious city of Nan Madol looks like it’s been transplanted from another place, but the question that still baffles us today is – from where and by who? About Sheryl Gottschall Sheryl is a UFO and paranormal researcher who has had her own ET contact experience and UFO sightings, as well as a near death experience and many other experiences with the paranormal. She is also the president of UFO Research Queensland Inc and you can contact her on 07 3376 1780 or info@ uforq.asn.au. You can also message her via Facebook.




Australian UFO researcher, Keith Basterfield, has undertaken another project, this time to search the archives of Trove, an online collection of digitised Australian newspapers to see what UFO reports he could discover. The following is Keith’s report on stage one of his project from Western Australia, dating back to the 1890s. The initial stage of my year long project to collect sightings reports, from rural and remote Australia, is drawing to a close in Western Australia. It is now time to take a look at what I found in this state.

Older sightings Firstly, I collected a lot of older sightings in the time range 1890’s to 1997. A representative list follows: Undated “My family used to camp a lot and I remember dad saw a UFO. He actually reported it to the authorities. There were no reported planes in that area that night. Nothing ever came of it.” Source: Exmouth Adventure Facebook page 6 June 2014. Undated “My late bro in law used to see a lot of night activity at Waroora station. He saw the Min Min light a lot and other strange stuff early hours of the morning. Too weird to tell.” Source: Exmouth Adventure Facebook page 6 June 2014. Undated “My late brother Ray and wife Lorna didn’t believe in UFOs ... and had to drive a concrete mixer truck to Perth once for repair. Both went together and as they approached Three Springs about 2am they saw a light shining on the moonlit night from way up. It was a beam shining down on the cemetery in Three Springs that scared the life out of Ray and Lorna so much that he put his


foot down and Lorna laid on the floor of the truck until they got out of town. They became believers of course.” Source: Exmouth Adventure Facebook page 6 June 2014. 1890’s An elderly lady recounted an observation of her father. “He was a bushman, his name was Jack. He worked in the north-western part of Australia and used to use a dray and four horses to cart things around. One day he was plodding along when he saw this light coming straight towards him, just before it reached him it separated into two lights which flew separately either side of the horses. The horses were scared and started going out of control. He did not see what happened to the lights.” Source: AUFORN compiled reports, issue 23, August 2001. 1960’s early 70’s “My father and his friend travelled around Australia in his early years. He was in his late 20’s I think. He was able to get work at Exmouth setting up the communications, this is where he and about 200 people witnessed a craft directly above them. The Americans would set up an outside picture theatre for the staff every weekend and whilst they were watching the film the craft appeared above them. Left at an incredible pace. This is the story my father told me as a child. Would have been in the late 60’s I guess or early 70’s.” Source: Email from Kris to Keith Basterfield 2 Nov 2015.


1968-1973 “We saw many UFOs over the ranges and over the town in 1968-1973 looked like large golf shiny balls sitting on top of Charlie Knife Road we always saw them anytime any year. One night we went out to shoot a roo and came back as quick as we could when we saw something landing in the bush at night. We went flat strap back home.” Source: Exmouth Adventure Facebook page 3 June 2014. 1973 “In 1973 as a rigger on the towers, myself, ... saw a metallic object above the towers for more than an hour. We reported it to the Navy and never heard another thing about it.” Source: Exmouth Adventure Facebook page 20 Nov 2015 1974 “Geraldton to Exmouth. Early hours of morning. Driving a few kilometres after crossing Lyndon River. Unsealed road. Dad and I also out fishing one evening just on dusk and saw something much like Bill had seen. It was approximately 1974 as I remember being home from boarding school. It was at the light house beach. We were pretty excited. I remember dad calling the RAAF base to report the incident but no report of any aircraft in the area at the time.” Source: Exmouth Adventure Facebook page. 1975 “Interesting to read your post. I actually am still convinced to this day that I saw a UFO sitting on the Canyons. There was Kev, me and two others driving out to Kailis for the cockroach races. This was about 1975. I saw this huge thing sitting on top of the canyon. I mentioned it but they remarked it was the Moon. Wasn’t until we got to Kailis that I noticed the full Moon was actually over the opposite end of the gulf! I never mentioned it again.” Source: Exmouth Adventure Facebook page 6 June 2014. 1981 While driving between Exmouth and the Naval Communication Station, an individual reported an unusual very bright light in the sky over a period of time. Source: http://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com.au/2015/10/ sightings-at-us-navcommsta-harold-e.html 1991 “Don’t know if it’s the same incident but it would have been about 1991. I think we told what we’d seen – on a night


mobile APS patrol, when departing HFR access road, we saw a stationary solid light to the south, “about 2000 feet up.” It paced us enroute to Exmouith, then veered off over Learmonth airfield. It stopped for about 30 seconds then it did a couple of passes over the field. Stopped after each pass (passes were in an instant), then went straight up till it was out of sight – again, in an instant.” Source: Exmouth Adventure facebook page 19 Nov 2015. 1992/1993 A spectacular nocturnal encounter involving a civilian and two Australian Federal Police officers.Source: http:// ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com.au/2015/10/anextraordinary-close-encounter-near.html Mid 1990’s. “I have seen some strange lights out by the VLF in the mid 90’s.” Source: Exmouth Adventure facebook page 19 Nov 2015. WA newspaper websites I took a look at a number of websites for Western Australian newspapers, and found that they had not carried many stories at all, from locations in WA, about UAP. They carried pieces about sightings in other parts of Australia, but not local ones.

In summary 1. My original aim for the Project was to investigate whether or not there existed recent (say over the last ten years) interesting UAP reports in rural and remote Australia .I believe that part one of the Project, in Western Australia shows that not only are there such reports, but that a large number of unknown older sighting reports have simply lain there waiting for someone like me to ask people to talk about them. 2. There is a definite shift in recent years, away from reporting sightings through newspaper to reporting through social media, particularly Facebook, as evidenced by the existence of such Facebook groups as “Pilbara UFO” and “Exmouth Adventure.” No doubt there are other such pages which I didn’t come across. 3. A concluding remark is, that I remain amazed that none of the state based UAP groups has undertaken this sort of Project that I have commenced upon. 4. The next state on my list is Victoria.


UFORQ - PUBLIC MEETING REVIEW Damien John Nott - November 27, 2015

Alan Reading

Damien John Nott is a UFO and paranormal experiencer and has been filming and photographing UFOs since the age of nine. He recently premiered the documentary “Australian Skies” to Ozzie audiences. As our last special guest speaker for 2015 he showed us a HUGE collection of his work including video footage of night time and daytime (rare) UFOs as well as some curious images of a ghostly apparition visiting him while he slept. Some of his skywatch films included UFOs moving in front of and then behind clouds, UFOs flying above commercial aircraft and reappearing on the other side, and shots of UFOs with multiple witnesses also in the pictures. Amazing! He then laughed at his run-in with the Australian Skeptics Association and how they offered him $100,000 if he could prove aliens existed! Interestingly Damien said he has also dreamt lucidly of alien contact and being on alien craft, which he dismissed as a by-product of being so involved within the ufology phenomena. He also spoke of his apparent gift of being able to sense when sightings were imminent. An obvious gift when you look at all the evidence he’s produced. Great work Damien, we can’t wait for your next instalment!


Public Meetings are held on the last Friday of every month [except December] at 7.00pm sharp at the Kenmore Village Library. Topics are advertised on our website - http://uforq. asn.au/meetings/, and on Facebook - https://www.facebook. com/pages/UFO-Research-Queensland-Inc/ 234668694323



On the morning of Friday 24th October 1975, about 7.00am, a flying saucer-type craft suddenly appeared from clouds to the north-east to fly over the eastern end of Grose Valley. It approached in a rapid descent and flew low over Wentworth Falls, emitting a hissing sound as it passed over the east side of the town at great speed, before crashing into a deep gully towards the far end of Kings Tableland. According to eyewitnesses on a property south of the town, who chanced to see the approaching craft, there was a distant explosion and smoke began issuing from the dense gum forest that covers the region. The family, who have never wanted to be named, were about 20km from the crash site. According to the father, the craft was on a north-east to south-west course. As the family took turns watching the crash site with the father’s binoculars, four military helicopters were observed emerging from somewhere in the Burragorang Valley. These appeared to contain Australian troops and an apparent fire-fighting unit, according to campers on the Tableland, who also saw the crash and worked their way towards the scene, only to be stopped by military personnel and ordered out of the area. As the family on the property watched, two large helicopters were afterwards observed to carry off large sections of the wreckage on cables, high over the forest canopy and out of sight into the Burragorang Valley. From some distance away Military helicopters were seen by people moving back and forth well into the following day with ‘bits and pieces’, and the area was sealed off to campers and sightseers for the next few days. An official announcement that a meteorite had crashed and created a ‘bushfire hazard’ fooled no-one and there then descended the usual government and military media cover-up. The terrain in which the so-called ‘meteorite crash’ had occurred is situated in almost inaccessible forest and scrubland. This incident took place while my wife and I were on a Queensland expedition and I only learnt about it after we returned home. Once we had gathered all the known facts, we realised


that the south-west direction of the descending craft, had it not crashed, would have taken it to a point in the Burragorang Valley where a hidden flight entrance of the top secret American-Australian underground space travel research base complex is situated. If anyone has attempted to search for any overlooked fragments from the crash since 1975, they have returned empty-handed and after forty years no locals appear to recall the incident. Of course a few have passed on or moved elsewhere, and the ‘trail’ has gone ‘cold,’ as it were. ‘Cold’ to others but not the Gilroys. The terrain into which that ‘saucer’ plummeted is too rough for Heather and I wouldn’t think of having her face the difficult task of fighting her way through that scrub. On Tuesday 3rd February 2009 I carried out a lone search deep in the densely-forested gully, to discover that recent heavy rains had washed away a 30cm deep leaf litter covering of a lengthy shoal of vitrified soil, something which only a blast of excessive heat could have done. Here I came across the impression of a humanoid body, and as it was near the ‘crash scene’ I wondered if this impression had been made by a body of one of the ET crew? I photographed the impression, at that time filled with leaf litter, then returned a few days later with casting plaster.

A close-up of the mountainous terrain into which the UFO crashed and exploded.Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2015


The impression measured 94cm long by 77cm wide across the outstretched arms. The head was roundish and came to appoint at the crown and there was a high forehead. The cast showed there were two eye sockets measuring 4.5cm wide by 4cm long, separated from one another by a gap of 2cm. There was an open mouth 4.5cm wide by 2cm high. To go into every fine detail about the cast body is not possible here due to the limitations of space, but it was obvious to me that the being had been blown from the disintegrating spacecraft upon impact, and that the body had struck the earth with some force and face down. The excessive heat dried up body liquids and therefore some degree of shrinkage was obvious. Yet I knew that I was judging the shrinkage and decomposition on Earthling standards as nobody as yet has any evidence on the kind of body tissue of any extraterrestrial being. The cast was done in sections for storage purposes and removed once it was completely dry. The full story is found in the Gilroy’s book ‘The Energy Beings – ET Abductions form Beyond Time” [URU Publications, 2012]. We have long wondered if any other remains of the crash still lie scattered about that gully. It was fortunate for us that the military did not notice the ET body, even if it had been blown a considerable distance from the exploding spacecraft upon impact. And what of the rest of the crew -- were they totally disintegrated, or could their remains have been found and spirited away into the Burragorang Base. In previous articles, and in our new UFO books, we have written on the ‘Time Window’ experiments being carried out in the depths of the Burragorang and how the scientists ‘down there’ are able to place the Base surface on another time period in the past, so as to change the look of the surface surroundings to protect the flight

The ET head shown with and without felt pen outline. Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2015.


entrances etc. from being found, either by people on the ground or by nosey aircraft pilots. Could this be why would-be investigators have either found nothing in that gully, or at times find the area totally impossible to penetrate due to the incredibly dense foliage? It is certain this gully’s appearance is periodically changed, and that anyone able to penetrate it to its bottom, if lucky, gets a very strong feeling of being watched by invisible eyes until they leave. Even this author, while casting the ET body, was overcome by the strong feeling that I was being observed. Of course it is very likely that surveillance cameras, operated from the underground base, are strategically placed around that area, so that no visitors go un-noticed. The enormity of the Burragorang underground complex, with its extensions into nearby Wollondilly Valley, northwards to the Wollemi wilderness, suggests that a strong military force is present there for security purposes. And then we must consider the offshoot tunnel systems linking great complexes in various Central Western and coast/offshore extended bases, meaning that we are dealing with many thousands of defence and other security personnel, not forgetting the thousands of defence and security personnel and the thousands of civilians living in situations that parallel a surface existence. ***** I am planning to make another effort to enter that gully again in search of any ‘bits and pieces’ that may have escaped the notice of the Burragorang personnel at the time of their recovery of the spacecraft fragments. In a National Park one expects to occasionally see a park ranger or two, but one day in June 2008 a hiker, Bill Dakin, told me on the phone that he had just seen a whole convoy of Australian Army vehicles with a good number of Australian and some American soldiers in the trucks, accompanied by three National Parks and Wildlife Service fourwheel-drive vehicles, driving up a fire trail otherwise usually padlocked from public entry but for hikers, to turn north and continue along the McMahons Lookout Road. Returning to his car he drove along the road, and eventually came to the turn-off that goes down into the Burragorang/ Jamieson Valley. He said he was just in time to see the convoy disappearing down this road, which is also blocked to public transport.


Bill is not the only witness to joint Australian-American military activities hereabouts, which have been going on for years. The past history of the Burragorang Base is too well known to go into in great detail, other than to say that a secret presence of Australian military Intelligence personnel, alongside ASIO agents, as well as American FBI and CIA people are present in Blue Mountains towns, as well as Penrith and Lithgow to our knowledge, monitoring everything going on in the Burragorang, as well as other Base entrances near Lithgow, Capertee and in the Wollemi interior.

The Burragorang Valley secret underground Australian/ American space technology research centre, copied from a map provided by a former government employee to the late Don Boyd, former editor of “Psychic Australian” magazine in 1980. Sketch copyright © Rex Gilroy 2015.

Some of these agents are connected not only with security matters but with keeping UFO sightings from the general public, and in preventing media publicity on local UFO activity suppressed. Lately the Gilroys’ attention has focused upon the number of ‘saucer nests’ that have been found over recent years in the Blackheath bushland bordering the Grose Valley and in the depths of the Kanangra Boyd National Park and Wollemi wilderness. There have also been sightings of ‘saucers’ moving over the southwest end of Burragorang Valley and western end of the equally rugged Wollondilly valley. This ‘flap’ of sightings made by isolated property owners and others, has in fact been going on for years, showing that there is SOMETHING MIGHTY FISHY GOING ON out there in the Blue Mountains wilderness country. In the past I have spoken of the apparent contact established as early as the 1960s between American [NASA] scientists and a friendly Extraterrestrial civilisation. As a result, the original 1950s purpose of the

Base, ie of developing nuclear weapons in the wake of the beginning of the Cold War, was changed overnight to the development of an advanced space travel technology far in advance of anything Earth scientists have been able to develop -- on the surface. Thus, from small beginnings as a secret World War Two communications base two storeys deep at the southwest corner of the Burragorang, to its development as a large top-secret underground nuclear weapons development centre, under a joint agreement of the Australian and American governments, the Burragorang complex, at about 100 levels deep, has gone on to become an incredibly vast space travel research centre that now covers virtually the whole of the Blue Mountains [underground]. For those seeking more information we recommend our book “Blue Mountains Triangle – Secret Underground Australian/American Bases and the ET Connection” [URU Publications 2006]. The great Blue Mountains/Burragorang Underground space-base is undoubtedly the greatest UFOlogical mystery in Australia. Hardly a week passes without UFOs seen flying in or out of the Burragorang Valley or any one of the other flight entrances elsewhere across the Blue Mountains for that matter, both day and night.

This huge glowing object descended from the clouds at sunset, Saturday 2nd March 1996. It was seen by many people flying over Valley Heights coming from the southeast at high speed. Many people observed its shape to be saucer-like, and that it changed flight angles as it flew over Bullaburra, adopting a vertical position as it descended on its approach to Kings Tableland south of Wentworth Falls township. Here it slowed down, to be met by a military helicopter [barely seen to right of UFO], which escorted it across Burragorang Valley, where it descended into the Australian/American ‘base’ area. This photo was taken by Mr Frank Beale as the craft flew over Kings Tableland. The ‘official’ RAAF explanation to the many eyewitness phone calls? The object was nothing more than a “large meteorite”. Obviously this was a passenger-carrying meteorite! Photo courtesy Frank Beale.


I was the first researcher to begin an investigation of this Base back in 1965, never imagining that it would be extended beyond Burragorang Valley. No magazine article of mine could ever cover the entire mystery and Heather and I will direct readers to our UFO books on the subject, and more are in the pipeline. Fifty years of UFO/Burragorang etc space base research convinces me that we are not alone in this Universe, and that the Burragorang/Blue Mountains ‘underland’ complexes are playing a major role in the exploration, and indeed colonisation of other worlds in space.


UK TEAM PLANS ‘UNSENT LETTER’ TO ALIENS http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-34211549

A network of UK researchers has decided to compose a message to aliens - but they are divided over whether such a message should be sent into space. The group will enter the Breakthrough Message contest, which offers a $1m prize for creating a digital missive that represents human civilisation. That prize accompanies a new effort to accelerate the search for extra-terrestrial intelligence (Seti). Experts have argued for decades about the wisdom of broadcasting into space. Listening out for aliens is one thing, but trying to contact them raises myriad concerns about what happens when civilisations collide. The diversity of views was obvious at a conference of the UK Seti Research Network (UKSRN) in Leeds, where the group’s 20 members were split down the middle in an informal vote. “We did a show of hands and we were perfectly evenly split,” said Dr Anders Sandberg, speaking to journalists at the British Science Festival in Bradford. Dr Sandberg, a philosopher from the Future of Humanity Institute at the University of Oxford, found himself voting twice. “I’m a typical philosophy department guy. I raised my hand in both cases and they were all laughing at me.” But the group settled firmly in favour of composing a message, even if it might never leave the planet. “What we could agree on was that it was worthwhile and important to try to devise that message, so that we can reach the best possible version,” Dr Sandberg said. He and three other UKSRN members have formed a working group to “thrash out the basics” of how their message might be composed and what it might contain. For example, they might draft two suggestions: one using pictures, and one using more abstract content such as language or mathematics. Other than its $1m (£0.65m) spoils, the details of the Breakthrough Message prize, funded by tech billionaire Yuri Milner, are yet to be announced. But the competition is open to anyone. “There’s a fair chance that we’ll get beaten by a schoolgirl somewhere, and in that case more power to her!” Dr Sandberg said. If the British team’s bid is successful, Dr Sandberg said they would plough the prize money back into Seti research,


which has historically struggled for funding and credibility in the UK. “We would use it to build up a slightly bigger Seti research community in the UK, because this has never really been funded. The giggle factor is pretty high.” Whoever wins the prize, Breakthrough Initiatives have pledged not to transmit the message until a “wide-ranging debate” about the risks and rewards has taken place. “It seems a bit silly in a sense, this prize for a message that they promise not to send,” Dr Sandberg said. “But on the other hand, from a scientific perspective, it’s a really interesting question: how do you construct a message that an alien intelligence could receive?” Dr Jill Stuart, who studies space law and policy at the London School of Economics, is not a member of the UKSRN but welcomed the group’s decision to draft an interstellar introduction. She strongly supports the notion of announcing humanity’s presence in the cosmos. “I’m very explicitly in favour,” Dr Stuart said, “not only because I think it’s worth trying to contact them, but because of what I think it makes us do - reflecting back on ourselves, building a potential regime for how we could communicate, and so on.” But many researchers are much more wary about hitting “send”, for various reasons - and these are arguments Dr Sandberg has heard many times. “The most naive one would be that aliens will come and eat us or invade us,” he said. “That is probably not very likely. But a more sophisticated version is that we have seen what happens when more advanced civilisations encounter less advanced ones.” On the other hand, we might learn something important. “We have a lot of these uncertainties, but we also know that our own civilisation is in a fair bit of trouble. We face some pretty big threats. “That means it might be a good idea to gamble, and hope there is someone slightly older and wiser out there. If aliens told us something about how to handle our climate, or artificial intelligence, we might want to listen.”


what didn’t make it to...



Nation Demands NASA Stop Holding Press Conferences Until They Discover Some Little Alien Guys http://www.theonion.com/article/nation-demandsnasa-stop-holding-press-conferences-51412 WASHINGTON—Emphasizing that they only wanted to hear announcements about actual cool stuff in space, millions of impatient Americans flat-out demanded Monday that NASA stop holding all press conferences until they discover some little alien guys. “Nobody even cares that there’s some water on Mars; we have water on Earth—so you shouldn’t even bother having a stupid press conference unless there’s proof of alien guys with a bunch of eyes or tentacles or something,” said Fort Wayne, IN resident Kyle Schultz, echoing the sentiment of Americans across the country who insisted that NASA stop telling them about new black holes, asteroids, or a type of element on another planet’s surface until they have pictures of orange or purple aliens running around a weird futuristic city. “And none of that microscopic organism crap. It should be real alien dudes with way more arms than humans and that can talk using their minds instead of their mouths. We really don’t want to know about any new types of rocks or that the temperature on a faraway world is hotter or colder.” At press time, the U.S. populace had immediately stopped listening to a press conference on the Mars rover’s progress into Marathon Valley after realizing it did not involve brokering a peace treaty with a village of little alien guys who lived there.

Can These Sensors Scientifically Prove UFOs Exist? http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2015/10/newufo-tracking-project-seti A group of scientists and academics from around the world has launched a new effort called UFODATA, which stands for UFO Detection and Tracking, to apply some rigorous scientific research to the study of UFOs. This allvolunteer, nonprofit project that includes scientists from the United States, Italy, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and Chile intends to use scientific data and research methods to advance an issue that has largely been confined to the margins (at best) of the traditional scientific community.


“It’s abundantly clear that we’re not going to make progress in understanding whatever is causing the unknown UFO reports and sightings without getting the type of data we want to collect,” says Mark Rodeghier, scientific director and president of the J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies in Chicago, and now a UFODATA board member. “More witness testimony, where they fill out a form and tell you what they saw, is not going to help us solve the problem,” he says. The problem that Rodeghier is referring to is the frequent, inexplicable sightings of aerial phenomena. The group of about 15 scientists, engineers, astronomers, professors, and a journalist intend to install a series of automated surveillance stations loaded with scientific research tools at various locations in known UFO hotspots such as those in the western United States and in Hessdalen, Norway. The stations will be used to photograph unidentified objects and analyze the light coming from them in order to learn more about the sources of energy powering them. People have done this sort of thing in the past, but never before in such a coordinated and scientifically rigorous way. The sensors that the group hopes to build will include several high-resolution cameras fitted with spectrographic grating, which is a method for analyzing the type of light the camera is seeing, and the ways that energy might be affecting the atmosphere around the light source. Here is a video explaining the process. Other equipment includes a magnetometer, used to measure electromagnetic radiation, as well as a Geiger counter and a weather station. “In this area of science (physics, astronomy, etc.) the best way to learn about something is to get its spectra,” Rodeghier says. He compares it to a rainbow, which is a “spectra” of the sun’s light. “You can see the elements it’s composed of, you can also tell things about its temperature and pressure. There are many, many things that you can learn from a spectra and associated data.” These sensors aren’t cheap. Each one will cost between $10,000 and $20,000, the group says, which they’re hoping to raise through crowdfunding and other donations. “UFODATA will rely on crowd funding to finance the stations, allowing the millions of people who take UFOs seriously to be involved in the effort, independent of the scientific establishment,” wrote Leslie Kean, an American journalist and the author of UFOs: Generals, Pilots and


Government Officials Go on the Record. After covering the issue for years, she’s also now a board member for UFODATA. Kean announced the project on her Huffington Post blog earlier this week. The all-volunteer group hopes to raise enough money to build one prototype station, test it, and prove the concept. Next year they plan to raise additional funds, Rodeghier says, after the project is better known and a more robust volunteer staff is in place. Rodeghier says more reliable and scientific data will not only advance understanding of UFOs, but might also serve to persuade the public at large that this issue merits more serious examination. Nonetheless, the organizers appreciate that “the UFO community and the UFO problem is something that is pretty much looked down upon by what I call the establishment,” Rodeghier says. “That includes scientists, big media, and politicians, Washington. All those people—and I’m speaking broadly because there’s always exceptions—think the UFO problem, they laugh at it, it’s to be ridiculed, and certainly shouldn’t be supported and funded. And so yes, this is part of an effort, is to say, ‘This problem is serious. It’s like any other scientific problem.’” But even the new organization has had to grapple internally with the taboo of scientific discussion of UFOs. The initial UFODATA team includes four “silent advisors”—two full professors, an attorney, and an astronomer—who “are prepared to lend a hand, but because of the cultural stigma attached to UFOs—or because of a personal preference for anonymity—have chosen to keep their involvement private” according to the group’s website.

Obama says UFOs aren’t ‘as top secret as you’d think’ http://rogueplanet.tv/obama-says-ufos-arent-as-topsecret-as-youd-think/4350 It’s no surprise that President Barack Obama gets asked about UFOs and aliens from time to time. But in a recent interview with GQ, it was the President who brought up these topics.

On Monday, November 17, GQ published an interview with Obama conducted by on-air sports personality Bill Simmons. During the interview, Simmons asks, “Have you ever said, ‘Give me the JFK-assassination files, I want to read them. Give me all the secret stuff’?” The President responds: “I gotta tell you, it’s a little disappointing. People always ask me about Roswell and the aliens and UFOs, and it turns out the stuff going on that’s top secret isn’t nearly as exciting as you expect. In this day and age, it’s not as top secret as you’d think.” Unfortunately, there is no follow up or further elaboration on these comments in the GQ interview. Jimmy Kimmel asked Obama about UFOs and Area 51 back in March of 2015. In that interview, the President made it clear that he is unable to disclose any information about aliens because they “exercise strict control over us.” Of course, President Obama was joking. Or was he? Ben Hansen, former FBI special agent and host of Syfy’s Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files analyzed Obama’s interview with Kimmel and concluded that the President was being truthful when he said, “I can’t reveal anything,” which shouldn’t be surprising. Naturally, the President of the United States is going to have knowledge related to top secret issues, which he cannot divulge to the public. But, then again, if UFOs aren’t “as top secret as you’d think,” then what’s preventing the President from openly discussing the topic?

Former RAF engineer: MI5 ‘paid people to fake crop circles’ to discredit UFO research http://www.express.co.uk/news/science/607074/ Former-RAF-engineer-MI5-paid-people-to-fake-cropcircles-to-discredit-UFO-research A former RAF engineer has sensationally claimed MI5 paid hoaxers to create fake crop circles to discredit genuine UFO sightings as part of a “Men in Black” cover up agenda. David Clayton, who is an expert on crop circles and animal mutilations, both allegedly carried out by visiting aliens, told the UFO Truth Magazine international annual conference of a sinister plot by spooks to ensure the truth never gets out. Mr CLayton told of seeing crop circles in the 1980s that could not have been made by hoaxers, and therefore must have been alien in origin, because the plants within the circle had not been flattened by physical force, but by heat. Mr Clayton admitted that most crop circles that had been highlighted since the 1990s were fakes, but real ones had been found. He claimed British intelligence



Now there have reportedly been numerous cases of dogs getting sick after being walked along what is now known as the UFO trail. Caroline Peters from Felsted in Essex, is the latest to report her two dogs becoming ill after a visit. She says they got so sick they almost died. She said: “We were there for about an hour-and-a-half. Ruby was off the lead but Sparkie was on the lead. We saw toadstools but they have been ruled out – there was nothing in their tests to suggest there had been any form of poisoning.” agencies were behind the bulk of fake crop circles to make genuine research seem ridiculous. “The press are not doing you a fair turn. It’s time to lift the blinkers a bit and look at the very best evidence. If you do that you will have overwhelming evidence that ET is here and has been for many years.” He said: “MI5 were paying people to muddy the waters.” Gary Hestletine, a fellow Ufologist, who organised the event in Holmfirth, West Yorkshire, said there had been a “deliberate policy” by the authorities to downplay or debunk any unexplainable activity. He also criticised mainstream media for making light of the subject and said the community of believers is “tired of being ridiculed” for their legitimate beliefs.

Both dogs stayed in the vet’s overnight in intensive care, but are now recovering. She has been told it was probably Seasonal Canine Illness - itself a mystery sickness which affects dogs from August to November. Nigel Watson, author of the UFO Investigations Manual, thinks there may be more to it. He said: “Even today ufologists squabble over what really happened at Rendlesham Forest in late December 1980. Did an alien spaceship land here? Were the US airmen who saw the UFO fooled by the light from a nearby lighthouse? Was it a smokescreen to hide a nuclear incident or some other type of covert operation? Or was it a hoax? Health problems and lots of other weird incidents have certainly been associated with Rendlesham.

Express.co.uk has contacted MI5 through the Home Office to put Mr Clayton’s claims to it and awaits a response.

Did parallel universe open up? Hundreds see ‘floating city’ filmed in skies above China

Dogs ‘mysteriously fall ill after being walked in notorious UFO hotspot dubbed UK Roswell’


http://www.express.co.uk/news/science/613970/Dogsmysteriously-fall-ill-after-being-walked-in-notoriousUFO-hotspot-dubbed-UK-Roswell Alien visitors have been held up as one possible causes of sickness in dogs being walked at a notorious UFO hotspot that has been dubbed ‘UK’s Roswell’. Dog walkers have reported their beloved pets becoming ill after being walked in Rendlesham Forest, Suffolk, the scene of a mysterious mass UFO hotspot in 1980 where flying saucers are still reportedly seen.

Chinese TV news reports have told how thousands of residents in TWO areas reported separately seeing a huge city form in the skies.Onlookers, some who are said to have videoed the bizarre event, were said to be mesmerised as a towering city of sky scrapers appeared from the clouds. First thousands reportedly saw a ghostly alien city floating over Foshan in the Guangdong province of China. A few days later people in the province of Jiangxi, China, also reported seeing a similar cloud city.

US military personal based at RAF Woodbridge, next to the forest, reported a series of unexplained lights and even a UFO landing in the forest over the Christmas period. Bizarre UFOs were also seen by residents of the village and the unexplained case remains one of the UK’s most perplexing with the forest regularly visited by alien hunters. It is not the first time the UFO mystery at Rendlesham has been linked to unexplained sickness. The servicemen who “saw the craft land” have since received a payout after being “affected by radiation”.



Weather experts have explained the phenomena as natural mirage, an optical illusion called Fata Morgana. Fata Morgana can be seen on land or sea and involves the optical distortion and inversion of distant objects such as boats, which can appears as skyscrapers because the images become stacked, when rays of light bend as they pass through air of different temperatures such as in a heat haze. But the mystery has sent conspiracy theorists into over drive. It is also possible, considering China’s technological achievements that a top secret holographic technology was tested over a heavily populated area in an effort to gauge the public reaction. There were previous reports of a similar sighting in China in 2011. YouTube channel Paranormal Crucible said in a video report: “The footage captured by a local resident appears to show a huge city floating in the clouds. The apparition, which was witnessed by hundreds of shocked residents, only lasted a few minutes before completely disappearing.” The channel speculated it could be “the result of a project blue beam test.” Project Blue Beam is a prolific conspiracy theory which believes NASA will one day simulate an alien invasion of Earth or second coming of Christ through holograms.

How the sonic ‘tractor beam’ levitates and manipulates objects http://www.csmonitor.com/Science/2015/1028/Howthe-sonic-tractor-beam-levitates-and-manipulatesobjects It may seem straight out of “Star Trek,” but it’s real: Scientists have created a sonic “tractor beam” that can pull, push and pirouette objects that levitate in thin air. The sonic tractor beam relies on a precisely timed sequence of sound waves that create a region of low pressure that traps tiny objects that can then be manipulated solely by sound waves, the scientists said in a new study.

objects.”They really just showed the force was there; they weren’t able to grab or pull anything,” Drinkwater said. The principle behind the new system is simple: Sound waves, which are waves of high and low pressure that travel through a medium such as air, produce force. By tightly orchestrating the release of these sound waves, it should be possible to create a region with low pressure that effectively counteracts gravity, trapping an object in midair. If the object tries to move left, right, up or down, higher-pressure zones around the object nudge it back into its low-pressure, quiet zone. But figuring out the exact pattern of sound waves to create this tractor force is difficult, scientists say; the mathematical equations governing its behavior can’t be solved with a pen and paper. They found three different acoustic force fields that can twirl, grab and manipulate objects. One works like tweezers and seems to grab the particles in thin air. Another traps the object in a high-pressure cage. The third type of force field acts a bit like a swirling tornado, with a rotating high-pressure field surrounding a lowpressure, quiet “eye” that holds the object in place, the researchers report today (Oct. 27) in the journal Nature Communications. To accomplish this task, the team used a tiny array of 64 mini loudspeakers, made by a company called Ultrahaptics, that produce exquisitely timed sound waves with accuracy to the microsecond level. Past acoustic levitation systems have used two or four arrays of these transducers to essentially surround the system, but the researchers’ models allowed them to create the same force field using just one array. The team demonstrated their tractor beam using tiny balls of polystyrene. The size of the low-force region depends on the wavelength: The longer the wavelength, the larger the region of low pressure. The sound intensity determines the maximum density of an object that can be pushed and pulled by the acoustic force, Drinkwater said. “I think, if you pointed this device at a dog, it would hear it for sure,” Drinkwater said. “It wouldn’t like it; it would run away.”

Though the new demonstration was just a proof of concept, the same technique could be adapted to remotely manipulate cells inside the human body or target the release of medicine locked in acoustically activated drug capsules, said study co-author Bruce Drinkwater, a mechanical engineer at the University of Bristol in the United Kingdom. In the past, scientists have used everything from laser beams to superconducting magnetic fields to levitate objects. And in 2014, researchers at the University of Dundee in Scotland showed that acoustic holograms that act like a tractor beam could theoretically suck in



UFO spotter who keeps tweeting Ban Ki-moon to warn about alien scorpions finally gets a response http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/technology-science/ science/ufo-spotter-warns-ban-ki-6720503 Famous skygazer admits to spending years writing to UN secretary-general and pointing him towards spaceships, statues or even lobsters on the Martian surface The UFO spotter Scott Waring claims to have spotted everything from Star Destroyers to “alien scorpions” on the surface of Mars. Now it has emerged that the stargazer has tried to pass on his wacky observations to UN secretary-general Ban Ki-moon. In his latest post for UFO Sightings Daily, Waring claimed to have identified a “baby bear” striding across the surface of the Red Planet.

Comet found spewing booze out into space http://www.theverge.com/2015/10/26/9615392/ comet-lovejoy-ethyl-alcohol-organic-molecules-life Earlier this year, astronomers from the Paris Observatory observed a comet in our Solar System spewing large amounts of ethyl alcohol, the same type found in alcoholic drinks, into space as it passed close by the Sun. The comet — aptly named Comet Lovejoy — spat out the equivalent of “500 bottles of wine every second” when it was most active, according to the researchers. This kind of alcohol has never before been seen coming from a comet. But that’s not the only reason why this finding is important; it can also be used to bolster the idea that comets harbor the kind of complex molecules that are necessary to jumpstart life on planets. Space rocks are very old, with many having formed when our galactic neighborhood first got started. It’s possible comets contain the same materials from the ancient dust and gas cloud that created our Sun and orbiting planets. So present-day comets may serve as a great snapshot of what comets were carrying during the early days of our Solar System.

But he also revealed his ill-fated attempts to try and flag up his bizarre sightings to the UN chief. “I often alert them about these amazing discoveries,” he wrote. Sadly, Waring’s attempts to contact the UN chief on Twitter have met with little success. The only reply came from someone running Ban Kimoon’s Twitter account, who asked Waring to send it to a UN account instead. “As of yet I have gotten only one answer, which was him [Ban Ki-moon] asking me to send it to the @UN account and not his @SecGen account,” Waring confessed. “Then another general at the UN followed me that same day, apparently worried I was off my rocker.” He is not planning to let this setback stand the way of his mission to prove that “midget mini Martians” once lived on Mars alongside other species which left behind a UFO, a floating spoon, a space crab and a Martian version of Stonehenge - among with many, many other things. “I try,” he vowed ungramatically.

That’s why scientists are so interested in comets like Lovejoy; finding organic molecules like this supports the idea that these space rocks jumpstarted life here on Earth by crashing into our planet nearly 4 billion years ago. The only problem with that idea is confirming exactly when these comets started carrying organic molecules. “The next step is to see if the organic material being found in comets came from the primordial cloud that formed the Solar System or if it was created later on,” said study co-author Dominique Bockelée-Morvan from the Paris Observatory. In other words, did Comet Lovejoy get drunk on a properly aged wine or one that wasn’t bottle ready.



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