APSAlute Source

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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Issue 1, Week 2. FREE!

Message from the President Hello friends, I am still quite astonished by how quick this summer has gone by. As of today, UCSD is filled up with students ready to embark on a new academic year. For those of you who are new to this space, I welcome you to APSA. By stepping into this space, you are now part of a family that will provide you growth and support. The beauty about this space is that provides you numerous opportunities for leadership building, community service, networking for jobs/internships/research programs, community building through collaboration with other UCSD organizations, while creating long-lasting friendships. I encourage you all to be involved in the planning process of our biggie events. High School Conference is coming up! Mark your calendars! There are various committees that I’m pretty sure you would love to be a part of. I also recommend applying for the mentor/mentee program. And if you are interested in taking up a leadership position, there are 9 open board positions. I would love to see your passion, creativity, innovation, and leadership ability ooze into this organization. I am looking forward to a strong start this quarter! If you have any questions about APSA in general, you can come talk to me, the board, and/or any experienced general body member. Get ready for a year packed full of events!

Sincerely, Mark Yu 2010-2011 President

In This Issue

D’awww, we’re so cute. APSA Board 2009-2010 and this year’s board share one last moment together. Danny, why didn’t you smile?

Letter from the Editor I’m going to tell you all a story about this one girl (AKA me) who was standing on the corner of the Communidad Room on a winter night. That night she decided to attend an APSA meeting since she had so much fun during the APSA bonfire back in fall quarter. But she came with no friends. People were talking about stuff she never heard of like “summer bridge” and whatnot, and she was getting worried that she didn’t belong in this group. But suddenly, someone came up to her to introduce herself and eventually, they talked to each other as if they were old mates! Honestly, such a rare event could happen only in APSA. Going to that meeting was

Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Where in the world were APSA members this summer?

APSA never takes a break from making a difference! Plus, shout-outs!

Learn more about APSA board (maybe you’ll want to join!)

one of the best decisions of my life and I even invited a couple of friends to join APSA (they’re now on board, HI QUYNH AND HOWARD). Now for the part you don’t need to read. Why doesn’t Adobe just combine Photoshop and InDesign? I shouldn’t be clicking through a million layers just to find the one I wanted to put on top. Thank you boardies who kept your questionnaires SHORT. Your modesty will take you far in life. Please note that Howard Li specifically asked me to include that picture of him eating at Boiling Crab. I find that picture grotesque and cute at the same time. Thieny, What’s that green nail polish you’re wearing in your picture? IT’S SO PRETTY. -LT

Save the date! October 7- Day of Action and FFOG Gather in front of Geisel Library at noon for a rally with the UCSD community in the name of public education. And don’t forget to support APSA by buying our famous lemongrass chicken! Only $5 and it comes with a free drink!

Clockwise from top left: Lucy Truong in San Francisco. Jon Hu, Yen Vu, Christine Ma, and Claudia Pak at Mount Soledad. Samantha Jamimal in Canada with her family. Thieny Nguyen bikes in the Big Apple. Henry Pan, Quynh Quach, Christine Ma, Yen, and Jon gather for Christine’s 22nd birthday (obviously, people who are 20 and under are more mature). Lucy and her brother (the sun was really bright) visit their cousin in Berkeley. Amy Boudsady and her parents in Balboa Park. Amy and her brothers walk through the Japanese Friendship Garden in Balboa Park. Claudia and APSA alum April Ollero at the Louvre.

APSA Access: Summer 2010

Thank you to all of the APSA folks that volunteered their time this summer to make a difference in high school students’ lives!

SIAPS Summer Summit Thank you RAs and volunteers: Amy Boudsady, Christine Ma, Duc Tran, Howard Li, Jonathan Hu, and Quynh Quach

Amy says... Summer Summit was bomb-diggity! I got to check out the talent show and the students were just amazing!!! I helped volunteer on the last day as well. It was definitely a rewarding experience. Side note, I literally got flipped...like a total body flip over by one of the senior student. LOL, one experience I won’t forget ;P

Christine says... I heard about Summer Summit from Access Coordinator Yen Vu who had been involved for the past two summers and she said it was an amazing experience, and she was so right: I had a great time. I was nervous at first because I didn’t have any prior RA experience but you pick it up pretty fast during training and when you’re in the actual program. It’s a packed weekend but these students are so excited to be there that you’re constantly being energized by their enthusiasm. I loved bonding with my students and the other RAs, I learned a lot from them, especially about working in a team. And the Talent Show was a lot of fun, these high schoolers are so talented!

Howard says... During the summer, I was an RA for SIAPS Summer Summit, which was, for me, a truly life-changing experience. I was not only able to connect with students on a personal and emotional level and develop a strong admiration for their diverse talents, personalities, and experiences, but I also got to see how access programs like high school conference, overnight program, and Summer Summit truly make a difference. I watched as students were educated, inspired, empowered, and given the space to learn and grow and express themselves as a result of these programs. The best feeling was knowing that I was a part of it all.

SDAYO Student Panel On September 8, 2010, APSA volunteered to host a UCSD Student Panel for the San Diego Asian Youth Organization. Thank you panelists: Allan Castaneda, Kristian Castro, Jonathan Hu, Christine Ma, Nate Cedilla, and Helen Leung.

APSA’s 17th Annual High School Conference is on Nov. 13th. Come check out the planning meetings (every Wed at 7pm at the CCC Conference room). More info can be found on UCSD APSA‘s Facebook page.

Wish there was more in this newsletter?? Submit your photos, artwork, and articles to Lutruong@ucsd.edu!

Yo Danny

Don’t go sneezing in peoples ears. On a positive note, do it in the Muir Forrest! Enjoy the year and I’ll be back before ya know it! Nicholas Wong

Happy birthday to Quynh Quach and John Lennon! Quynh: You know I have the same birthday as John Lennon? Lucy: REALLY?? OCTOBER 9????? LOLOLOL


Send yours to Lutruong@ucsd.edu

Mark Yu President

APSAd Boar Thai Do

Vice President Finance College: Muir Year in school: 3rd Major: General Biology Guilty Pleasure: Naps Why applied for board: To have fun UCSD Survival Tip: Be positive and keep at it.

Howard Li Gender and Sexuality Coordinator

College: Muir Year in school: 2nd Majors: Biochemistry/Critical Gender Studies/Ethnic Studies/Math Guilty Pleasure: Staying up late for no apparent reason Why applied for board: To challenge myself and be more involved in my community UCSD Survival Tip: Organize your life effectively to get the most out of your college experience.

Quynh Quach

Retention Coordinator College: Sixth Year in school: 3rd Major: Electrical Engineering Guilty Pleasure: Obsessively checking my email every five minutes Why applied for board: To be amongst some very cool and awesome people UCSD Survival Tip: Red Bull and Monster do not count as suitable meals for finals week.

College: Marshall Year in school: 4th Major: Biochemistry/Cell Biology, Healthcare/Social Issues minor Why applied for board: I applied to board to challenge the norm, to disassemble common misconceptions and stereotypes about the API community, to build a stronger API coalition, to understand the struggles of the API community and how these struggles fit/intersect with the struggles of other communities of color, to continue to expand my challenge/comfort zone, to make bonds and long-lasting friendships. UCSD Survival Tips: 10 weeks of the quarter system go by fast! Always make time to study for your midterms ahead of time but also do not forget to take care of your physical and mental health. Exercise to keep you physically healthy and hangout with friends and family to keep you mentally healthy. Do what you love to do and don’t be afraid to try new things! Be open-minded!

Yen Vu

Access Coordinator College: Marshall Year in school: 4th Major: Psychology, ICAM minor Guilty Pleasures: IKEA, music (more so Country music), Mongolian Hotpot (Little Sheep), wasting time, and much more (talk to me and find out!) Why applied for board: To gain a rewarding experience, to learn and grow, and to not only work but have fun and build long-lasting friendships with the most amazing people! UCSD Survival Tip: Time flies so make the most of it; explore San Diego while you’re still here; make friends and create memories; step out of your comfort zone every once in a while and challenge yourself; learn, live, laugh and love as much as possible during your college years

Claudia Pak

VP Internal College: Muir Year in school: 4th Major: Psych, Ethnic Studies minor Guilty Pleasure: Korean music/ television shows/dramas Why applied for board: To give back to my support system that has been my family throughout my college career UCSD Survival Tip: Have fun, but don’t procrastinate!

James Ho Fundraising Coordinator

Lucy Truong

Newsletter Editor College: Sixth Year in school: 3rd Major: Comm, Art History minor Guilty Pleasure: “Old people music” I’’m a big fan girl for many things... Why applied for board: To build my resume and give back to the group that accepts me for who I am UCSD Survival Tip: College is THE place to try new things so don’t hold back (doesn’t apply to partying)!

Joanna Huang Intern

College: ERC Year in school: 4th Major: Communication, International Studies Minor Guilty Pleasure: The Lizze McGuire Movie Why applied for board: To become more involved and meet new people UCSD Survival Tip: Its important to put school first but don’t forget to relax once in a while and have fun! Also study abroad if you can fit it in. I’m in Hong Kong right now!

Tina Patel

Communications College: Marshall Year in school: 3rd Major: Human Biology, Public Service minor Guilty Pleasure: FOOD, video games, dramas, watching Redbox flicks, Jeopardy, singing in the car by myself Why applied for board: To meet new people, have fun, and learn a lot from other people too UCSD Survival Tips: Don’t procrastinate! And when it says “recommended problems,” they really mean “required if you want an A”

College: Warren Year in school: 2nd Major: Cognitive Science Guilty Pleasure: Taking Naps anywhere, anytime >.< Why applied for board: To become more involved in advocating for change on campus UCSD Survival Tips: Do as much as you can (that you enjoy) while you’re in college! :D

Thieny Nguyen Intern

College: Sixth Year in school: 2nd Major: Comm, Public Service minor Guilty Pleasure: Facebook stalking AHAH just keeding. Eating loads of food even when I’m full Why applied for board: Mostly I applied because I wanted to get more involved, be more active, meet more people, and to make an impact on my community UCSD Survival Tips: SLEEP zzzZZ


Yes, you! Ask for a board application! Due on Friday, October 15 at 4PM in the APSA office (3rd floor of PC).

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