Is your child into the right abacus program?

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Is your child into the right abacus program?

Register Your Child in Online Abacus Training Classes by UCMAS - Click Here

Choosing after-school activities for your child is difficult. Not only is it important that the activity should be a good use of their time, but it should also keep them interested.

An abacus or mental math program might fit the shoe just right, especially for the development of a child’s brainpower. Math programs for kids could also form the basis for more complicated subjects in the later years.

Visual mathematics is a newer area of interest for teachers and parents since it equips the learner with the talent of visualizing numbers, bringing them ahead of the competition.

What to look for in an Abacus Program? 

Abacus maths, as discussed above, has become one of the most sought-after programs because it helps brain development in different ways. But it is important to distinguish between a good program and an average one.

Here are a few key things that set an abacus program apart:

1. Do they know their stuff? 

It is important to associate with people who actually believe in their program and have a solid background in the field of abacus training. Trained staff and a well-designed curriculum is a must for you to know how prepared they are.

2. How much attention performance? 






Most after-school programs should make up for what regular school education lacks - attention to the individual’s skill development and not just the overall group. Especially with a program that works to enhance brain capabilities, it is important to track every child’s individual performance.

3. Credibility check 

As a general rule of thumb, especially in terms of newer programs like abacus training, trust is established by knowing that you are associating with a brand and not an individual.


A multi-faceted, multi-cultural learning environment is not easy to find but it would go a long way in keeping the child interested.

4. How do they evaluate performance? 

There are tests and evaluations that could boost the child’s confidence and help him know what he learns.

Right evaluating methods also restore your trust in the brand because you would know exactly what your child is learning and how much.

5. Do they offer online classes during crisis like Covid-19? 

One aspect that helps in determining the seriousness of a program towards child’s learning is their adaptability. In times like these when everyone is staying indoors for long & uncertain period, is the program offering novel ways to ensure that the child’s learning is not hampered? Are they taking online classes to continue your child’s learning sessions and keep them positively engaged? Any program that does this gets a big uptick for their commitment. UCMAS is offering online classes for students to pursue their Abacus leaning and skill development further. To know more about the UCMAS online classes, click here to register for Free Parents Webinar.


If you are wondering where to find UCMAS abacus classes near me, please attend the webinar and get all the details you need.


For more information, visit: To set up an online class for your child, please write to us. Email:

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