4th UCLG World Congress Report

Page 32


Thematic Round-Table 3 Supporting New Local Governance During this period of economic and social transition, questions related to local governance, decentralization and democratization are at the centre of the agenda. The Mediterranean Region has experienced and continues to experience change on a large scale, both social and political, as a result of citizen action. Rethinking the governance systems in this region will probably have an impact and inspire other regions of the world. With a view to analysing new governance and the dynamics of change that are being implemented in various regions of the world, particular attention is placed on local and regional governance in the Mediterranean and the lessons that can be learned for the future of local democracy and decentralization. The round table identified new social movements and new forms of social mobilization, in particular through social networks, that have appeared in cities throughout the world, in particular in Mediterranean countries since 2011. The plenary highlighted the new methods of local governance and civil society that are being put in place following the Arab springs. Members of the panel confirmed the central idea that decentralization is a necessary condition for good local governance: it should not be the ultimate objective but the


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Abdallah Saaf, Professor at the Faculty of Legal, Social and Economic Science of Rabat-Agdal, Arab Reform Initiative

speakers Vera Baboun,

Mayor of Bethlehem, Palestinian Authority, Secretary General of Association of Palestinian Local Authorities (APLA)

Patrick Braouezec,

President of Plaine Commune, France, Vice-President of the UCLG Committee on Social Inclusion and Participative Democracy

José Fortunati,

Mayor of Porto Alegre, Brazil, President of the National Front of Mayors of Brazil

Saifallah Lasram,

Mayor of Tunis, Tunisia, President of National Federation of Tunisian Cities (FNVT)

Ahmed Hamza,

Mayor of Nouakchott, Mauritania, President of Association of Mayors of Mauritania (AMM), VicePresident of UCLG Africa

Carolina Tohá,

Mayor of Santiago, Chile

Antonio Vigilante,

Director, United Nations Office in Europe, Representative of United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Moderator

Agnès Levallois,

Journalist, Political Specialist

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