Local and Regional Governments' Access to EU Innovative Development Financing

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Programme/project title NDICI - RAPID RESPONSE OWNER Local and Regional Governments’ Access to EU Innovative Development Financing: Mechanisms and Opportunities

Prime owner European Commission (DG INTPA) SUBJECT MATTER Objectives

To provide conflict prevention and respond to crisis and instability, linking humanitarian aid with development action and address foreign policy needs and priorities


Security | Foreign policy | Humanitarian aid | Peace

Geographic Coverage

Associated countries | Low- and middle-income countries | Neighbourhood countries | Sub-Saharan Africa | Asia-Pacific | Latin America and the Caribbean

FUNDING Total budget (€)

3.18 billion

ACCESS Access Modality


Procurement TBC Mode Type


Current Status



2021 - 2027

Access Strategies

Programming ongoing through EU Delegations Unlikely to be much funding available for LRGs


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