College Report Summer 2016

Page 18


Image from Housing in the RiverCity: Rethinking Place and Process by Dana Cuff and Per-Johan Dahl



For students who aspire to health care or social work careers, Medical Humanities (MH) will provide deep insight into the human condition by cultivating analytical and observation skills, empathy and self-reflection — all essential for humane care. MH students will complement a pre-med or science curriculum with courses in English, disability studies, religion, history, philosophy, sociology and psychology. The MH track will tie UCLA Humanities to the wealth of science, research and medical enterprises on campus.

Digital Humanities (DH) teaches students to create, apply and interpret new digital and information technologies, giving graduates a competitive edge for careers in business, technology and media. DH is being used throughout campus, from mapping Holocaust survivor trajectories to using Twitter to study the progression of the 2011 Egyptian revolution. Since it is primarily web-based, DH scholarship is accessible to a global public audience, and bridges diverse communities, including museums, schools, libraries, advocacy groups and nonprofits.

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