Uniapac Quarterly Electronic Newsletter N° 2 April/ June 2010 Each one of us is living as a baptised person in a network of multiple communities. At a time where after the joy of Eastern we are getting towards Pentecost and the celebration of the Christian com-‐ munion despite different cultures and languages to form a one church, it is a joy to realize the multi-‐ ple activities going on in our National Associations as illustrated again by this second Quarterly Let-‐ ter. At the Executive Office we are also actively moving forward to reinforce our collective intelligence as a sign of hope in our troubled world. Pierre Lecocq President News from UNIAPAC Executive Office UNIAPAC Foundation. The legal status of the Endowmnent Fund has been approved by the French Authorities on March 27th 2010. The first Board of Directors is constituted by Pierre Lecocq, Presi-‐ dent, José Ignacio Mariscal, Etienne Wibaux, both past President of Uniapac, Pascual Rubiani and Jose Maria Simone, respectively President and Vice President of Uniapac Latin America. The following personalities have accepted to join the Honour Committee: Michel Camdessus, Jean Paul Vignon, Professor Zamagni and Dr Krause, Past President of the Lutherian World Federation. We now have the legal entity to act!! Promises of donations have reached 4.5 million US$. We have launched the recruitment of the Gen-‐ eral Manager through an internationally well known head-‐hunter firm, supported our African friends in setting up Uniapac Africa, and are starting to build the nucleus of the Think Tank. UNIAPAC Africa: From February 24th to February 26th, our African friends gathered for 3 days 120 African businessmen from 10 different African countries in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. 2 days were devoted to an intense CSR training given by our friends from USEM Mexico. The 3rd day was the offi-‐ cial Uniapac Africa congress with the official signing of the statutes. The first President for the next 3 years is Jean-‐Baptiste Homsi from Cameroun and the Uniapac Africa registered office will be in Oua-‐ gadougou, Burkina Faso. The Catholic Church was very involved with the participation of the Archbishop of Ouagadougou and two others bishops as well as the Nuncio for Burkina Faso and Ni-‐ ger. The local authorities were also very supportive with the participation of the President of the Assembly and the Prime Minister from Burkina. The President of the Republic gave Uniapac leader-‐ ship a one hour audience in his palace. Participants from Uniapac were: Pierre Lecocq President, Philippe Mine Uniapac Delegate to Africa, André Baudoux from Les EDC in France and Giovanni Fac-‐ chini Martini from UCID, Italy.
This Congress was a real sign of hope for the development of the business ethic respecting the Chris-‐ tian social thought in Africa. A plan of deployment will be rapidly worked out by the Uniapac Africa leadership to develop the number of African Uniapac Associations for the teaching of Christian Social Thought as well as of CSR. Next Uniapac International Board: It will be held in Madrid under the invitation of the Uniapac Span-‐ ish Association ASE on April 26th. 44 participants have registered representing 19 National Associa-‐ tions. UNIAPAC EUROPE ** VNO NCW/ THE NETHERLANDS a)Conferences & Events *April 2010 from 15th to 17th 2010: 4TH European Social Week in Bad Honnef, near Bonn (Germany) ”New times. Which future do we choose?”? , work, social cohesion, leadership. Patronage: Jean-‐ Claude Juncker Prime Minister of Luxembourg. Huib Klamer, Secretary for Religion and CSR, Dutch employers' association VNO-‐ NCW, will be the moderator in one of the workshops “NEW ACCENTS IN THE SOCIAL DIALOGUE”. The European Social Week would like to provide a platform for meeting, discussion and reflection, for the mutual encouragement of all those involved in the Christian social field in Europe .
*April 20th, 2010: Conference on the economic crisis, the moral and spiritual aspects in The Hague. Speakers: Mgr. Gerard de Korte, Bischop of Groningen-‐Leeuwarden, the Professor Arnold Schilder, former board member of the Nederlandsche Bank. *April 22nd, 2010: Conference on “Back to the core, Crises ask for choices”/ Place Kampen Speakers: Gerrit de Kruijf, professor of Christian ethics, Bert van Boggelen, vice-‐president CNV, and Louwe Dijkema, general manager of Koninklijke Van Gorcum BV. *June 16th, 2010: Lunch meeting about a CSR subject. ** BKU/ GERMANY a) Conferences & Events *April 23rd & 24th, 2010 in “Schmallenberg Regional Conference”, Theme: Renewing Social Market Economy/ Speakers: several entrepreneurs, politicians, economists. *May 12th to 16th, 2010: 2nd Oecumenical Church Congress (“Ökumenischer Kirchentag”) in Munich/ huge event with about 200 000 attendants organized by both the Catholic and Protestant church in Germany/ BKU is involved in some events./ Friday 14th luncheon together with AEU, German Em-‐ ployers’ Association (BDA), Association of Bavarian Business /Theme: “Sustainability and Social Mar-‐ ket Economy”/Speakers: Archbishop Dr. Robert Zollitsch (President of the German Catholic Bishops’ Conference), Dr. Dieter Hundt (BDA President), Dr. Nikolaus von Bomhard (CEO Munich Re), Marie-‐ Luise Dött (BKU President) *June 27th to 29th, 2010: “Berlin Ordo Talks” for the young professionals: opportunity to meet high ranking representatives of politics, business community and the church
Subjects: Social Teaching of the Church, Renewing Social Market Economy/ Organization together with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and other catholic organizations. *Gratuity in the economy: The theme is playing a role in several events, especially those with the Catholic University of Eichstaett, in the context of the broader topic of Renewing Social Market Economy. There are not any specific groups about it. *Since January 2010: “Microfinance Platform Germany” has been officially set up together with 20 organizations. For the moment internal activities but will organize later public events. b) Spiritual time *April 27th to May 2nd, 2010: Annual Pilgrimage to Rome for members. ** UCID/ ITALY
a) Conferences & Events, formation & seminars *The third version of Wojtyla Day and Siri Day for the scouting of "best practices". *In April 2010: National Pilgrimage in Turin for the Holy Shroud *In June 2010: annual assembly of UCID Members in Udine
b) Publications, press articles *The n°1/2010 of the UCID Letter with an editorial in English and the abstract of the single articles; see our website www.ucid.it, UCID in action. *The Second Report of UCID (2008-‐2010) on the entrepreneurial responsibility for the construction of Common Good; this second Report will appear at the "Libreria Editrice Vaticana"/Christian entre-‐ preneurs for the common good. *Events in relationship with economical and social institutions/Various events in Italy to discuss about the encyclical "Caritas in Veritate" with the local Industrial associations (first event in Veneto). *Events in relationship with the Church: UCID Technical Scientific Committee: a Forum every 3 months involving people with leading profile persons: Next meeting with Cardinal Turkson, the new President of the Pontifical Council Justice & Peace on "the Global Common Good" in April 29th 2010. c) Youth Group Summer school in September in San Marino: study about CSR practices/with the Professor Zama-‐ gni/ 30 attendants. d) Spiritual time April 2010: National Pilgrimage in Turin for the Holy Shroud ** CABE/ UK 1) Membership and Contacts 8 new members since November 2009 update. Currently 220 members of which 30 are non-‐paying members/honorary members e.g. some members of advisory council, trustees, collaboration group, former guest speakers… They have 23 new contacts through the Guildford network. Guildford network was successfully launched in February/ Initial discussions have begun with people in the North West interested in launching a CABE network or partnering with CABE in some way to provide support to business leaders in that area (Leeds, Manchester and Liverpool).
2) CABE AGM *May 26th 6.30pm: /All members and friends are invited to hear more about CABE's new projects and plans, meet CABE's chair and the trustees and to see how they can get involved. CABE members will be asked to vote on a few items of business. Place: London. * CABE Key principles: will be printed on the second half of this year. CABE plan to develop the fol-‐ lowing themes: Inspire & Encourage, Insight, Challenge & Enable, Influence & Lead (delivering a Christian voice to the main issues of the economy). 3) Events : fewer events, but more impact with each. Highlights are: *February 10th: Guildford Network in conjunction with the diocese of Guildford on: "The business of business is business... how Christian principles make a difference" / Speaker: Alan Gillespie . Guild-‐ ford is a town near London where a lot of people live. * March 17th from 7pm -‐ CABE London event/ Speaker: Dominic Grieve, Shadow Secretary of State for Justice/ Title: "Upholding Justice in the rule of the law in times of change" which provides a link to CABE's Principles for Business on Justice/Place: KPMG, London. * May 11th from 6.30 pm -‐ CABE London event/ Speaker: Baroness Cox of Queensbury/ Place: House of Lords, Abbey Gardens, Westminster. *June 16th, 7.30-‐9pm: CABE Guildford Network/ “Integrating Work and Life" Speaker: Paul Valler, writer, speaker, former HR & Finance Director, Hewlett Packard, Guildford. *March 6-‐7th: BT Christian Network Conference -‐ open to CABE members and friends. Objective: Bringing together members from across the network to pray, encourage, equip and em-‐ power people to live out their faith in the workplace, London. *March 26-‐28th: Faith in Business: Sustaining a Business Recovery/Speakers among others: Richard Higginson Director of “Faith in Business”, association part of the University of Cambridge. *April 27th, 7.30-‐9.30pm/ M2B In the Evening @LS1/ Subject: "Values and the Bottom Line: Friend or Foe?"/ With the hunt for profit now more crucial than ever before and the drive for a reduction in costs accelerating, are there any values we can afford to keep? Are there any values we can afford to lose?,in Leeds/ Speaker: Mark Greene, Executive Director, London Institute of Contemporary Christi-‐ anity (Ministry to Business (M2B) is a new initiative by the Diocese of Ripon & Leeds to place a minis-‐ ter at the heart of the business community in the City of Leeds . *May 25th 8pm: “Being Bad in Business: How do we know what is bad and good behaviour in organi-‐ zations ?”/Given by Professor Stephen Watson in London. **ASE/SPAIN a) Conferences & Events *April 27th, 2010: After the Uniapac International meeting in April 27th: Reflexion on CSR with a young professionals’ group animated by the Latin American Uniapac Board members. *May 2010: Presentation of a volume that in twelve brief chapters comment in a simple way the encyclical of Benoit XVI “Caritas in veritate”. The book is presented publicly/ event specifically orga-‐ nized with the Episcopal Commission of Secular Apostolate and presided by the Archbishop of “San-‐ tiago de Compostela”, President of the above mentioned Commission/ Attendants: Bishops and business leaders. *June 2010: Participation to the one day-‐meeting organized by AEDOS (Association for the diffusion of the Church Social Teaching) in order to comment and diffuse the encyclical “Caritas in veritate”. 2) Spiritual time *Conference with the members and friends animated by the spiritual adviser Father Matos, s.j. .
** Les EDC/ FRANCE Robert LEBLANC has succeeded to Pierre Deschamps as President of Les EDC in March 20th, 2010. a) Conferences & Events *March 19th , 20th & 21th, 2010: Assises nationales (a conference every two years): “Tenir le Cap”” (in Besançon). About 1100 were present/ High-‐ranking speakers such as the CEO of the Distribution group Auchan, the CEO of Peugeot and the presence of Laurence Parisot, the president of the ME-‐ DEF. On the occasion of this event, the Pope Benoît XVI has addressed a personal message to the EDC through the Archbishop of Besançon “encouraging the entrepreneurs to deploy new energies in the service of a real complete humanism opened to God and their brothers (Caritas in veritate n°78). Interviews, information are accessible from the EDC web site (www.lesedc.org). *April 1st, 2010: Matinale in Lyon "Le sens de l'engagement du chef d'entreprise en dehors de son entreprise"(The sense of the commitment of the business manager outside of his company) with Régis PELEN, president of the Council of surveillance of La Vie claire. *April 14th, 2010: EDC Matins/ Exchange with Cécile Renouard, economist, profesor of social ethic, Sister of the Assumption " about her book “Vingt propositions pour réformer le capitalisme " (20 propositions to reform the capitalism) written in cooperation with Gaël Giraud, Jesuit and researcher in the CNRS. b) Publications * February 18th 2010/ Article of the last President Pierre Deschamps in the weekly magazine Réforme: "Il faut développer un management fondé sur la fraternité" (“We have to develop a man-‐ agement based on fraternity”). * Has just been published: " La rémunération des dirigeants " , Reflexions et questionnements . **ACEGE/ PORTUGAL a) Conferences & Events -‐ April / May / June 2010: Conference cycle of 12 conferences on “Christian Business Leaders and Portugal” A conference on Leadership and 2 conferences on Strategy & Mission (Forum to Small and Medium Enterprises). * April 15th 2010: Election for the National Board was delayed to **ADIC/ BELGIUM a) Conferences & Events -‐April 22nd, 2010: Cocktail for the members on the occasion of the change of President. Because of the President’s change, there are no conferences for the moment. b) Publications *ADIC magazine “L’entreprise, l’homme” /The number of March 2010 will be about the flexible time management. *The June number will be about living in front of poverty and casualization.
*VCU/ SWITZERLAND a) Conferences & Events -‐ Monthly reunions in the 7 sections of VCU Switzerland. -‐ May, 8th 2010/ Annual meeting on whose topic will be "Work-‐Life-‐Balance". -‐ Enhancement of their website www.vcu.ch. -‐ Closer cooperation with the association "Glaube und Wirtschaft" which works in a similar field than VCU. **PACE/(POLAND a)Conferences & Events *Are planning to organize working group on the topic: "Evaluation of selected ethical aspects of the banking system in Poland". Invitations to this group will be sent to the professors from Catholic Uni-‐ versities. *Regular monthly meetings in Warsaw on the latest events in Poland related to the associations. *Regular weekly meetings with unemployed persons looking for advices in Warsaw *Events in relationship with the Church, diocese: -‐Are planning to organize meeting with the representatives of the Episcopate of Poland/The topics will be: possible areas of co-‐operation and presentation of planned activities, such as the setting up of a group on "Gratuity in the economy" . b) Conf, formation, seminars *Are planning to organize a monthly seminar on Church Social Teaching in Warsaw. *ACEM -‐ SR/SLOVAKIA (SR is an abbreviation for the Slovak Republic.) ACEM-‐SR does not have a directional plan for the next 3 months. Activities of ACEM-‐SR depend on the situation and economy policy of the Slovak republic. ACEM-‐SR pertains to a political party KDH: the Christian Democratic Movement (KDH).All the activities are on https://konzilium.kdh.sk. ACEM-‐SR makes specialized statements to KDH relating to employers, small and medium business leaders, tourist traffic and companies in Slovakia. It’s a voluntary association which gathers business leaders and managers who live and work according to Christian principles. Present in 8 regions of Slovakia and has 8 regional chairmen in these 8 cities. In Bratislava, it has 80 members who work and own companies in the field of civil engineering, building industry, energy, reparations and construction of electric conduct, water distribution, freight, tourism... a)Activities *April 6th, 2010: discussion about the creation of an economic program supported by ACEM-‐ SR within KDH in Bratislava. *April 6th, 2010: ACEM-‐SR discussion at the Slovak Council of KDH in Zvolen. The aim is to support the economic program of KDH for the elections in June 2010. *April , 2010: discussion with the heads of a Christian channel TV LUX. The aim is to get a financial support. -‐ May 2010: discussion on the question of the distribution of electric energy in SSE Zilina, where 49% of the shares belongs to the French company EDF.
-‐ activities in relation to the political campaign of KDH/ the aim is to get a 14 to 16 % of votes for KDH in the elections of June 12th 2010 as well as to be part of the next government of Slovakia. *May 2010: Pavol Faktor, president of ACEM-‐SR financially supports the Christian conference at KDH. *ZKPS/SLOVENIA a) Conferences & Events ZKPS is organizer of its own events and co-‐organizer of events & conferences with the leity and offi-‐ cial representatives of the Church. To some of the events organized by the Council of laics societies of Slovenia speakers from abroad and official representatives of the Catholic Church were invited. *An interview with the Archbishop of Ljubljana, Dr. Anton Stres: in one of daily magazines, he said that there was no model of the future enterprise and that we need one. ZKPS reacted to that by get-‐ ting in contact with him and by sending him the book “Profit of Values” explaining that there is a Christian model and that some Christian businessmen want to live their faith in their business re-‐ sponsibilities according to that. As a result ZKPS has a project to open a direct debate with one of the sections of the national Bishops’ Conference. This would be an opportunity to get the Bishop confer-‐ ence response to the proposed model. We expect that bishops will help promoting it in Slovenia * Slovenia, being in the past a part of a former Communist country will get in the autumn its first catholic Faculty of Economic Business since the Second World War. ZKPS sees that as a great oppor-‐ tunity to participate in the curriculum. So far there have been no official contacts established. * ZKPS actively participates in the political debate on equal rights of homosexual couples to adopt children. This right tends to bring a new law, which in addition, redefines a family as a “relation of two persons” not of “a man and a woman”. For ZKPS traditional family is of highest importance as they are convinced that values needed for a good and a successful manager are established within a traditional families. 2) Publications * ZKPS published two articles were on values in the world crisis. And just before the national elec-‐ tions in Slovenia an article was published in a religious weekly magazine Druzina commenting pre-‐ election activities and indicating fields that should be addressed by politicians if they claim that they tend to support traditional values. UNIAPAC ASIA *CBEG/THAILAND a) Conferences & Events * February 2010 : Big Networking Party / 450 attendants *Setting up of CBEG at local church level in Bangkok: The pastoral Council of Bangkok asks the local churches to set up a group in their churches for the working people & businessmen of companies of any size. CBEG plans to set up a catholic Businessmen group in each church of the Diocese in order to share its experience and working spirit. *June 2010: Education: 2nd Career Guide Seminar/2010 for catholic University students. *Set up of small group of activities: at least one group/ ie group of Bible sharing, Lectio Divina, Golf, Karaoke… * in October 2010: Funding/ Preparation Fund Raising for the next GALA dinner / 300 attendants
* WEB site: Reconstruct the website/ to be complete in June 2010/Increase the number of website visitors/ increase by 10% from March 2010 *By the central Office: Translation of "The Profit of Values" into Thai/ to be done in March 2010. Complete member directory in Thai/Eng on the web site/ to be done in June 2) Spiritual time * Annual Retreat 2010: 40 attendants UNIAPAC LATIN AMERICA (Jan 2010/ March 2010) *VENEZUELA -‐ February 28/ March 5th, 2010: the fourth week of the Church Social Teaching took place in Mara-‐ caibo, Venezuela. Agenda: First day: the Encyclical Caritas in Veritate/ to end this session, was dealt the subject of the relationship between the Encyclical and the CSR ; references to the book “The Profit of Values” by Mr Jorge Porras, who attended the Uniapac Mexico Congress and the Uniapac Board for Latin America CCDAL last October 2009. Second day: Sessions about Education, Youth and political Participation. Was presented the edition of Venezuela of the book “The Profit of Values”/ Were presents the Archbishop of Maracaibo and the President of the Bishops’ Conference of Venezuela, Msg. Ubaldo Santana, the Rector of the UNICA, Angel Lombardi and Mr Jorge Porras as Coordinator of the Eclesial Forum of Leity. It was said that the UNIAPAC book was used as a research material (the students visited the local companies which use the Protocol in their management and the students attended courses in the department Ethics and CSR given by Mr Porras in the University Rafael Urdaneta (URU). Beside presenting the book " Weeks of the Church Social Teaching: 2007-‐2009", took place sessions on the topic "Youth, Education and Democracy " by the Chairwoman of the AVEC (Venezuelan Asso-‐ ciation of Catholic Schools) Sister Nubia Marín, and on " Youth and Human rights ". The 4th week of the Church Social Teaching was a dynamic and productive event thanks to the pres-‐ ence of experts and the work of young people. *USEM/ MEXICO a) Conferences & Events * CSR protocol -‐Publication of the first edition of the Protocol centred on the person (1,000 Copies). -‐ Large diffusion in diverse forums of the Uniapac vision of CSR and of the Protocol. -‐A Blog in Internet to receive contributions and suggestions on its application. -‐ A document that will be enriched little by little on the base of its application. -‐ Permanent participation in “Society in Movement”, citizen organization whose aim is “ to stimulate the Integral Development of the country to its best potential”. -‐ On February 19th 2010: took place a workshop for social leaders " Dialogue and Construction of consensus ", addressed to the presidents of the USEM associations of the country. -‐ Active participation in the " Civil Council for the Education ", iniciative of the civil society which con-‐ sists of propositions, monitoring, follow-‐up and evaluation of the educational politic in the country.
*Formation -‐ 8 formation sessions (CUFOSO), during the first quarter of 2010 in 8 different places of Mexico: 8 Steps for the CSR * CSR: Social training course for Latin American Uniapac Associations. 3 different versions were sent to UNIAPAC Latin America & USEC /Main objective to spread out the course in all Latin America. Is edited the 2nd version of this course, enriched with the comments received for the CSR Protocol centred on the person/ Duration of 8 hours/ a strategy for the diffusion and promotion of "The Profit of Values" * Market Economy with social responsibility: USEM is promoting this topic and has defined a me-‐ thodology to realize dialogue with one of the more Influential managerial organizations of the coun-‐ try (COPARMEX). *Meeting of Bishops and Businessmen -‐ 3 meetings are forecast in different USEM associations. *Uniapac/ Constitutive congress of UNIAPAC Africa On this occasion, participated 2 persons of USEM, the Ing. Carlos Wagner Wagner and Lic. Javier Millán Dehesa who gave a synthesis of the Social Training course (CUFOSO)/120 attendees. * Reports of the XXIIIrd UNIAPAC World Congress /edition of a book and a DVD with reports on the XXIII Uniapac International Congress. * Expansion of USEM: a new association in Guanajuato, composed of 4 Mexican cities (Celaya, Irapuato, León y Salamanca). *ACDE/ URUGUAY a) Topics for the year *Education, working relationships, Social incorporation and entrepreneurship/ ACDE will be a space where the economic team of the new Government will have more and more exchanges with the national entrepreneurship. * On March 18th, 2010, the Pope received in the Vatican the members of the Union of the Industrial and companies of Roma. *Message of the Pope Benoît XVI addressed to them: “The crisis asks for a reorganization of the financial world” ( http://es.catholic.net/empresarioscatolicos/474/3055/articulo.php?id=45577).
UNIAPAC AFRICA *PADIC/CAMEROUN a) Conferences & Events *April 21st 2010 in Yaoundé, capital of Cameroun: Dedication of the book: “The Profit of Values” with the presence of Philippe Mine, EDC Delegate for Uniapac, who will present the book. The Arch-‐ bishop of Yaoundé will preside the ceremony. Presence of ministers, profesors, media, business leaders, executives of both the public and private sectors. They plan to organize the same event in Bafoussam next year. * Creation of the PADIC magazine. Will be first a quarterly magazine, and later will be published on a mensual basis. * Setting up of a training course similar to the Cufoso. The course is divided in 3 parts : 1) “The fundamental points”: taught by Jean-‐Baptiste Homsi, PADIC President 2) “The business leader and the economy”: taught by Marcel Nadjo 3) “The business leader and the environment”: taught by Apollinaire Tchakounang After the dedication of the book, they will mobilize about 300 persons and propose them to follow a formation. *On April 6th 2010 will be decided the date of the PADIC General Assembly during which will be de-‐ cided the orientations of the year: For instance, PADIC would like to organize each year a seminar which will gather about 30 high ranking leaders who will be asked to share their experience. The ob-‐ jective is to sensibilize the high ranking people to what is concretely done in the business field. Moreover they will think about the creation of a reflexion group on the last Encyclical “Caritas in Veritate”. * Visit of Alain Coulombel, past member of les EDC, in Cameroun (Yaoundé and Bafoussam), who helps the PADIC to set up new sections. *Since the last synod in October 2009, all the initiatives in the business field are encouraged. Several Bishops in Africa are in favour of the creation of Christian initiatives in the business world. PADIC wants to take advantage of this favourable context. *Uniapac Africa: The continent is divided in 5 zones: The presidents of these 5 zones have not been defined yet: 1) Central Africa, 2) Western Africa, 3) Northern Africa, 4) Eastern Africa, 5) Southern Africa. On the occasion of the Uniapac Africa Board in Madrid in April 26th, the main actions’ plans will be set up. * Visit of Mr Homsi to Kinshasa (RDC) to meet the former General Secretary of CADICEC who will share his own experience and vision. (CADICEC is member of Uniapac since 1963). *Next African Bishops’ Conference which may take place in June in Accra (Ghana) or Kenya. This conference takes place every 5 years (more details later).
*CADICEC/ R D Congo a) Conferences & Events *April 2010: Publication of the conclusions of the 2009 Congress whose title is “The financial interna-‐ tional crisis and the Small and medium-‐sized enterprises of Congo”. *March 29th to 30th 2010: Training of the executives on the administrative management of the Per-‐ sonal: the fundamental rules, Chamber of Commerce of RDC. * June 2010: Seminar for the women entrepreneurs within the CADICEC/ 2 trainers have been sent to Belgium in order to follow a formation on projects’ management. * May 28th 2010: Cocktail for the departure of Father Martin Ekwa who has been the General Secre-‐ tary for 27 years from 1983 to 2010. In June 1st 2010: Father Manwelo will be officially the General Secretary of CADICEC. *May 2010: Training for managers of micro-‐companies in Kinshasa & May 22nd 2010: 2 training ses-‐ sions about the management of micro companies by the trainers of CADICEC, in Lubumbashi. *ACATHA B/ Burkina Faso a) Conferences & Events *April 10th, 2010: Starting of the construction of the school complex *April 14th, 2010: A.CAT.H.A-‐B delegation in the Board of directors of the diocesan Cooperative of Savings and Credit of the Archdiocese of Ouagadougou. *April 20th, 2010: Report of the constitutive assembly of UNIAPAC Africa /planning of the formation on CSR in Burkina Faso/preparation of the Board in Madrid. a) Spiritual time *April 9th, 2010: Meeting with the President of the Bishops’ Conference of Burkina & Niger for the preparation of the 2010 pilgrimage in Holy Land organized by ACATHA B. -‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐