Occasional Papers on Higher Education, Volume: XXII

Page 90

“a hell of a job getting it squared around”


who mean to get out in the world after receiving their college degrees. In fact, I would say that if a parent, looking about as to where he should send his child to college, were to have access only to material as sent to me, it would be pretty conclusive evidence to him as to why he should send his child somewhere else, because you have emphasized only scholarly work whereas many parents want to train their children to become good members of society, not expecting that they will turn out to be scholars. As I understand the Chancellor’s program, he puts very high on his list of desiderata more students and, particularly, more of the right kind of men and women for the College. Because of this, I feel that it is very important to correlate both the College and the Divisions and Schools at almost any time that either of these is mentioned. In my opinion we have a remarkable group of College alumni who are proving to be constructive and effective in our social milieu, and it seems to me in the buildup of the College they are worth boasting about. It seems to me among our College alumni we have a tremendous number of bankers, heads of business, professional people, economists, scientists, lawyers, and top industrialists, and that they should be featured in most of our public relations material.122 Lawrence Kimpton’s interventions on the undergraduate level also had implications for University planning far beyond the immediate confines of the College, for Kimpton hoped to expand his newly redesigned College to make it the largest demographic component of the University 122. Swift to Watkins, November 26, 1954, Swift Papers, Box 79, folder 13.

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