2020 Ubuntu Football Annual Magazine

Page 12

Words by Ella Urquhart

In the midst of low morale, restrictions, and uncertainty, each of us tried our hand at something new in 2020. Whether that be baking, Zoom family gatherings, or hoarding toilet rolls, we all desperately sought an escape from a world held captive by COVID.

For the inhabitants of the

Ubuntu House, their escape was the Ludo Super Cup! The brainchild of Ubuntu House dad Tertius Zimmermann, the Ludo Super Cup evolved from a simple game to lift the spirits to a quest for ultimate victory and reward. For those who aren’t familiar, Ludo is a game similar to that of Sorry! in America: players roll the dice on their turn with the aim of returning all their pieces “home” after making a round of the board once. As a game of both skill and luck Ludo appeals to all ages, making it a perfect match for the boys of the Ubuntu House. In an attempt to foster a lighter atmosphere and recover lost ground relationally with the boys, Tertius decided Ludo was the way to go. As COVID progressed, the boys were stuck in a cycle between being at school and being at the House without any sort of football-related activities. In Tertius’ words, “it was a bit of a killer for morale.” Worried that the House was beginning to feel like a prison, he began to look for creative and responsible ways to provide some excitement and variety to everyone’s lives. Pre-lockdown, it was Tertius’ habit


to take out the boys in pairs to do an activity off-premises for some male bonding and relationship building.

With restrictions in place, he began to take out each of the five rooms of the House one by one for a COVID-safe adventure instead. Splitting the boys by room allowed them to go on outings more often than when they went in pairs, an additional bonus. Each room, grouped roughly by age, enjoyed a short hike on the mountain to enjoy ocean views, small snacks, and piping hot Milo straight from the gas stove Tertius brought along. With all these things accounted for along with an atmosphere of ease and fun, the game of Ludo began.

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