Rain Check 1.0: The First Generation of Green Infrastructure in Buffalo

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Rain Check Strategies


Collectively, these four strategies enabled Buffalo Sewer to make an impact on the stormwater challenge, build partnerships necessary to make green infrastructure projects happen, and gain perspective on how to grow and fine-tune green infrastructure in Buffalo for the future.

Green Streets

Green streets bring waterfriendly landscapes into larger streetscape projects. They introduce surfaces that absorb water and integrate special features that collect rain and snowmelt before they enter the sewer system. They also play a key role in transforming our commercial corridors and neighborhood streets to benefit residents and businesses.

Green Parking Lots

Green parking lots provide neighborhood parking solutions with designs specifically aimed at collecting and absorbing water when it rains or snow melts. They can involve plantings and enhanced lot designs that help beautify neighborhoods while making lots safer and less prone to puddling.

Demolitions and Vacant Lot Restoration

Rain Barrels and Downspout Disconnections

Demolitions remove buildings and pavement from sites to protect public health and safety. Buffalo Sewer also explored new ways to maximize the amount of water that vacant lots capture when it rains or snow melts and worked with community partners to introduce rain gardens and other green infrastructure to vacant lots that help contribute to community character.

Rain barrels and downspout disconnections allow residents and businesses to keep roof rain and snowmelt out of the sewer system. They not only inform residents of the stormwater challenge facing our community, but also provide an easy, low-cost way for them to participate in green infrastructure solutions. They can also save money on water bills and keep stormwater away from foundations or basements.

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