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Dreams Gone Wild

UNSTOPPABLE Branding Agency (UBA), a top PR and branding firm, and Deviate Agency, a leading digital marketing company, have announced a partnership to provide dynamic and infallible digital branding solutions to clients. This partnership marks the first time these two sectors have merged to create an unbeatable force in the digital branding world.

The partnership is expected to create a ripple effect in the digital marketing and branding industry, as both companies have a wealth of experience and expertise in their respective fields. Clients can expect a more personalized approach, as both firms will work together to create a strategy that best fits their brand and overall goal.

The founder of Deviate Agency, Jonas Muthoni, and the founder of UBA, Rhonda Swan, have also joined forces to create WILD Mag, a magazine that celebrates women and their achievements while also providing valuable insights and advice for women who are looking to take their lives to the next level. The magazine’s focus on personal and professional growth is especially timely, as many women are looking for guidance and support as they navigate the challenges of a changing world.

WILD Mag’s commitment to authenticity and inclusivity is one of the things that sets it apart from other publications. Rhonda and Jonas have made it clear that they want the magazine to be a space where all women can feel seen, heard, and valued. They have enlisted a diverse group of contributors to ensure that the magazine represents a wide range of perspectives and experiences. This commitment to diversity and inclusivity allows women from all walks of life to feel that they are part of a community that supports and uplifts them.

The partnership between UBA and Deviate Agency, along with the launch of WILD Mag, is a testament to the power of collaboration and empowerment. Entrepreneurs Rhonda Swan and

Jonas Muthoni have put in the effort to uplift each other and collaboratively come up with methods and solutions that are geared towards women’s empowerment. The partnership and the magazine are expected to make a significant impact in the marketing and PR industries, as well as the personal and professional growth of women around the world.

Another key feature of WILD Mag is its focus on practical advice and actionable insights. Rhonda, the founder of the best-selling book series

“Women Gone Wild”, is no stranger to empowering women to achieve their goals. With her expertise in branding and marketing, she has helped countless women entrepreneurs build successful businesses and establish themselves as leaders in their respective industries. Jonas, on the other hand, brings his extensive knowledge of digital marketing to the table, ensuring that the magazine is not only informative but also visually engaging and accessible to a wide audience.

The launch of WILD Mag comes at a time when women are facing unprecedented challenges in both their personal and professional lives. The COVID-19 pandemic has disproportionately affected women, with many having to juggle work, childcare, and other responsibilities without adequate support. In addition, women continue to face discrimination and harassment in the workplace, as well as societal pressures to conform to narrow standards of beauty and behavior.

Despite these challenges, Rhonda and Jonas remain optimistic about the future of women’s empowerment. They believe that by providing women with the tools and resources they need to succeed, they can help create a world where women are valued and respected for who they are and what they contribute.

“I’ve always been passionate about helping women achieve their dreams,” says Rhonda. “With WILD Mag, we’re taking that mission to the next level.

We want to provide women with the inspiration, guidance, and support they need to become the best version of themselves.”

Jonas echoes this sentiment, adding that he sees WILD Mag as a way to create a community of women who can learn from and support each other. “We want to build a space where women can come together to share their experiences and help each other grow,” he says. “There’s so much power in that kind of community.”

The launch of WILD Mag has been met with enthusiasm from women across the world. The magazine’s social media pages have already amassed a large following, with many women sharing their excitement about the magazine’s launch and what it represents.

With its focus on empowering women and celebrating their achievements, WILD Mag is poised to become a major player in the women’s empowerment space. As Rhonda and Jonas continue to build the magazine and its community of readers, they remain committed to their mission of helping women thrive in every aspect of their lives.

“This is just the beginning,” says Rhonda. “We have big plans for WILD Mag, and we’re excited to see where this journey takes us.” www.wildmag.com

As the worlds of PR, marketing, and digital branding continue to merge, and entrepreneurs like Rhonda and Jonas continue to pave the way for women’s empowerment, it’s clear that the future is bright for women everywhere. With the right tools, resources, and community, women can achieve anything they set their minds to – and WILD Mag is here to help them do just that.