STEMphasize: March

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March 2022 Issue

All About Research


Contents 1. Introduction 2. Featured Stories 3. How to Get Into Research: 5 Tip Guide 4. Current Events UA-WiSE Project Committee 2021/22

March 2022 Issue

All About Research

Introduction STEMphasize is a newsletter-format project created with the intention to provide a platform to emphasize the journeys and experiences of women and underrepresented individuals in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).

The goal of this initiative is to inspire students of all levels, and provide genuine advice regarding the paths and adventures throughout different STEM fields. Each month will be centered around a specific theme, with this month's theme: All About Research!

Featured Stories This month's featured stories focus on research, from undergraduates just getting started, through to graduate students, professionals, and professors. Interested in research? Take a look at these stories and get inspired as you learn how others entered their respective fields and their advice to individuals just getting started on their research journey!

This month's featured members:

Undergraduates: Makenna Kuzyk, Erica Toews, Hannah Bayne Graduate Students: Kaitlyn Chappell, Serena Li Professionals: Dr. Lu Deng, Dr. Rashmi Panigrahi Professors: Dr. Lindsay LeBlanc

UA-WiSE Project Committee 2021/22


March 2022 Issue

All About Research

MAKENNA KUZYK Undergraduate Student

Since space is a vacuum, without gravity and air current adhesion like suction cups would not work. Having technology like electroadhesion could allow robotic exploration more flexibility to scale vertical craters or repair space stations without being tethered to one place like the Canadarm. I also decided to do this specific project to help promote minorities and women in stem, as I believe it is important to encourage everyone to pursue their passions in research and stay curious. Tell me about yourself and your area of research.

What are you looking forward to in the future?

My name is Makenna and I am an aspiring astronaut. I have always wanted to explore among the stars, which is why I am currently pursuing my mechanical engineering degree at the University of Alberta with hopes of doing a master's in astrobiology, where I can research how life can thrive on different planets. I am in the co-op program and am part of the 2022 Zenith fellowship class where I will work for Sinclair Interplanetary by RocketLab in May. Outside of academics I love playing sports including basketball and jiu-jitsu, travelling and going on wild adventures, and playing and writing music. I am also fortunate to be leading the Mission SpaceWalker robotics event, where we will be testing our microgravity project this summer on a parabolic flight. We are trying to test and build a technology based on electroadhesion, which would allow robots to climb outside the ISS or stick to meteorites during mining where gravity is not at play. It is part of the CAN-RGX competition hosted by SEDS, with the campaign planned for August 2022.

I am excited about where my future career will take me and find my own path. In the immediate future, I am excited to test our microgravity project and experience microgravity on a parabolic flight. Farther down the road I am looking forward to viewing space beside the stars, and discovering how life can live on planets other than earth. Furthermore, I am looking forward to representing women and minorities in space, and encouraging youth who are interested in space to pursue what they love and shoot for the stars.

What made you decide to go into research? What made you decide to go into the area of research that you do? My favourite quote by Carl Sagan is that "we are the universe trying to understand itself." It motivates me as I want to be the universe's curious eyes, and continue learning and growing. Our microgravity research project for the CAN-RGX competition is allowing me insight into what my future career in the space industry will be like, and considering how technologies such as electroadhesion will behave on planets outside our own. Electroadhesion is an interesting and new technology, which induces a static field with high voltage allowing objects to stick much like a balloon to your hair.

UA-WiSE Project Committee 2021/22

Did you have someone who inspired you? My parents have always been my role models, and they always push me to challenge myself. When I was young my father and I would stare at the stars searching for the ISS and has always believed in my dream to be an astronaut. My mom is the strongest person I know and reminds me to be resilient, and has taught me to take failure as a chance to learn and grow. They have taught me to do my best and question everything. What is the best piece of advice that you have ever received? "Trust in yourself. You know more than you think you do" was something my Mom would always say to me. That advice has reminded me to believe in myself and my path, even when I faced doubts or worries. In the perspective of research, it has taught me to question and search for solutions to problems. In my microgravity project managing a team, it reminds me to take risks such as entering the RGX competition and believing that I have what it takes to make a successful research project.


March 2022 Issue

All About Research


Undergraduate Student

Tell me about yourself and your research. Hello. My name is Erica. I’m an undergraduate student currently finishing my final year in the Honours Psychology program. My focus is on developmental psychology, though I’ve studied a broad range of topics. Over the last two years, I’ve begun writing my undergraduate thesis on hyperactive and inattentive behaviours in preschool and kindergarten children under the supervision of Dr. Wendy Hoglund and the PEERS lab. It’s been a challenging process, but ultimately rewarding and I’ve gained a ton of knowledge and experience. In my free time, I volunteer as a One-to-One host with the Unitea program here on campus and lead a Girl Guide unit in my local community. Outside of school and volunteering, I enjoy being outdoors and you can find me hiking skiing, camping, or gardening. What made you decide to go into research? What made you decide to go into the area of research that you do? I decided to pursue a career in psychology, particularly the area of developmental and school psychology because I am passionate about learning, and I want to help others experience that joy too. Listening to someone speak about their goals and passions is highly rewarding for me. Furthermore, I believe that every child deserves the tools to succeed in school and to enjoy the experience of learning. I was fortunate enough as a child to have the opportunities and the support needed to have both. Unfortunately, not everyone is so lucky. It’s not uncommon for children who experience academic difficulties to become disillusioned with education, to write themselves off as less intelligent than their peers or to give up on school and learning altogether. I was inspired to enter psychology because I want to offer the same support that I received to the next generation. I want to foster curiosity and exploration and help others discover the same passion that I feel. It's a very optimistic goal, but I feel that if I can make a difference in even one person’s life, the effort will have been worth it.

UA-WiSE Project Committee 2021/22

What are you most proud of? I am so proud to study at the University of Alberta. When I was a girl, I used to attend the engineering and science camps held at the university every summer. It was a very important formative experience for me, and I used to dream of studying at the University. Now I’ve been fortunate enough to make that dream come true and I get to conduct amazing research. My new goal is to study hard, get my thesis published, and one day foster that same love of learning, wonder, and discovery in the next generation of young scientists. Of course, I’m also very proud of my research. What is the best piece of advice that you have ever received? Take a chance on yourself. Initially, I was very apprehensive about joining the honours program. I wasn’t sure if I would be able to keep up with the demands of the program or compete with all the other students. A friend convinced me not to apply, and I missed the application deadline. However, I realized that I wanted to be a part of the program and that if I never applied, I would always regret it. So, I reached out to the program advisor and ended up shadowing my whole first year. Now I’ve been formally accepted to the program and am proud to say I’m doing well.


March 2022 Issue

All About Research

HANNAH BAYNE Undergraduate Student through my projects. Throughout high school and my undergraduate degree I worked on multiple research projects with the Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute and the Gesture and Language Development Lab until I joined the Climate Change and Global Health Research Group last year. All of my experiences with diverse types of research really fueled my passion and given me the skills in different domains I have needed to be successful in research.

Tell me about yourself and your career. My name is Hannah and I am currently in my 3rd year of university completing a BSc in Psychology with a minor in music. I am also completing a Research Certificate in Psychology. My current research is with the Climate Change & Global Health Research Group where I am part of the Eco-Grief team. We look at the intersection of climate change and mental health to better understand how climate change and climate hazards impact human mental health, especially as it relates to grief and anxiety. The current projects I am working on include a popular media review about ecoanxiety and a national survey on climate change’s impacts on mental health. I also have many hobbies outside of my academics! I am a Girl Guide leader, a member of the UA-WiSE volunteer committee and I am actively involved with WISEST. I also am an avid hiker, backpacker, and skier and enjoy all things outdoors. When I’m not busy with all of that, I love to play and listen to music, crossstitch and read. What made you decide to go into research? What made you decide to go into the area of research that you do? When I was in grade 11 I had the opportunity to participate in the WISEST Summer Research program. During the summer, I worked in a physics engineering lab trying to improve the performance of batteries in extremely hot environments. From there, I was hooked on research. I loved the hands-on and problem solving aspects as well as how much knowledge I gained

UA-WiSE Project Committee 2021/22

I decided to pursue climate change and mental health research after discovering my passion for public health while in my second year of university and meeting my current supervisor who exposed me to the topic. I met my current supervisor through a networking event and asked to meet with her afterwards to discuss her research. I was fascinated! Climate change has always been an important topic to me and I had always wondered if and how I could merge my interests in human health with climate change science. Looking at climate change through the lense of mental health was a perfect fit with my background in psychology and I also fit well into my plans for the future. After I graduate, I hope to obtain a MSc and PhD in public health and continue to study the link between climate change and human health. How are some ways that you manage your time? How do you maintain work-life balance? Time management as a university student is definitely challenging! The most important strategy I find is allowing myself to do fun activities, rest, and spend time with loved ones even when I have something I need to be doing. I don’t think I’ve ever been fully caught up with schoolwork, my job, and my extracurricular responsibilities but I still make it a priority to make time for myself. I also make it a priority to fuel my body well so I can do my best work by eating regular and nutritious meals and getting enough sleep every night. This allows me to be as productive as I can when I do my work. Finally, my mantra for when things get busy and overwhelming is “I did the best I could with the time and energy I had.” Your best is all you can do and your best will look different depending on the specific circumstances, so I like to remind myself of this when I feel stressed about


March 2022 Issue all the things I need to juggle. What is the best piece of advice that you have ever received? “When you say no, it gives someone else the chance to say yes”. This advice was given to me by Dr. Tian Tang, a mechanical engineering professor at the University of Alberta and it has really helped me to work through the guilt I feel when I need to turn down an opportunity. Keeping your doors open is always important and saying yes to things that push you out of your comfort zone is wonderful, however, it is important to not overwhelm yourself so that you can do your best in the things that you do choose to do.

All About Research Is there any advice that you have for someone new to this industry or starting research? Your ideas and contributions are valuable. It can be intimidating to attend lab meetings or interact with your supervisors since it seems like they are so experienced and academic, but I promise you that if you take the time to come up with insightful and relevant comments and ideas, they will appreciate it! Your contributions and ideas are no less valuable because you are young. You have had experiences that can bring different perspectives to the group and a fresh pair of eyes can sometimes be just what a project needs!

KAITLYN CHAPELL Graduate Student

What made you decide to go into research? What made you decide to go into the area of research that you do? While volunteering with the University Hospital Foundation I developed an interest in patient-based research. I really enjoy listening to patients’ perspectives on the healthcare they receive and trying to find ways to patch up the gaps they experience in their care is important to me. I like working in clinical research because I get to interact with a lot of different people like doctors, nurses, and scientists. I decided to focus my research in chronic disease because it’s an area of healthcare that is often not talked about enough. Working to develop strategies that improve patient quality of life and mental health is often secondary to trying to find new treatments, but I feel that it can make just as big of a difference! Tell me about yourself and your career/area of research. I completed a bilingual undergraduate degree at the UofA in biological sciences before starting in research! I am currently a first year MSc student with the faculty of medicine in the department of gastroenterology. My research area of interest is in improving quality of life for people with chronic disease. More specifically, my current project works on developing a sustainable and cost-effective mental health therapy for people with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) to help them improve stress, anxiety, and depression often associated with the disease. In my free time I love exploring our beautiful province, working out, and spending time with my friends and sister!

UA-WiSE Project Committee 2021/22

Did you have someone who inspired you? I’m constantly inspired by my mom! She works as a nurse and hearing her talk about her patients’ struggles always made me want to find solutions. She cares so much about the well-being of her patients and that always inspired me to want to make a difference! She is always learning and offering help to others, and I’ve always wanted to be like her! Is there any advice that you have for someone new to starting research? It can be scary to think about getting into research, but there are so many people willing to help! If you’re interested in research, I strongly suggest reaching out to current grad students or research assistants and asking


March 2022 Issue about their experience in your area (or even your lab) of interest! Most people who work in research love to talk about what they are currently working on and are more than happy to try and help you out (trust me on this one – I celebrate on the inside when people ask about mine!) What is the research culture like? The clinical research culture in the faculty of medicine is amazing! The MDs and scientists are constantly meeting and sharing knowledge. We have rounds multiple times a week and it gives me the chance to

All About Research connect with other researchers and health care professionals. Everyone is very welcoming, and they are always willing to help. I knew I wanted to work in the civil industry, and I’ve always wanted to contribute to making engineering a more environmentally friendly industry, but I was unsure what specific path I wanted my career to head in. Mining engineering stood out to me because I’ve always had an interest in the space industry and learning about the space mining industry sparked my interest in mining. Space mining may also be a more sustainable alternative to earth mining which made me gravitate towards it even more.

Serena Li Graduate Student

Tell me about yourself and your career/area of research. I'm currently in my first year of grad school here at UofA, and Edmonton is definitely a new experience for me as I did my undergrad medical sciences in Ontario. I'm doing a Master of Science degree in Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, and my focus is the role of red blood cell transport proteins in the detoxification of arsenic with selenium. Outside of the lab, you can usually find me at a gym or in my kitchen! What made you decide to go into research? What made you decide to go into the area of research that you do? I think for most undergraduate students, the first time we learn about topics in science that really interest us are in our upper-year classes. I was enrolled in a thirdyear pathology course that I absolutely loved, and was also having fun working part-time in a cell biology lab on campus. I realized that there were labs out there that did what I did in the lab, but with the topics that fascinated me in my classes. Things sort of all fell into place after that; I found a fantastic PI whose work and career I really admired, and decided to pack my bags for Alberta.

and program requirements in mind in order to reach them in time, and one way I like to do that is to have physical reminders. This is clichéd but writing in a physical planner keeps my weekly tasks and short/long-term goals organized. And something that I never realized in undergrad is that lots of grad students join school clubs, so I've been going consistently to sport clubs on campus. It's a great way to have fun and meet new people!

How are some ways that you manage your time? How do you maintain work-life balance?

Is there any advice that you have for someone new to this industry or starting research?

A big part of grad school is the work-life balance, especially in research-based programs where you're basically in charge of your own schedule and how you use your time. It's so important to keep your own goals

When I first started, the thing that surprised me the most was just how collaborative research can be. Sure, I've seen papers with too many authors to remember, but it never struck me until I got here and was hearing

UA-WiSE Project Committee 2021/22


March 2022 Issue about how all these researchers have helped us with techniques, theory, or even providing materials. Science is all about solving these real-world puzzles, and working with others can give new, helpful insight.

All About Research I guess what I want to say is that the culture here is supportive but in a way that still challenges you to improve.

Dr. Lu Deng Professional

What made you decide to go into research? What made you decide to go into the area of research that you do? It’s not a glorious story, but it’s important to share it, as it’s ok to be not quite sure where you would go yet. You will eventually figure things out. I went into research with a chemistry major as my grade in chemistry was highest among all subjects. I certainly had my struggles in the later PhD years as I needed to figure out what I wanted to do after graduation quickly. Is it applied research or theoretical research? Do I stay in academia or industry? What helped me was talking to supervisors, peers and people who graduated a few years before you. Go to conferences and meet people! Tell me about yourself and your career/area of research. Hello, my name is Lu Deng. I am passionate about bringing research and development into commercialization, particularly in Life Sciences, to make a real-world impact. I came to Canada in 2008 to pursue my Ph.D. in chemistry at the University of Alberta, followed by a three-year post-doc experience in biomarker discovery. One of my post-doc projects leads to a product launch in the US market by an Edmontonbased biotech company, Metabolomic Technologies Inc. (MTI). I joined MTI in 2016 and grew with the company substantially, having roles spanning from Senior Scientist, Director of Business Development (Asia) to Vice President of Product Development. In addition, I recently completed the Global Executive MBA in the Healthcare and Life Sciences training at Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto and took on a new role as product manager for biomarker software at SCIEX – a Danaher Company. I am a volunteer mentor for WISER and enjoy the interaction with students. I wouldn’t be where I am now without all the mentors who generously shared their insights and time. I would love to do the same for students in their early careers.

UA-WiSE Project Committee 2021/22

How are some ways that you manage your time? How do you maintain work-life balance? I am very proud that I finished my GEMBA while having a full-time job and a young kid. But I did not do it alone, and I had tremendous support from my company and family. So ask for help when needed. You will do the same for the people you love too. My other advice on time management is prioritizing and accepting that you might not be able to do everything. Is there any advice that you have for someone new to starting research? Follow your passion and aim for the stars. When I talk to researchers in their early years, I get asked most how to determine which area you want to go into. It’s not an easy thing to figure out where your passion lies. My best advice is to really put yourself out there and admit that you might have your research major determined yet. Talk to people and learn what each career path might look like. Also, you are not set for one path. Frequently revise your plan as you collect more information. Life is a continuous learning experience. As long as you are contributing and learning, things won’t be too bad.


March 2022 Issue

All About Research

Dr. Rashmi Panigrahi Professional What are you most proud of?

Tell me about yourself and your career/area of research. I hold a doctorate in Biochemistry and am currently working as a researcher in structural biology. In this field of study, we aim at gaining mechanistic insights into complex cellular events, from a structural perspective. We use the power of electromagnetic radiations such as x-rays to visualize the structure of proteins and nucleic acids. The research outcomes not only provide insight into biology but also highresolution structures. These structures are used for drug design in cases where the deformities in protein lead to loss of function, a common occurrence in the disease states. What made you decide to go into research? What made you decide to go into the area of research that you do? As a child, my teachers were my role models. The fact that they had answers to all my queries, fascinated me. In high school, my dream job was to be a teacher. As I pursued my undergraduate studies followed by a master's program, I fell in love with the details of biology. My first research project was in a structural biology lab, where I overexpressed and purified a protein from bacteria that played a role in bacterial stress tolerance. Finally, I succeeded in preparing protein crystals of the same protein. This first project developed my interest in pursuing research as my career. I wanted to conduct research as well as educate and motivate young minds. After decades of research, I am in a position where I can pursue my passion for research and mentoring. Thanks to all my mentors!

UA-WiSE Project Committee 2021/22

“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” This is an interesting quote that I came across as a kid. It was fascinating that knowledge empowers individuals but even more powerful is the art of sharing knowledge. The latter has the potential of building a team, achieving big goals and shaping lives. Learning is a lifelong process. I am proud of having the opportunities to disseminate knowledge, ranging from specific aspects of research to invaluable life lessons gained through personal experience. I find great joy in mentoring to make a positive impact in the minds of young scholars. Is there any advice that you have for someone new to this industry or starting research? Firstly, to pursue research, one needs a combination of passion, hard work, and luck. Luck is not within human control, but the other two factors depend on personal interests/choices. I believe that if a particular topic of research does not excite one’s interest, please do not venture into it. “Failure” in research is evident. However, if one has a passion for the subject then the "failure" seems to be a learning lesson and a step closer towards success. If not, the "failure" could lead to depression and some unhealthy months to years, which isn’t worth the time. I believe that “motivation” should come from within, and external factors can motivate only for a limited period. Secondly, interdisciplinary research is the best form of research leading to innovation. Working with researchers from multiple disciplines is the shortest path to learn more and achieve bigger goals. I have created the artwork to represent all the disciplines of science I have contributed to, as a structural biologist, in the last decade of being a researcher. I would advise the young researcher to be passionate about their research question, build interdisciplinary angles to their project and develop collaborations.


March 2022 Issue

All About Research


to start graduate school. I was torn between feeling like I needed to do something "good for people" vs. this notion I had that graduate studies would be a bit selfish, and learning "just for me." The tipping point for me was working with WISEST during the year I took off from my studies after my undergraduate degree and seeing the work of people there, especially of Dr. Margaret-Ann Amour, who was doing work that made a difference in peoples' lives while still achieving important things scientifically. With the notion that I could use what I learned to inspire and teach others - and to contribute to the pool of knowledge, my enthusiasm for graduate school and research built, Tell me about yourself and your career/area of research. My name is Lindsay LeBlanc, and I'm currently an Associate Professor of Physics at the University of Alberta. I'm also a mom and stepmom, I am a queer woman, and I also strongly value my family connections as a partner, a daughter, and a sister. I grew up in the Canadian prairies, including Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Alberta, and I first moved to Edmonton in 1999 to start my undergraduate degree. After that, I pursued my graduate studies at the University of Toronto, and then did postdoctoral research at NIST -- the National Institute of Standards and Technology in Gaithersburg, MD. In 2013, I returned to the University of Alberta to start my job as a faculty member, when I started setting up my experimental physics laboratories. My research focuses on understanding and manipulating quantum systems for both fundamental research and practical applications, all using atomic physics techniques. With my team, I am currently engaged in three research directions: quantum simulations and computation with ultracold atoms; quantum memories in atomic systems; and hybrid quantum systems, with a focus on microwave interactions and technologies.

and I decided to pursue a higher degree. My specific area of research emerged as the thing I am working on now through some particular choices I made through my career, but in truth, I think I could have been happy studying in a number of different research areas -- there are so many fascinating things to






experiences, I found I was most interested in studying fundamental science questions (vs. engineering, which was the faculty of my undergraduate degree), and I was especially interested in both quantum mechanics and optics. The field I ended up in is a combination of the two. I ended up doing the particular kind of atomic physics I do because this is the topic of my graduate studies. I chose my particular lab group based on the group culture and the compatibility I found with my eventual PhD adviser, and this was a good choice in the end, as it made my graduate experience very positive. In the meantime, I found a fascinating field of research and have stuck with it every since.

What made you decide to go into research? What made you decide to go into your specific area of research?

How are some ways that you manage your time?

The decision to go into research wasn't an easy one -I resisted it for sometime before I eventually decided

I never used a calendar before I became a professor,

UA-WiSE Project Committee 2021/22

How do you maintain work-life balance?

but now it's essential.


March 2022 Issue

All About Research

I try to include time for preparation and thinking about/discussing research so that I don't allow meetings to fill all of my time, and this also helps me to say "no" to requests on my time that are maybe not necessary. In terms of work-life balance, I generally reserve the time from school pick-up to the kids' bedtimes to be work/email free, and do very little while the kids are awake during the weekend (though there are occasional exceptional circumstances, like grant deadlines). I also find it very important for my mental health to get enough sleep and enough exercise, and so I do my best to make these a priority. Another thing I've always found helpful was to sign up for weekly non-science activities -- language lessons, pottery lessons, for example -- that make me change my ways of thinking to something else on a regular basis. Now that there are young kids in the family, I do fewer of these activities, but I look forward to getting back to them in a few years. Is there any advice that you have for someone new to this industry or starting research? I generally tell people starting research to a) not be too specific about the topic you want to study -- there are lots of interesting things out there, many of which you don't know about. Be open minded and curious and it will help you find something you enjoy. b) Don't worry too much about what life will bring you in 5 years, and be flexible about your plans. So long as you are happy and enjoying yourself (and able to financially support yourself), and don't feel like you need to achieve some goal that is imposed by the expectations of others. c) Do think about your priorities, and don't shy away from letting yourself make non-science aspects of your life a priority, without giving up on science. If it seems like these are incompatible with your other priorities (ie, having kids and doing grad school at the same time), realize that there are others in your circumstances, that there are often supports you can access, and that changing the culture of your circumstances is possible -- you don't have to conform to other people's expectations about what it means to be you. I'm neither a stereotypical mom nor a stereotypical physicist, but I'm proud to be both in the ways I've defined for myself. What is the research culture like? I might write a book on this someday ;)

UA-WiSE Project Committee 2021/22


March 2022 Issue

All About Research

How to Get Into Research: A 5 Tip Guide 1. Talk to your Favourite Professors About Their Labs If you are really liking the topic they are teaching odds are you are probably going to like their area of study or their lab. A polite email asking if they are looking for research assistants is the best way to go to try to get into their lab!

2. Talk to Fellow Students If you are new to sciences reaching out to fellow students a couple years above you can be an excellent way to find out what labs are out there and if they are taking new students.

3. Read as Much Research as You Can Research can feel like a foreign environment when you are getting into it but having the background of what others in your field are doing and possible fields of study can make it less daunting, especially if its from your peers at the U of A.

4. Look for Research Based Courses This can be a good way to get academic credit for your work and see if research is for you without a large commitment!

5. Look for a Summer Job in Research Even better than academic credit, money! Looking for summer jobs in research can be an excellent way to get into research and get paid for your efforts!

Resource for additional details:

UA-WiSE Project Committee 2021/22


March 2022 Issue

All About Research

Current Events Molecules, Cells and Systems Seminar Series Dr. Tamzin Blewett Every Thursday at 11:00am until March 31st

This seminar series is open to the public every Thursday at 11am from now till March 31st via zoom. Such seminars include "An HLA-G/SPAG9/STAT3 alliance in early-stage brain metastases” by Dr. Blessing Bassey-Archibong and "Thriving in the shifting landscape of scientific publishing” by Dr. Prachee Avasthi. For more information:

Public Observing at the University of Alberta Observatory Every Wednesday from 12:30pm to 1:30pm until April 6th

The University of Alberta Observatory is currently running Solar observations for all those who want to get a glimpse at everybody's favourite star! Solar observations require no advanced booking and are completely free. They run every Wednesday from 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm until April 6th. For more information:

Ecology and Evolution Seminar Series Dr. Kim Mathot and Dr. Toby Spribille Every Friday at noon until April 8th

This course is having a seminar open to the public every Friday at noon from now till April 8th via zoom. Such seminars include “The Importance of Social Defenses in the Superorganism” by Dr. Olav Rueppell, “Frontiers in Multiple Stressors Ecology” by Dr. Rolf Vinebrooke, and "Time, Space, Sea Level, and Vertebrate Faunal Change in the Late Cretaceous of Alberta” by Dr. Corwin Sullivan. For more information:

UA-WiSE Project Committee 2021/22


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