STEMphasize: February

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February 2022 Issue

Women in Engineering


Contents 1. Introduction 2. "Introduce a Girl To Engineering" Day 3. Featured Stories 4. Current Events UA-WISE Project Committee 2021/22

February 2022 Issue

Women in Engineering

Introduction STEMphasize is a newsletter-format project created with the intention to provide a platform to emphasize the journeys and experiences of women and underrepresented individuals in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). The goal of this initiative is to inspire students of all levels, and provide genuine advice regarding the paths and adventures throughout different STEM fields. Each month will be centered around a specific theme, with this month's theme: Women in Engineering. This month's theme is in light of "Introduce a Girl to Engineering" Day.

"Introduce a Girl to Engineering" Day "Introduce a Girl to Engineering' Day takes place on February 24, 2022. This day, also known as Girl day, aims to teach girls the joys of engineering and highlight successful women in engineering as role models [1]. Currently, women make up about 20% of engineering graduates in Canada. With the help of initiatives led by Engineers Canada, first conceived by Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA) the goal is to reach 30% by 2030 [2]. From demonstrations to speaking to classrooms to just mentioning engineering to any young girls you know, there are lots of ways to introduce a girl to engineering and make an impact on the future of engineering.

Featured Stories This month's featured stories focus on women in engineering at different levels within their academic and professional careers. From advice for industry to time management skills, there is something to take away from each and every one of their stories. This month's featured members: Professors: Dr. Tian Tang Professionals: Amanda Boyko, Tara Wasilieff, Lindsay Alleyene, Amanda Creviston, Leandra Shade Undergraduates: Katherine Lam-Tran, Sara Sakbani

UA-Wise Project Committee 2021/22


[1]“Introduce a Girl to Engineering,” DiscoverE. (accessed Feb. 22, 2022). [2]“30 by 30,” Engineers Canada. (accessed Feb. 22, 2022).

February 2022 Issue

Women in Engineering

AMANDA BOYKO Professional What would you tell your younger self? What would you tell a young girl interested in Engineering? Engineering is a dynamic, multi-faceted career path which opens a lot of doors to a wide diversity of opportunities. As an engineer, you can wear a lot of different hats. I think people often don’t fully understand what an engineer does and there is a common misconception that it is just technical calculations. Being an engineer can be so much more than that. Tell me about yourself and your career. When I was a young girl, my response to the typical question, “what do you want to be when you grow up?” was always: a teacher, a writer, and an Olympic figure skater. Throughout my career as an engineer, I have taken on all these roles. Wait, what!? No, I am not actually an Olympic figure skater. But I do see parallels between figure skating and my role as an engineer. Both are a combination of science and mathematics integrated with creative expression and performed with a high level of professionalism on a public stage. To be an Olympian, you need to be a master at personal performance and also a master collaborator – with your coaches, choreographers, trainers, sports psychologists, and nutritionists. This is the same in my role as an engineer, where successful projects rely on collaboration with many stakeholders such as the client, architect, technical specialists, and contractors. I graduated from the University of Alberta in 2009 with a degree in Civil Engineering, specializing in structural engineering and construction management. Over the past decade, I have worked on industrial construction projects in the oil and gas, renewable energy, mining, and environmental sectors across western Canada. I started my career in a project management role where I gained valuable on-site experience on large, complex construction projects. I later transitioned into my current role focused on the pre-construction phases of projects, including project development, tendering, and pre-construction planning.

UA-Wise Project Committee 2021/22

For example, in my current role, I am involved with the technical aspects of projects and also the financial and legal aspects, such as cost estimation, contract negotiation, and risk management. I think the simplest way to describe my job is a ‘master planner and problem solver’. The engineering profession is an exciting, rewarding career where you get to make a positive contribution to society every day. As an engineer in the construction industry, I am part of the teams that build energy production facilities, water treatment plants, food manufacturing plants, hospitals, schools, and recreation facilities. Is there any advice that you have for someone new to this industry? Be open to new experiences and alternative ideas. My career has taken me in unexpected directions that have provided me with such valuable learning opportunities. If I had stuck to my original path, I would have missed out on these unique experiences. Sometimes life might be calling you in a better direction than you would have originally chosen for yourself! Be brave, step out of the familiar and into a world of endless possibilities! Why did you decide to pursue engineering? How did you choose your discipline of engineering? I took a rather unexpected path to my career as an engineer. When I was in Grade 12, I went on a fine arts trip to London, England with my high school. During this trip, I discovered my interest in architecture and decided I wanted to pursue a career as an architect.


February 2022 Issue I was a very creative, artistic person. But I also excelled at math and physics. So I applied to both the University of Alberta’s undergraduate engineering program and arts design program, with the intent that either could be a stepping stone to later pursue a graduate program in architecture. Being a very pragmatic person, I ended up choosing to do the engineering route. This opened my eyes to the possibility of a career as a structural engineer, something I had never previously considered. Have you faced any barriers in your engineering career? If so, what helped you overcome them? It isn’t a secret that women are still greatly underrepresented in the engineering profession. At times this has created unique challenges for me.

Women in Engineering But challenges push you to grow and become a more resilient person. I think the best way to overcome these perceived barriers is to change your mindset and see it simply as a problem you can solve – something us engineers are really good at! I also think it is essential to build your network and surround yourself with people who will inspire you, challenge you, and remind you that YES, you do belong here. Getting involved with groups like UA-WiSE is a great place to start. It is also important to remind yourself that each person has their own unique perspective based on their unique collection of life experiences. Progress only happens when we are brave enough to step forward and share our new ideas.

DR. TIAN TANG Professor

Tell me about yourself and your career. My name is Tian Tang and I am a Professor of Mechanical Engineering and the Acting Associate Dean Programs & Planning for the Faculty of Engineering. Twenty-five years ago, I started my undergraduate study in Engineering Mechanics at Tsinghua University in China. Four years later, I received a scholarship to pursue a PhD in Theoretical & Applied Mechanics at Cornell University in the United States. In January 2007, I arrived in Edmonton and started my academic career as an Assistant Professor and a Tier-2 Canada Research Chair. In 2009, I became a registered Professional Engineer with the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA). I was promoted to Associate Professor with tenure in 2011 and Full Professor in 2015. Since 2010, I have been a volunteer role model for Women in Scholarship, Engineering, Science, and Technology (WISEST). I really enjoyed the interaction with the students, and this has motivated me to participate in a variety of committees that promote equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI), for example, the Women in APEGA Committee, Faculty of Engineering EDI Team, and serving as the Academic Co-Chair for WISEST since 2017.

UA-Wise Project Committee 2021/22

What would you tell a young girl interested in Engineering? I would encourage them to explore the different fields of Engineering and find the discipline that they really love studying. Interest and passion are the strongest force driving perseverance. What are you most proud of? I am most proud of my students. I have been fortunate to have interacted with a diverse body of students in my career. I have been their teacher, supervisor or mentor, but they have also inspired me and taught me a great deal. I am very proud to see them grow, mature and become role models for the next generation.


February 2022 Issue

Women in Engineering

How are some ways that you manage your time well? How do you maintain work-life balance?

Why did you decide to pursue engineering? How did you choose your discipline of engineering?

First, I recognize that work-life balance is dynamic and not static - you cannot have the perfect balance at all times. Very often what frustrates people about work-life imbalance is the feeling of guilt (not spending enough time on both of them).

I have always enjoyed math and physics since I was a young girl. The discipline of Engineering Mechanics is rich in both subjects, which was a perfect combination for me.

It’s important to recognize the dynamic nature of the balance and set proper expectations. Second, the urgent/ important principle helps me to categorize things and define priorities. Third, I was once given excellent advice: learn to say No – sometimes saying No is to offer the opportunity to other people who need it. Don’t try to take on everything – always ask yourself what are your priorities.


Control Research Facility at a coal-fired power plant. In my spare time, I enjoy volunteering in the community and spending time with my husband (also an Electrical Engineer) and our two boys. What would you tell a young girl interested in Engineering? I would tell my younger self to believe that you can do what you set your mind to. I would tell a young girl interested in Engineering to pursue her passions. Engineering is a great career with lots of opportunities to work on exciting projects that have an impact. What are you most proud of? Tell me about yourself and your career. Hello. My name is Tara Wasilieff. I am an Electrical Engineer currently working as a Compliance Advisor, ensuring electric system reliability at ATCO Electricity. I have 15 years’ experience working in the electrical utility industry across Western Canada in a variety of different roles with most of my career in Transmission and Operations Planning. Prior to my current role, I worked as a Transmission Planning Engineer where I conducted interconnection studies, including renewable energy projects that want to connect to the grid. I am looking forward to seeing three of my wind farm projects being energized this year in Alberta. I have also worked in Distribution Design, Operations Planning and Emissions

UA-Wise Project Committee 2021/22

I am most proud of my students. I have been fortunate to have interacted with a diverse body of students in my career. I have been their teacher, supervisor or mentor, but they have also inspired me and taught me a great deal. I am very proud to see them grow, mature and become role models for the next generation. Why did you decide to pursue engineering? How did you choose your discipline of engineering? I have always enjoyed math and physics since I was a young girl. The discipline of Engineering Mechanics is rich in both subjects, which was a perfect combination for me.


February 2022 Issue Is there anything you would have done differently? No, I would not change a thing. I have learned from my experiences and it has taken me to where I am today. I completed a degree in Biological Sciences in BC after high school. I struggled to find impactful work and after working for several years went back to university

Women in Engineering to study Electrical Engineering. It certainly wasn’t a linear career path but my experiences are varied and I have been fortunate to work on some diverse and interesting projects across Western Canada.

KATHERINE LAM-TRAN Undergraduate Student

Tell me about yourself and your career. My name is Katherine and my pronouns are she/her. I was born and raised in Calgary and am currently pursuing a BSc in Mechanical Engineering (Trad Plan I) here at the University of Alberta. When it comes to extracurriculars, I like to crochet (a little obsessed I must admit) and am currently the Vice President Internal for the Mechanical Engineering Club here on campus. For the past two summers, I had the opportunity to be a summer camp instructor at the University of Calgary, but I am finally beginning my career as an engineering intern for another organization. I can't wait to see what I'll be able to learn on the job. What would you tell your younger self? What would you tell a young girl interested in Engineering? I would tell my younger self that failure isn't scary. It may come off as daunting, but now I believe that any perceived "failure" is just a moment we can learn and grow from. To those younger girls interested in engineering, don't let anything or anyone stop you. Big goals can be tricky to reach but as long as you try, you will succeed in one way or another. The only thing that will stop you from reaching your goals is not trying at all.

Why did you decide to pursue engineering? How did you choose your discipline of engineering? I decided to pursue engineering because I was always fond of math and science throughout school, and always wanted to make an impact in someone else's life. I chose Mechanical Engineering because I was interested in Biomechanical Engineering (specifically rehabilitation or prosthetics) or Project Management. Mechanical Engineering is an extremely broad discipline and lets you get a feel for any field you could think of!

Do you have anything else you would like to include in the newsletter? Join a discipline or faculty club! They are great social supports throughout your degree and host amazing events throughout the year. These include game nights, workshops, and networking events.

UA-Wise Project Committee 2021/22


February 2022 Issue How are some ways that you manage your time? How do you maintain work-life balance? Keeping in mind that time management looks different for everyone, here are some ways that I find help me best. Start as soon as you can. School gets busy and it can become overwhelming. Starting as soon as you can (even just glancing over that scary assignment) can help you identify what you can do right now and what can be done later. It helps if you can break it down into smaller steps and space out your work.

Women in Engineering This one may be shocking, but I don’t do any work after 10:30 pm. While making sure I’m well-rested for the next day, it also ensures that my work is actually quality work and I won’t have to worry as much about silly mistakes. Set aside at least one hour (ideally more) a day for yourself. This means school/work are not priorities within this time. This is a great time to pick up that new hobby, workout, or read that book. This time allows you to decompress during or after a long day of work.


Undergraduate Student

How did you choose your discipline? I knew I wanted to work in the civil industry, and I’ve always wanted to contribute to making engineering a more environmentally friendly industry, but I was unsure what specific path I wanted my career to head in. Mining engineering stood out to me because I’ve always had an interest in the space industry and learning about the space mining industry sparked my interest in mining. Space mining may also be a more sustainable alternative to earth mining which made me gravitate towards it even more. What would you tell a young girl interested in Engineering?

Tell me about yourself and your career. Hi! My name is Sara, I’m in my second year of Mining Engineering Co-op. My first work term begins this summer of 2022, and I’ll be starting off my career in the oil sands industry. I am looking forward to my future in engineering and I’m so grateful for all the opportunities it provides.

UA-Wise Project Committee 2021/22

I thoroughly enjoy seeing underrepresented groups in this industry. Engineering at the U of A is very diversified and welcoming to everyone. The sense of community in this discipline is one thing my friends of other disciplines said they did not experience as strongly. If you think you have a passion for math, physics and the practical aspects of them, engineering is a great option. Is there anything you would have done differently? I’ve definitely made mistakes along the way. The biggest one being poor time management in the beginning of my studies in engineering. It’s a degree that requires a lot of effort and I failed to realise that in the beginning. That being said, I learned from my mistake and I try not to dwell on it because mistakes are bound to happen.


February 2022 Issue

Women in Engineering

LINDSAY ALLEYNE Professional Tell me about yourself and your career. I received my undergrad degree in Civil engineering at University of Calgary with a minor in structural engineering. I wanted to be an architect and loved understanding how buildings are designed, built and used by people. My plan had always been to get my undergrad degree in engineering and then get my master's in architecture. I ended up liking engineering more than I thought I would and in 4th year I met with a number of architects and structural engineers in the industry and they all felt I should use the degree I already had and look for a position with a firm that designed buildings rather than spending more time, and money, at school studying architecture. After I graduated I took the summer off to travel through Europe and figure things out. I started looking for a structural engineering position when I returned. My first job was with a mid-size firm in Calgary. It was the perfect place to start my career. The partners were great mentors and I learned a lot there. After 3 years I heard Yolles was opening an office in Calgary and looking for intermediate engineers. I was interested in working for a larger international company and the potential for more opportunities. I worked with them for 6 years and spent the last 2 years as a resident engineer on the Bow Tower. It was such an amazing experience to watch that building get built. I left on maternity leave just as that project was wrapping up and at the same time, my firm was bought by another company. Following mat leave, my position at the new company no longer existed and I was looking for a position with more work-life balance. I found a parttime position as a design engineer at another mid-size firm. I worked there for about 4 years with another mat leave in the middle. Eventually, I started missing time with my daughters though. I decided to take a year off to spend time with them before my oldest started kindergarten and my youngest started preschool. After the year off I wanted to focus more on the construction side of structural consulting and found a part-time position doing construction reviews, similar to what I was doing on the Bow. I worked in that position for about 2 years but when COVID hit I was doing less and less of the construction work and more design work. A position for a structural engineer opened up with the City of Calgary about a year ago and I have been happily with them ever since. Outside of work, I am a mom of 2 young girls. I enjoy

UA-Wise Project Committee 2021/22

travelling, and can’t wait for things to open up again, I also enjoy hiking and silversmithing. I have been involved with my kids' school, volunteering on the playschool board and now I am helping to rebuild the playground at their school. My husband is also an engineer and we have always tried to maintain good work-life balance to travel and spend time together as a family. What would you tell your younger self? What would you tell a young girl potentially interested in Engineering? I was a bit reluctant about going into engineering. It seemed like a lot of work when I wasn’t planning on even becoming an engineer but engineering can open so many doors. I know engineers that travel the world working on oil rigs, engineers working in the armed forces, engineers teaching at SAIT, some became successful lawyers using their strong technical background to support a case, another is teaching kids engineering skills with LEGO. There are so many opportunities out there. It can also provide a good well paying part-time job when you want to spend more time with your family! How are some ways that you manage your time well? How do you maintain work-life balance? Work-life balance has always been very important to me. I am more than happy to give 110% at the office but at the end of the day and on weekends it is really important to me that I have time to focus on my other interests. I never understood how people had vacation time left at the end of the year or why they would


February 2022 Issue

Women in Engineering

spend every evening or weekend in the office. I don’t feel this attitude ever held me back. I was still given lots of opportunities and was able to build the career I wanted. Hard work is usually noticed and rewarded. What is the best piece of advice that you have ever received? Never turn down an opportunity. During my career, it felt like every time I was getting comfortable with what I was doing and feeling more confident in it I would be given an opportunity to do something new. This always felt a bit daunting, I’d have to go back to the deep end of learning a new aspect of the business or design and take the time to build that confidence again. However, these opportunities led to so many new and exciting things. Though I sometimes felt like I wasn’t ready or needed more experience I eventually got comfortable… and then moved on to the next thing. What is the Engineering culture like? How has your experience been as part of a minority of women in the engineering industry? The worst part of my job was showing up at a new construction site and having 30 men stare at me wondering what on earth I was doing there. I always felt like they were just waiting for me to make a mistake. After a few visits, it was a non-issue and we all got on with doing our jobs but those first days were never fun.

90% of the time I never felt like I was a minority. I was treated fairly, with respect and did my job. Sometimes it worked to my advantage and sometimes I’d come across someone who assumed I didn’t know what I was doing simply because I was a woman. That was definitely the exception though. I know we are making progress when I see my daughter put on my construction gear and say “Look mom, I’m just like you."

AMANDA CREVISTON Early-Career Professional Tell me about yourself and your career. Hi! My name is Amanda and I am currently working as a Restoration Engineer with RJC engineers. I have my degree in Civil Engineering co-op from the University of Alberta. I specialized in Transportation and Construction engineering when completing my degree. I love all things to do with how transportation has affected our lives and changed society. When I am not at work, you will find me outside! I love taking my Girl Guide groups camping, hiking in the mountains or going for a snowshoe. Since leaving school, it has been difficult for me to find my

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February 2022 Issue place in a career. I originally declined completing my Masters Degree in Transportation and decided to start as a Project Coordinator with a construction company. This job had very long hours and very little mentorship or training. So very much to know in such a short amount of time! After not finding my place at a second construction company as a Coordinator, I decided to go the traditional route of Engineering and apply for a position as a consultant Engineer. Even though I do not have a formal background in Structural Engineering, this role is a great fit as I work mostly on restoration projects and the standard handbook doesn't work. In my current position with RJC, consulting feels like a much better fit already! In my role, I perform condition assessments at water and astewater facilities and compile reports based on our findings. Sometimes the client will then retain us to put together a tender package to complete repairs on these structures. My role then becomes a Construction Consultant where we ensure the contractor has installed as per design. I hope one day to start designing! I love working in Engineering and seeing how our work affects the community around us. Why did you decide to pursue engineering? How did you choose your discipline of engineering? This one is a really funny story! I always wanted to be a teacher since elementary school. I loved kids and enjoyed tutoring in my spare time. When I was in junior high, I started to work at summer day camps and something clicked and I did not want to work with kids 9 hours every day! It was exhausting! Talking with my mum, she said to me "You like math and science. Those are your only two good grades. Be an Engineer". Halfway through high school, after I had put in my application to the School of Education, I decided to apply for the School of Engineering. I decided to pursue Civil engineering as I am fascinated by architecture, construction, transportation and how the roles of Engineers define society. What would you tell your younger self? What would you tell a young girl interested in Engineering? I would tell my younger self to not be focused on one thing, to explore all your passions and even seek out new ones! I would tell a younger girl interested in Engineering to speak to other Engineers and get involved in camps or activities designed to explore the different disciplines. With my Brownies Unit, I make sure we don't just do "girly" things, but do all those fun science experiments as well!

UA-Wise Project Committee 2021/22

Women in Engineering Is there anything you would have done differently? When I was a Project Coordinator, I always thought I should not have gotten my degree, that I should have gotten my project management diploma and entered the field. Two years instead of five, right? But looking back, I am glad I got my degree as it allowed more doors to open and more career options. What are you most proud of? I am honestly most proud of obtaining my degree. I am the first one in my family to hold a degree. It took a lot of work, I lost a lot of friends along the way and I wear my ring everyday to remind me of the sacrifices I had to make to obtain my degree. What are you looking forward to in the future? I am looking forward to obtaining my P.Eng here shortly! I am applying this week and should have it by the end of the year. It will take a lot of effort. Have you faced any barriers in your engineering career? If so, what helped you overcome them? The toughest part about being in the industry is being female and young. I notice that people tend to pay a lot more attention to me and are constantly asking if I am alright or need help. Very difficult to be "in charge" when people do not quite see you as equal! I have also been in a boardroom with ten people and been the youngest and only female. How are some ways that you manage your time? How do you maintain work-life balance? This one was very difficult to achieve when I was working as a Project Coordinator. It was a demanding job that required lots of overtime and constantly being on call. I maintained a balance as best I could by leaving work at work and home at home. My husband and I have a calendar and we schedule time together so we ensure we have family time. It sounds crazy, but two Engineers can work a lot of hours! We also make sure that we sit down for dinner at 6pm every night with the phones in the kitchen (all 4 of them!)


February 2022 Issue

Women in Engineering

Do you have anything else you would like to include in the newsletter? I would just like to say that women should not shy away from being in Engineering. It is a very rewarding career and one that I am super happy I decided to go with. Also, marks are marks! You do not need to be the smartest in school to have a great career. The only job that asked me for my transcripts was my current one to check what courses I took! They did not care about my grades (especially that C in calculus!). I hope that I can inspire more people to pursue this career and become an Engineer to change the way we live.

LEANDRA SHADE Professional Just one month after graduating, I started my career at WSP Canada as an Electrical Engineer in Training (E.I.T.) in their Electrical Buildings Group. After a little over 5 years of experience, I applied to be a Professional Engineer (P. Eng.) and also became a Junior Project Manager. My role within WSP involves designing the electrical systems for residential, commercial, and industrial buildings. Although I have worked on many different types of buildings, my focus has been primarily on educational facilities, recreation & leisure facilities, residential high-rises, and office buildings. The electrical systems that I most frequently design on my projects include power Edistribution systems, lighting & lighting Tell me about yourself and your career. My name is Leandra Shade and I am a Professional Electrical Engineer. I live with my fiance Chase and our fuzzy child - Link the Keeshond. Outside of my professional life, I am an active member with Girl Guides of Canada where I volunteer as a Pathfinder Leader and as the Deputy District Commissioner for Sherwood Park District Girl Guides. In whatever free time remains, you'll find me camping, playing board games or video games, cheering on my favourite hockey and football teams, crafting, and most importantly spending quality time with my friends and family. In 2015, I graduated from the University of Alberta with my Bachelor of Science in Engineering degree.

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controls, fire alarm systems, and low tension systems (data, telephone, door access, intrusion detection, CCTV, public address). I've also had the privilege of working with a variety of construction delivery methods such as Design-Bid-Build,



Management, and Integrated Project Delivery (IPD). Of these, I have taken particular interest in IPD because I enjoy the high level of collaboration it involves with other consultants/engineers as well as the contractors. As a result, the majority of my projects today are of this variety. As a Project Manager, my additional duties include managing project health (budgets, schedules), managing my colleagues working on my projects, and managing client relations.


February 2022 Issue

Women in Engineering

How are some ways that you manage your time?

What is the Engineering culture like?

At times, work-life balance can be a struggle - especially in the consulting world where clients come first. Prepandemic was trickier. I was travelling a lot for different projects and was going into the office the rest of the time. What I found was important was to take time out of my day to PLAN. Planning is definitely key to managing time and deliverables. After the pandemic hit, we transitioned to a work-from-home environment and travelling to project sites was done only when critically necessary. Truthfully, I worked a little more during this time... what else was there to do? As the world slowly begins to open up, work travel has started to pick up again, but WSP plans to keep a hybrid approach to working-from-home. I'm thankful for this and the flexibility it introduces to my life.

It is hard to put a blanket statement on what the engineering culture is currently like, because it really varies with the people you encounter. Overall, it's easy to see there is still a gap in females vs. males in the engineering field. My group has around 35-40% females in our office. As an E.I.T., I was fortunate enough to have opportunities to learn from two female Professional Engineers, but I don't think this opportunity is common in the field. There are times on construction sites that you get mistaken for someone other than the engineer, or someone only calls you "the girl engineer." But, it seems as though this happens less and less as I've progressed in my career and it does make me optimistic that overall the engineering culture is changing.

What would you tell your younger self? What would you tell a young girl interested in Engineering? I would likely tell my younger self that it's going to be a bit of a roller coaster ride. School will feel overwhelming at times, but it's not all about the grade, it's about earning to problem solve. You're going to encounter people who think you won't go as far because you're a female, but 2, you're also going to encounter people that will support you fully. And at times you're going to feel you need to work twice as hard for the same amount of respect, but there are those who will recognize it. Did you have someone who inspired you? My grandmother has always been a big inspiration for me. She grew up on a farm in Southern Alberta, and her family expectations were to find a farmer husband to marry and work a life on his farm. However, she did not like the sounds of that. So, she made the decision to leave the farm and move to Edmonton where she supported herself to get more education. She prioritized this, and didn't end up marrying my Grandfather until she was in her 30s (a rare thing in those times). As I grew up, she was always my biggest supporter - bragging to her friends how great her granddaughter was at math. I knew if she could go after what she wanted, that I could too.

UA-Wise Project Committee 2021/22


February 2022 Issue

Women in Engineering

Current Events Eating Disorders Symposium From February 22 to March 3, 2022

This educational opportunity is available to anyone in Alberta who is touched personally or professionally by an eating disorder. This symposium is focused on sharing knowledge, current strategies, best practices in the treatment and management of eating disorders, as well as, sharing available community resources, lived experience and messages of hope. More information and registration can be found at: U of A Engineering Art Show March 14th - 25th, 2022

This is a chance for students involved in engineering to show off their creativity through an upcoming art show. Art can be submitted up until March 14th, 2022. U of A Engineering Art Show is hosting a talent show on March 18th from 7pm - 9pm with submissions being due March 11th. As well there is a chance to win $2000 worth of music production software. More information can be found on Instagram: @engartshow Strickland Memorial Lecture 2022: Celebrating 100 years of Entomology at the University of Alberta March 18th, 2022, 10:00am - 11:00am

"How to Hijack a Brain: The parasitic manipulator Cotesia congregata and its caterpillar host Manduca sexta” by Dr. Shelley Adamo, Dept. of Psychology and Neuroscience, Dalhousie University, Hosted by Dr. Lien Luong. The Strickland Memorial Lecture has highlighed Entomological excellence at the University of Alberta for 100 years and this years lecture highlighting Cotesia congregata and its manipulation of its caterpillar host Manduca sexta will be one you don’t want to miss. The zoom link to attend this lecture follows:

UA-Wise Project Committee 2021/22


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