Avoid The Outcomes Of Bad Drainage Having A Driveway Drain

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Avoid The Outcomes Of Bad Drainage Having A Driveway Drain Of the components of your home, the driveway may appear to be one of the least impressive. It is merely a slab of concrete or asphalt that bridges the gap between your garage and the street in the end. However, the driveway can lead to some significant and potentially expensive problems in the end if it fails to effectively move water runoff away from your garage, house and yard. If this area of your home is suffering from poor drainage, a driveway drain may be the solution. The Cause of Poor Drainage The leading cause of poor drainage is, simply, the lack of a drainage system. Most driveways are made of materials that preclude moisture from being absorbed into the earth. If there is no drain to channel it to a desired location, water will follow the path of least resistance; it has to go somewhere. Flowing towards your house or yard or back toward your garage is what this might mean. If your driveway does not have an adequate slope to channel liquid to the street or if it is at the bottom of a hill or in a low-lying area of your property, drainage problems can be made worse. Problems Due to Runoff Runoff can enter your garage depending upon the slope of your driveway; the result is moisture problems or water that pools on your driveway, which can discolor or damage the surface. If the area has cracks, moisture can sink deeper and result in even more problems over time. Damage to your house can result if water runoff is reaching the backfill soil around it. Saturated soil can, eventually, lead to cosmetic and even structural issues, including cracks and a decline in the stability of your foundation which is the case with concrete slab foundations. In homes with a basement or crawlspace, flooding is a frequent consequence of poor drainage. Rot, mold and mildew, as well as the creation of a haven for insects, such as termites, which can eat away at the structure, can be the outcome of standing water in these areas. Exterior water damage also can ultimately cause problems inside of your home, like cracking of interior walls and sticking windows and doors. Swampy areas, soil erosion and harm to your landscaping are other outcomes of excess moisture that's channeled to your yard. How to Enhance Drainage One of the very best, most cost-effective ways to prevent the problems associated with poor drainage is to put in a driveway drain. Trench drains, also known as channel or linear drains, are a well-liked choice. Installing one involves cutting out an area to create a gutter for water to run into, which is then covered with a metal grate. Once a desired direction is identified, the water can then be diverted. Another way to improve drainage are landscaping swales. Shallow trenches in the land on either side of your driveway that divert runoff away from your house, yard and garage is what a swale is. When setting up a swale, river rocks and plants are normally used to make it look like a creek bed.


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Avoid The Outcomes Of Bad Drainage Having A Driveway Drain If your house, yard or garage gets invaded with water whenever it rains, runoff from your poorly draining driveway could be the culprit. If that’s the case, installing a driveway drain now can allow you to avoid a lot of headaches, not to mention costly damage to your home and landscaping, in the future. To determine which drainage solution is right for your property, consult a professional. At Norstar Industries, you can buy a new driveway drain that is going to help keep your garage free from excess water. For additional information on Norstar Industries, take a look at their webpage at www.u-drain.ca.

Document Tags: driveway trench drain, driveway drain http://www.u-drain.ca/


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