Master's Thesis 2016

Page 28

DETERMINED (FOCUS ON GOALS) Generally, there are three ways of dealing with change. Being reserved, indifferent, or open to it, depends on and expresses inner mindsets. One reason to be “closed” to change is a certain anxiety about possibly negative consequences, as humans have a basic need for safety and stability. We express this need physically by crossing our arms in front of the chest. The gesture looks like as if we would wrap and hold ourselves for soothing purposes. At

the same time, it communicates a persistent point of view, as it is “an attempt to put a barrier between the person and someone or something they don’t like” (Pease 93). An interpretation in regard to the topic of this thesis could be that this barrier exists in ones mind, as well as in somatic terms on the street itself. Our bodies become the mirror of a traffic situation expressing the urge to reach a destination fast, safe, and without any frequent or bothering deviations.


17 | State of Flux

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