Make sure to check the regulations before purchasing new winter tyres

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Make sure to check the regulations before purchasing new winter tyres

Make sure to check the regulations before purchasing new winter tyres • Different countries have different regulations when it comes to winter tyres. It ranges from them having to be used during certain months to that certain types are not allowed. By knowing exactly what applies to your country or region you can adapt and make sure that you are make sure that you follow them. It will also ensure that you make the correct tyre decision when you purchase a new set. You also need to check before you plan to drive across country borders, if there are any restrictions.

Make sure to check the regulations before purchasing new winter tyres • When it comes to winter tyres, the studded tyres do have some restrictions when it comes being allowed or not and time restrictions of use. The non-studded tyres don’t have any such restrictions and can be used freely. The same is with the all-weather tyres, that can even be used for all year round use and can handle winter if they are winter approved. The nonstudded tyres should still be changed to summer tyres once the winter season ends to prevent excessive tyre wear.

Make sure to check the regulations before purchasing new winter tyres • You should base your choice on the legal requirements and make the best tyre choice for your intended purpose of use. Then make sure that you select tyres that are suitable for your vehicle. Bigger vehicles such as SUVs, vans and light trucks will need different tyres, tyres with bigger dimensions and have the ability to carry higher loads. There are also the special tyres for electric cars and hybrids that will need higher wear resistant tyres to combat the higher torque and higher loads due to the battery packs. In addition to the correct tyre selection you will need to rotate the tyres on an electrical car more frequently to ensure longer lifetime.

Make sure to check the regulations before purchasing new winter tyres • Winter tyres are very important for winter driving and it can be very dangerous to drive without proper tyres, as snow, ice and slush represent some of the trickiest conditions for driving. Summer tyres or any tyre that isn’t intended for winter use will become hard at low temperatures due to the rubber compound used. This decreases the friction that they can assert making them unsuitable for winter use. You really need winter approved tyres to be able to stay safe.

Make sure to check the regulations before purchasing new winter tyres • For more info regarding new winter tyres, visit:

Make sure to check the regulations before purchasing new winter tyres

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