TXSTMA Sidelines - Fall 2016

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Texas Sports Turf Managers Association txstma.org

Providing education and training for safer and healthier sports turf facilities

Fall 2016

Summer Field Day in Lubbock

Field Day at Poteet Farm

In this Issue: 

Field day Wrap Ups from all of these great events!

Annual Meeting Announcement

STMA News and Information

In the last newsletter we discussed growth. I had challenged you to actively seek opportunities for growth. Well, the TXSTMA certainly provided a lot of those opportunities. With membership at an alltime high and a record number of Field Day’s already in 2016, it appears that challenge has been accepted by quite a few of Texas’ finest grounds managers. TXSTMA Spring events at Dell Diamond, TCU, and Minute Maid Park were very well attended and the knowledge shared by not just the speakers but the hosts, as well as all in attendance was absolutely amazing. Our growth was continued with an amazing, (no thanks to Mother-Nature) University Field Day in Austin and a first in a long time in West Texas. Amarillo ISD and AgriLife opened up their doors and West Texas showed up. Great events all year long. Great professionals attending, learning, sharing and growing. Growing themselves, more experienced members helping grow the younger ones, academia growing knowledge in all of us, and hands on events growing our experiences. Calvin Coolidge once said “All growth depends upon activity. There is no development physically or intellectually without effort, and effort means work.” I want to thank all those that have hosted an event this year so far. Anyone who has attended a field day experienced the results of all the hard work you host’s put in. We have two more field days this year as well as our annual meeting in December during the TTA Conference in San Antonio. There are still plenty of opportunities for growth. If you are a manager or supervisor, help your direct reports with their growth opportunities as well.

As we continue to look for professional growth through field days, conferences, books, and each other. Keep in mind what Colin Powell said about growth. “If you are going to achieve excellence in big things, you develop the habit in little matters. Excellence is not an exception, it is a prevailing attitude.”

I look forward to seeing you all at upcoming events! Let me know if I can help with as you continue in your year of growth.

Fall Region 1 Field Day and Clay Shoot to be announced soon! Visit txstma.org for details. December 14 - Annual Meeting at Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center in San Antonio at the Texas Turfgrass Association Winter Conference. Details soon! Thank you to our 2016 Star Sponsors. Your generous support is greatly appreciated. 2016 Sponsorships are still available CLICK HERE FOR 2016 SPONSOR PROGRAM


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Thank you Texas Sports Sands for donating a great YETI Cooler for a door prize at our Region 3 Field Day. And CONGRATULATIONS to Andres Martinez who came all the way from Temple to take home the grand prize. All smiles from the winner!

STMA Conference registration now open Registration for the 2017 Sports Turf Managers Association Conference at Disney’s Coronado Springs Resort opened October 1. Take advantage of the lowest registration rates by registering online. Go to STMA.org, log in at the top of the page, go to the shopping cart and click on 2017 Conference Registration. All of the options for the conference will appear for you to complete the registration. Don’t forget to reserve your hotel as rooms are nearly sold out.

Top-Rated Keynote Speaker Selected The STMA Conference Education Committee has selected Laura Katen to be the keynote speaker during this year's Annual Meeting, Thurs., Jan. 26, 2017 at 11 a.m. Katen is the President of Katen Consulting, a NewYork based professional development training company. Katen and her team travel nationally conducting seminars for all types of organizations, from Fortune 500 companies to not-for-profit companies. Katen will address the topic of professionalism, and how communication at an individual and organizational level influences how you are perceived by your peers, your employer and your community.

Start Preparing for Conference Education Sessions The 2017 Conference Education Program is packed full of exciting and informative presentations. This year speakers have volunteered to present short 15-30 minute webinars prior to the conference as an introduction to their education session. Don't miss out on this great opportunity to prepare for conference education sessions! Only 50 people can take part in the live webinar, so make sure to register early. Webinars will be recorded and available for On-Demand access in STMA's Webinar Library.

New field safety bulletin from STMA for non-turf people Administrators, facility managers, athletic directors, coaches, and sports turf managers are responsible for providing safe, playable athletic facilities for all athletes. STMA’s Information Outreach Committee has produced a bulletin for the public to understand what causes unsafe conditions on an athletic field, as well as tips to help combat unsafe conditions. Click here to access the bulletin and distribute it to your users and supervisors. Being familiar with common hazards on sports fields can help reduce liability and the possibility of athlete injuries.


Are You Connected with TXSTMA? We hope you are enjoying all of the new communication vehicles we are using to reach our members! Please make sure your email address is current so you don’t miss out. Let us know at txstmainfo@yahoo.com You can also “Like” us on Facebook and “Follow” us on Twitter!



A great day in Lubbock for a Field Day! The Texas Tech Turfgrass Department hosted their Annual Field Day in July on the research center in Lubbock. Attendees from all over West Texas included sports turf managers, landscape professionals, golf course superintendents and even homeowners. They learned about all of the latest research being conducted and picked up tips for turfgrass selection, installation and management. Thanks to Dr. Joey Young and all the sponsors who made it a great day!

Check out the great TV story about the Field Day on the local Lubbock News! This annual Field Day has really become a community event in Lubbock with many homeowners taking advantage of the great educational opportunities. Click on the photo for the video news story.

Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Young! Just a few weeks after the Texas Tech Field Day, Dr. Joey landed his best catch ever and married his beautiful bride Candace. They were married in her hometown of Nazareth and honeymooned in Bermuda! We are guessing their home dĂŠcor will be an agreeable subject considering Joey is a Mississippi State Bulldog and Candace is a Texas Aggie! Maroon it is! Congratulations to you both and thank you for all you do for the turfgrass industry in Texas and the TXSTMA!


Help us grow this association by renewing your membership and asking a colleague to join too. Texas is the 2nd largest state in the US. We should have the largest STMA membership. Help us to achieve this goal. Currently we have close to 400 members. TXSTMA is here to serve its members by providing quality education, career enhancement opportunities and enjoyment through meetings, peer-to-peer contact and exposure to the industry. If you haven’t joined or renewed this year please consider signing up today.

Ten Reasons to Join an Association Posted by Charles Dortch - cross -check.com Here are 10 reasons why joining an industry-related association is well worth the time and effort: 1. Access to education and training. In many cases, membership in an industry association leads directly to advanced education and training programs, which help you maintain your edge and keep your skills sharp and current. 2. Enhanced benefits programs. Some associations offer members access to group health care benefits and other perks as a reward for your investment. 3. Access to membership directories. A lot of associations maintain directories, in which members' businesses are listed. This can help you increase your exposure to new markets and potential clients. 4. Competitive advantage. Taking advantage of association resources can help you earn and maintain an edge over non-member competitors, thanks to access to inside information and advanced training opportunities. 5. Access to certification and licensing programs. Many associations support member certification and licensing initiatives, both required and optional. This offers you an excellent opportunity to diversify and expand your skill set, qualifications and marketability. 6. Privileged access to industry events and conferences. You may qualify for discounts or special access to upcoming conferences, trade shows and events in your area. 7. Potential cost savings. Some industry associations grant member vendors access to special rates on products and services, saving them money and allowing them to price their goods more competitively and increase profit margins. 8. Inside access to innovations and new developments. Associations let you stay on top of new products, services and innovations within your industry, helping you maintain a competitive and informational edge. 9. Opportunities to give back to the community. You can use your membership to share your knowledge with other member businesses and promote a stronger sense of community cooperation. Many associations donate to charity events and provide member volunteer support and participation as a group. 10. Networking opportunities. Perhaps the most important benefit of these associations is that they provide you with an excellent opportunity to network with other professionals and entrepreneurs in your field.

Texas Turfgrass Association Summer Conference The TTA Summer Conference was at beautiful Lost Pines Resort in Bastrop. The TXSTMA was well represented by several members and affiliate companies. TTA President and TXSTMA Member Roger Havlak welcomed attendees for the two day conference that featured a great education program, trade show and an equipment rodeo where attendees were able to kick some tires and even mow some grass. Thanks to all with the TTA for a terrific conference. We look forward to another great one in 2017!

WOW!!! What a fantastic day in West Texas. Not only did we have awesome ducation sessions, equipment demonstrations, lunch, etc. but, great participation form the folks in the West! Thank you Greg Carroll and everyone involved. We can’t wait to head west in 2017!

Guest Speaker Dr. Joey Young

President Kevin Lebanik presents host Greg Carroll with his plaque. Thanks Greg for a wonderful time and your hospitality.

Event Sponsor Mike Estlinbaum Ewing Irrigation

Event Sponsor Chris Koulovatus C &M

Event Sponsor Tyler Rich—Pro Chem

Rick Kadlec GLK Turf Solutions

Agrilife Extension Agent

Guest Speaker Josh Marden Turface Athletics

Lots of learning, door prizes and an awesome barbeque lunch were enjoyed by all.

The highlight of the day was the product demonstrations. Everyone had a great time learning about the latest and greatest equipment. As you can see many of the guests tried the equipment out for themselves.

Event Sponsors GOLD SPONSORS Turface Athletics SILVER SPONSORS GLK Turf Solutions Pro-Chem

BRONZE SPONSOR Harrell’s Ewing Irrigation C & M Golf and Grounds Professional Turf Products


Rain in July...and lots of it. But it didn't dampen the enthusiasm of the participants of the Region 2 Summer Field Day at the University of Texas in Austin. Weston Floyd called several audibles during the day to make it an enjoyable and productive meeting. A great slate of educational speakers and vendor presentations kept us plenty busy until Mother Nature finally cooperated and allowed a tour of the UT facilities. Maybe a rain check for 2017?

Jonah McKendrick Horizon

When Mother Nature visits with a very rainy day all you can do is go with the flow. We set up check-in under the bleachers‌it eventually was soaked with rain. We sent the attendees to Weston Floyd’s shop for a tour and talk. We had to cancel the tour of the baseball and softball fields.

We finally made our way out of the rain and into one of the football stadium club rooms. Kevin Lebanik got things started by presented Weston Floyd with a host plaque and introducing the event sponsors.

Josh Marden Turface Athletics

Brad Sladek Intelligro / Civitas

Eloy Atkinson Pioneer Athletics

Rick Kadlec GLK Turf Solutions

A delicious fajita buffet lunch was enjoyed by all. Raymond Miller Dow AgroSciences and Guest Speaker

AND FINALLY...Mother Nature cooperated. The rain cleared up and we were able to go onto the football field for a tour, pictures, and a little cutting up.

Event Sponsors GOLD SPONSORS Turface Athletics Horizon

Rusty Walker Past President, TXSTMA

SILVER SPONSORS Pioneer Athletics Intelligro / Civitas GLK Turf Solutions Pioneer Athletics BRONZE SPONSOR Harrell’s

Weston Floyd Event Host

Participants enjoyed the education sessions and peer-to-peer comraderies.


The TXSTMA rolled South in September and visited Constellation Park, home of the Sugar Land Skeeters. Host Brad Detmore provided a terrific venue that included a tour of the stadium and on field demonstrations conducted by many of our great affiliate vendors. The Skeeters only days before were crowned Atlantic League Champions and we joined the celebration! Constellation Park is a beautiful venue and a great place to catch a game. Thanks to all who attended at this special event and special kudos to the crew from the city of Temple who came all the way to Houston! Turnout was great with close to 50 members in attendance! Way to go members!


Texas Sports Sands SILVER SPONSORS GLK Turf Solutions Jacobsen Pioneer Athletics Ewing Barenbrug All Seasons Turfgrass Professional Turf Products BRONZE SPONSOR Hunter Intelligro BWI LUNCH SPONSORS Dow AgroSciences and Site One

Thanks to Past President Rusty Walker CSFM for pinch hitting for President Kevin Lebanik and conducting the meeting. Attendees arrived early and assembled at the ballpark foyer. TXSTMA meetings are great opportunities to network with your peers and even industry experts. Right - Dr. Casey Reynolds answers questions from attendees.

Thanks to Raymond Miller of Dow (left) and Cassie Kearns of Barenbrug (right) gave really useful presentations during the education program. These two are always ready to help out at our events and we appreciate it.

On field demonstrations were a big hit during the Field Day on Constellation Field. Thank you Jay Blodgett with PTP, Jeff Kadlec of GLK Solutions, Darin Eberly with Pioneer, Dennis Klene with Texas Sports Sands, and Tom Burns / Mike Estlinbaum of Ewing. Field Demonstrations are great ways for attendees to view the latest products and equipment, ask questions of the experts and share information and techniques. Always the highlight and this event was no exception.


Congratulations to Bladerunner Farms for hosting a very successful Field Day that included many TXSTMA Members. Thanks to SportsField Management magazine for attending the field day today at Bladerunner Farms. Zoysia is changing the way we think about grassing and managing sports fields! We spent the day today at Bladerunner Farms Inc. in Poteet, Texas, for zoysiagrass Field Day. Bladerunner Farms supplied the Zeon zoysiagrass used on the olympic golf course this summer in Rio. David Doguet, president of Bladerunner Farms, was on hand today to educate field managers on the benefits zoysiagrass can bring to a sports field, and why it should be considered as an option. Also on hand to discuss zoysiagrass was Dr. Brian Schwartz of the University of Georgia.

Executive Directors: President: Kevin Lebanik—Harrell's, Klebanik@harrells.com Past President: Rusty Walker, CSFM—City of Grapevine, rwalker@grapevinetexas.gov President - Elect: Brian Piper - City of Austin, Brian.piper@austintexas.gov 1st Commercial Vice Pres: Darin Eberly—Pioneer Manuf. Co., deberly@pioneerathletics.com 2nd Commercial Vice Pres: John Kearns—Professional Turf Products, kearnsj@proturf.com Treasurer:

Nick McKenna, CSFM— Texas A&M University, nmckenna@athletics.tamu.edu

Committee Directors: Advertising: Will Dutton - Professional Turf Products, duttonw@proturf.com Communication Committee: Dan Bergstrom—Houston Astros, dbergstrom@astros.com Region I (DFW): Allen Reed, CSFM, FC Dallas, areed@fcdallas.net Region II (Austin/San Antonio): Michael Piñon, San Antonio ISD, michaelpinon@yahoo.com Region III (Houston): Kevin Hansen, Houston Texans Membership: Brant Williams, CSFM Scholarship: Chris Pitts, Clear Creek ISD, chpitts@ccisd.net Chapter Executive: Carol Cloud, Carolcloud@txstma.org, (817) 736-0727

Texas Sports Turf Managers Association Providing education and training for safer and healthier sports turf facilities

Txstma.org txstmainfo@ yahoo.com (817) 736-0727 5552 Plata Lane Benbrook, TX 76126

Fall 2016 Issue

Our Winning Green Space Contest Project EverGreen’s Healthy Turf. Healthy Kids.TM initiative was created to revitalize athletic fields, recreational grounds and surrounding green spaces across the country in underserved areas that can benefit most from an improved green space. Why? Renovated fields and play grounds will not only benefit kids/students who play there, but also create a natural gathering spot for parents, community officials and business leaders to network and work together to further sustain their community’s environment. To be eligible to win a green space renovation and a combination package of two Exmark commercial mowers (one Laser ZX series and one 30-inch walk behind) for your city’s Parks & Rec department, please submit a short essay on why your neighborhood park or recreational green space is in need of, or deserving of a renovation. The essay should be 250 words or less and describe what the park or green space means to your community. Include who uses the field and for what purposes. Or, if the park has fallen into disarray and is unusable, describe what a park renovation would mean to kids and families in the area.

Click the Green Space Logo for more info!

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