Clarksville , TX 1911.12 +/-ACRES
Clarksville , TX 1911.12 +/-ACRES
Impressive turn-key property offering scenic terrain, mixed tree cover with grazing opportunities and excellent hunting & fishing. About 2 hours from DFW and located on State Hwy 2283 and Hwy 37, approximately 5 miles north of Clarksville. The diverse recreational property is one of the best you will find anywhere!
Excellent diversity and rolling topography. Sandy loan soil with scattered oak trees and stock tanks.
Tree cover consists of live oak, post oak, elm, pecan and variety of other trees common to the area. Grasses are primarily improved strains and include little bluestem, side oats grama, curtly mesquite, Texas winter grass as well as other native grass strains.
Sited upon 42+/- Acres is an approximately 2,900 square foot architecturally designed home built in 2000. The 4 bed 3 bath house has an attached oversized 2-acre garage. There are plenty of windows providing natural light throughout the home. Composition roof with brick and stone accents make the home feel natural to the setting.
Living room/dining room:
The living room, dining room and kitchen are open concept with multiple areas to relax. Ceiling heights are mostly 9’ throughout. A stone fireplace, handmade wood floor plans, ceramic tile and 12’ cathedral ceiling make for a comfortable and inviting environment.
Full kitchen has granite countertops with two quality appliances and custom cabinets. Mast Bedroom: Large master bedroom with his and her vanities.
Back Porch:
One of the best places to relax is the covered front porch with ceiling fans, colonial columns, and relaxing porch swing. Views are overlooking over a serene setting of lush landscaping with the bass lake and dock below.
Property is well landscaped with rock planters surrounding the yard. Grasses in the yard are lush and good to walk on barefoot. A vast variety of ornamentals and shrubs are planted, and trees surround the home.
Irrigation System:
A pumphouse/lift station is used to pump water from the lake to the yard. This irrigation system has numerous watering zones and drip irrigation to keep everything looking good. Watering the yard with lake water is much cheaper than rural water.
Depthisbelievedtobe12+feetatthedam.Waterlevelfluctuatesverylittleduringthedrytimesandproduces excellentfishing,swimmingandduckhuntingopportunities.
60’x50’thismetalbarnhasdividerstoallowmultiplestorageandworkareasinside.Thereisalsoadeepcovered parkingareaandoverhanginfront.Theentirebarnisonaconcreteslabandislocatedtowardthebackofthe property.Thereiswaterandelectrifytothebarn.
Whitetaildeer,turkey,ducks,feralhogs,doveafewquailandvarmintsprovideexceptionalhuntingopportunities. Therehasbeenverylittlehuntingonthisproperty.Qualitybuckshavebeenseen.Someducksandferalhogshave beenharvested.
ConsistofanumberofstockedtankswheretheFishingisverygoodforlargemouthbass,bluegills,crappie,and catfish.Thisisawell-roundedfishingthatwon’tdisappoint.
No surface leases or pipeline or major electric transmission line easement impact the ranch. This is a clean property.
Rural Ground Water:
Community water system provides rural water.
Minerals: Negotiable.
School District: Clarksville, ISD
Approximate public read frontage as follows:
4700+/- ft CR 1261 west side
4700+/- ft CR 1261 east side
6400+/- ft FM 2283
2900 +/-ft west side Hwy 37
1300 +/-ft east side Hwy 37
50+/- ft FM 1159
Approximately 20,050+/- feet total of public road frontage
Broker & Commission Disclosure:
Buyer’s Agent? Broker must be identified upon first contact with Listing Broker/ Listing Agent and Buyer’s Agent/Broker must be present at the initial property tour in order to participate in the real estate commission. Commission splits will be at the sole desecration of Listing Broker.
Price: $4,500 per acre for approximately 1,869.12 +/- acres $8,411,040.00
Price: $1,200,000 for 2,900 House, Barn and approximately 42+/- acres
Total Price: $9,611,040
Total Acres: 1911.12
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