Texas HIV/STD Prevention Plan 2011

Page 266

Time commitments required of staff are somewhat clear and the educational level required of staff is not clear. 

Concerns noted by some reviewers: - Large number of staff required for implementation - Lack of clarity regarding staff educational requirements - Cost of extra items not included in the core budget

Key factors for successful implementation (one or more reviewers):  Culturally competent facilitators  Well-trained facilitators who could make the intervention fun  Access to African-American men

Potential Barriers/Pitfalls (one or more reviewers):  The need to develop video clips  Challenges with recruitment of male participants  Facilitators with inadequate skills  Time and commitment required of facilitators  Problems with client retention

Resources  Training is available through CDC as of January 2011, and technical assistance (TA) is available through UT Southwestern.  Potential pitfalls: - Lack of access to the target population. - Failure to recruit clients. - Availability of skilled facilitators. - Training is not immediately available but pending.

Review Outcome Implementation is recommended by all reviewers, one of whom recommends implementation under favorable conditions. Reviewers (n=6)

Review Date 10/15/09

Implementation Review: Nia Not recently funded by the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS). Implementation information not available.



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