Q4 2020 Texas CEO Magazine

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It is common practice for magazines and organizations like ours to publish lists of honorees. I am not generally a fan of lists such as these. First, how does one pick the metrics by which these honorees are chosen? These things are often rather subjective. Second, such lists inevitably leave off some spectacular people who are just as notable and worthy of honoring as the honorees. Third, I think that many of the people who deserve the most credit never receive it because they are busy doing the type of good things that rarely make it into the limelight.

magnificent accomplishments. Sometimes those magnificent accomplishments have been as simple yet profound as staying in business during the biggest economic upheaval of our lifetimes. Sometimes they have been finding clever ways to pivot. Sometimes they have been keeping people employed, which is so impactful on those employees’ lives and their families’ lives, especially during a massive healthcare and economic crisis. And sometimes these accomplishments have been serving as an advocate for important causes in their communities.

Nevertheless, here we are, compiling a list of honorees for exceptional leadership in 2020. Given the circumstances of this year, it felt appropriate to honor the challenges, sacrifices, and triumphs of 2020, and name a few of the people who have done exemplary or notable things. They stand as representatives for all business leaders in Texas, as we work to rebuild our economy into a powerhouse that provides options and opportunities for Texans. Alongside the hardships and challenges of 2020 have come some

Many of the people who deserve recognition for their work in 2020 will never be known or recognized for it. So, before we move on to our honorees, we want to take a moment to honor them here. To all of those people, from leaders to frontline workers, in companies of all sizes, who worked tirelessly this year to help keep their business afloat, to help keep their teams safe and employed, to continue serving their customers and communities—we honor you, thank you, and recognize you.

On our cover, we have featured Chris Savittiere of Savilino. Before COVID-19 hit, Savilino produced high-end restaurant aprons and similar items. When COVID-19 hit, Chris quickly realized that he needed to pivot, and fast, if he wanted to save his business. He started making masks before most others did, and in so doing he managed to keep people employed (and at decent wages!) and help his business survive and even grow during the last several months. You can read their story starting on the following page. Following that story, you’ll see a selection of other Texas CEOs and leaders nominated to us for recognition, often by their own staff. We could’ve filled 100 pages with worthy contenders, but we hope this small slice reflects the extraordinary efforts of so many CEOs, their executive teams, and their workforce at large. — Lauren Daugherty, Publisher, Texas CEO Magazine



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