1 minute read


the windup...the pitch... the yaw...!

FearFul for the child’s life, her sister, Cherries Jubilee, has Vowed to rescue her-with the aid of Brad White, Pablo Parongus... and Duke “Destroyer” Duck.

what if GodCorp didn’t murder the little guy? what if that’s only what they wanted me to think?

What if he’s still-- ALIVE?!?

it doesn’t make sense, duke. why...?

Now, en route, the maraudinG mallard realizes there may be eVen more at stake...

it could’Ve been a genetic replication-like a Cogburn-that bled to death on my floor!

Kirby’s note at top right refers to his suggestion for a new subtitle -- so we’ve replaced the usual “Manslaying Mallard...” line with Jack’s.

Maybe the little guy told ’em about me--so they cut up a clone--and sent it back--!

Maybe they figured I’d be useful. and they lured you here, huh? what for?

to snufF Ned Packer, the president of their company? to get them in dutCh with the Justice Department?

I can belieVe alMost anything about GodCorp duke, but-- listen, sister, I usedta be a cop. and I’m seein’ these corporate types aren’t so damn different from your typical street punk. they’re only out for themselves they can’t see beyond the ends of their beaks suppose packer was after the chairManship --and Sidney Upwind wanted him outta the way?

--and they’Ve always got an angle!

But, duke, the risks--!

--but you still haVen’t learned to think like they do!

Minimal, a few middleleVel heads roll, and eVen if a guy like upwind gets canned-- or say there was a takeover bid they were tryin’ to squelCh? a conVenient government probe would send inVestors running!

--you can bet he’s got a golden parachute written into his contract.