Multiplicity Magazine - Winter 2013 Issue

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like now, after the holiday craze, to sort through all of your children’s toys, gear and clothing to consign or sell at one of many MOMs’ kid sales. Just be sure to take your profits and put it toward clothing in order to break even. #3—Host a clothing-swap for your friends and their kids. What someone may not fit into may be perfect for someone in your brood.

spending is a step-by-step process and it takes a while to start new habits. I’m definitely not an expert; I’m just a mom whose twins (and the gazillion diapers they require) were a blessed wake-up call to change my family’s money handling, not only for our present needs, but for future needs, as well. Nicole crossed the stage at her college commencement ready to

Just remember that responsible

devote every waking minute to interviews and writing as a budding journalist—and making money along the way, because that’s what happens when you graduate…right? Two years later, she’s a stay-at-home mom to twins with looming student loans and credit card. Nicole’s faced with the challenge of holding the purse strings and trying to tighten them at the same time. Frugality has become an everyday reality in her home. And Nicole’s learning to live it and love it!

Learn the times of year to buy. July/August and late January/ February are the best times to hit the stores for various deals.


the must-have magazine for all moms of multiples


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