Temespan October 2013

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Temespan The Parish Magazine of Teme Valley North Stockton - Pensax - Knighton - Lindridge

Speckled Wood butterfly (photo courtesy of Danny Arnold)

October 2013

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The Parish of Teme Valley North Rev'd Louise Grace




01584 881331

Betty Andersson Marjorie Workman


Vickie Melling Gill Morgan Meryl Roberts

vickie.melling@pobox.com pd.morgan@homecall.co.uk roberts@rosehillpc.freeserve.co.uk

Lay Chairman Secretary Treasurer Children's Worker Parish Administrator

Marjorie Workman (email as above) 01584 781094 Boo Andrewes boo@andrewes.co.uk 01584 881274 Bill Andrewes bill@andrewes.co.uk 01584 881274 Elizabeth Whitehead Tracy Barnes tracybarnes@btinternet.com 01584 781220 Louise Hutton beneficebookings@gmail.com 01299 896126

Administrator (bookings) Knighton Lindridge Pensax Stockton

Parish Wardens

Gill Morgan Pauline Briggs Jean Rudd Sandra Jabbett

01584 881358 01584 781094 01584 881086 01584 781412 01299 896001


Church Contacts

pd.morgan@homecall.co.uk pauline.briggs8@btinternet.com ruddpensax@yahoo.co.uk dgjabbett@btinternet.com

Knighton Sheila Hardiman Lindridge Vickie Melling Pensax Edward Lupton Stockton Sally Webb Editor Malcolm Gillespie Advertising Barbara Selkirk

Temespan vickie.melling@pobox.com lupton@globalnet.co.uk sallyawebb@gmail.com editor.temespan@gmail.com barbara.selkirk@actc.org.uk

01584 781412 01584 881216 01299 832513 01584 881217 01584 781442 01584 881086 01299 832622 01584 881563 01584 881141

Parish Website (www.temevalleynorthparish.co.uk)

Webmaster Chris Melling

temevalleynorth.webmaster@gmail.com 01584 881086

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Louise Grace writes: Last month we were conscious of the harvest being gathered in all around our beautiful valley. For most the harvest will be complete in October, or very nearly. We owe a great debt of gratitude to all our farmers who work against many odds to provide not only for their own families, but also for the well being of wider society. It is good to stop and give thanks for their labours, and for the provision of food for us all, in our harvest festival season. The harvest festivals also help us consider the challenges of farming and the provision of food across the spectrum. The phrase ‘food security’ keeps cropping up (if you will excuse the pun!), whether with reference to countries afar that are struggling with erratic weather patterns and socio-economic systems that are stacked against their endeavour; or whether with reference to local businesses that are trying to do their best, again in the face of instability, both economic and natural. Also, there are the growing cohort of people who just aren’t able to feed themselves or their families sufficiently, either because of homelessness or through straightened household budgets. With these issues in mind we have termed our harvest season this year: ‘our daily bread’, remembering the line from the Lord’s prayer that beseeches God to be providential in the most basic of our needs, food. Of course we believe that bread just doesn’t appear out of the skies, like the manna from heaven, but rather our prayers are answered by us feeding one another. To this end we have invited people who are at the frontline of feeding others to speak at our harvest festivals: a local farmer at Knighton; St. Paul’s hostel for the homeless at Pensax, with speakers from a food bank, and also from the international context being booked. As we hear stories of providing food in these very different situations, may we call to mind lines from our Holy Communion service: “we who are many are one body, because we all share in one bread”.

Rev'd Louise Grace

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Worship in Teme Valley North during October Tuesday 1 5pm Lindridge

Quiet Prayer Time

Sunday 6 Trinity XIX 9.30am Lindridge 6pm Pensax Monday 7 9.15am Lindridge Tuesday 8 5pm Lindridge

Harvest Communion & Godly Play for Children Harvest Praise School Harvest Quiet Prayer Time

Sunday 13 Trinity XX

9.30am Stockton Harvest Communion 11am Knighton Matins (BCP) 3pm Knighton Rejoice! (in the Parish Room) Monday 14 7.30pm Broombank Farm Intercessory Prayers (further details from Vickie 01584 881086) Tuesday 15 5pm Lindridge Quiet Prayer Time

Sunday 20 Trinity XXI

9.30am Pensax Parish Communion 6pm Lindridge Evensong (BCP) Tuesday 22 5pm Lindridge Quiet Prayer Time

Sunday 27 Last Sunday After Trinity 9.30am Knighton 6pm Stockton

Parish Communion (BCP) Celtic Evensong

Monday 28 Simon & Jude, Apostles 8am Stockton Holy Communion Tuesday 29 5pm Lindridge Quiet Prayer Time

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Parish Notices From the Registers

Welcome to the Church Family... Logan David Childe and his brother Harrison Henry Childe were baptised on 1 September at St Mary’s Abberley


For all enquiries about booking baptisms, weddings and funerals in Teme Valley North please contact the bookings administrator, Louise Hutton 01299 896126 beneficebookings@gmail.com

Godly Play

Godly Play takes place at St Lawrence Lindridge on the first Sunday of each month. We meet in church at 9.30am then go to the School House for our story and creative activities. ALL ARE WELCOME – COME AND JOIN US!

Welcome to Vikki Day

Our recently appointed Stourport Deanery Lay Mission Developer, Vikki Day, will be joining us this month. Living in Shrawley, Vikki will be working across the deanery (which stretches from Wilden in the east, through Stourport and along the Teme Valley as far as Kyre in the west). All are very welcome to attend her licensing at 7pm on Wednesday 9 October at St Bartholomew’s Areley Kings.

Festival of Healing

Entitled Encountering the God who heals , the 2013 Festival of Healing will be held at Worcester Cathedral on Saturday 5 October. The morning speaker, 10am-12.45pm in the Chapter House, will be the Revd John Ryeland, Director of the Christian Healing Mission. Bishop John will preside at the Healing Eucharist at 2pm when the preacher will be John Ryeland.

Bishop David

There will be a special service in the Cathedral to say goodbye to Bishop David on Sunday 13 October at 4pm. He will be enthroned as Bishop of Manchester on Saturday 30 November – more information on this will follow soon. Please send any donations to Bishop David’s leaving gift to Amanda D’Angelo at the Diocesan Office, Deansway, Worcester. WR1 2JE

The Children’s Society

It’s amazing, isn’t it, how saving small change can over the months add up to quite a substantial sum? Our thanks to Margaret Taylor for counting all the coins we’ve been popping into our collection boxes on behalf of The Children’s Society and for this month sending off £310 towards the important work the society does. And thank you also to the box holders for your valuable contribution.

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Festival of churches

On Saturday 14th September, our parish took part in the Festival of Churches – a three county wide initiative aimed at encouraging people to enjoy their local church. Teme Valley North decided to provide hospitality across the day in each church, and those with a will could be fed and watered starting with croissants and coffee at Knighton in the morning, through to hot chocolate and cookies at Pensax to round off the day, all via a ploughman’s lunch at Lindridge and afternoon tea at Stockton. Many thanks to those who provided hospitality and refreshments to such a high degree. There were also opportunities to find out about the local history of the church, and at lunch time Jason Fisher provided both a wonderful musical interlude with organ playing, as well as informative visits to the bell tower at Lindridge, with a chance to ring the bells there. The churches were beautifully presented, with some stunning floral displays, and again, great thanks to Jason and all those who made the churches lovely and interesting places to be. The day began and ended with a short service of prayer. We felt that all the encounters that happened across the hours were held within the love of God. It was a wonderful example of hospitality and pilgrimage across the parish, a paradigm for what is best about church. A particular thanks is extended to Betty Andersson for organising and co-ordinating the day. If you weren’t able to take part, please don’t ever hesitate to pop into any of our churches – they are always open during the day time, and it is the visits of those who want peace and quiet, to reflect or connect with the family history, that help make our churches resonate with an atmosphere of care and love.

Licensing of new lay worker, Vikki Day On October 9th, at 7pm, Arley Kings church, there will be a service to licence our new deanery lay worker Vikki Day. Vikki joins us from Chester diocese, where she has been working in social responsibility and development of parishes. Her work with us in Stourport deanery will focus upon the development side of her experience and skills. Her licensing and formal welcome to the deanery is open to anyone who would like to attend and the service will be led by Bishop John.

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Lindridge Parish Hall History of Lindridge After her very successful talk last March (despite the awful weather) Stephanie Mocroft has agreed to repeat her illustrated talk on 'The History of Lindridge' on Friday 18th October at 7-30 pm. Cost ÂŁ10, to include a fish & chip supper. Tickets available from Derek Marks (01584/881413) or Roz Bush (01584/881402). Date for your diary. Due to popular request, David (the voice) Lawrence will be making a welcome return to the Parish Hall on Friday 5th November for a 'Phantom of the Opera' themed evening. See page 35 for more information. --------------------------------

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St Michael and All Angels

Knighton-onTeme Readers

13 October 27 October

Sidesman Cleaning Flowers

13 October 27 October October 26 October

Mr K Bunn Mrs P Davies Capt P Morgan Miss E Gittins Mr A Bunn Mrs M Bradley Mrs M Rugman Mrs J Hogan

September 28th, 10am -12pm: The church will be decorated for our Harvest Thansgiving Service the next day. Help in any way, such as gifts, time, etc. will be very welcome. Please contact Mary Bradley - 781689 Good Companions: 2 October at 2.30 in the Parish Room Knighton Harvest Supper: An Evening of Magic Knighton are holding their Harvest Supper on 5th October at the Parish Room. This year is going to be a bit special as there is to be an entertainment. Tenbury resident Chris Davies, formerly a professional stage magician has, very kindly, agreed to show off his skills with thirty minutes of magic after the two course, hot, supper. The tickets will cost ÂŁ12.50 and you are invited to bring your own drinks (beer and wine glasses are available). The proceeds of the evening will go towards the upcoming, enormous, cost of the re-shingling of the Bell Turret of the Church, badly damage over recent years by woodpeckers Space is, as always, rather limited so please contact Sheila Hardiman on 781442, or Gill Morgan on 781412 as soon as possible for tickets. Knighton Friends: 16 October at 7.30 in the Parish Room - an evening of games - scrabble, cards, etc.

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Lunch in a Bun

An event was held, Sunday 1st September, to raise money towards the restoration of the bell turret of St. Michaels Church at Knighton-onTeme which has been badly damaged by green woodpeckers. ‘Sunday Lunch in a Bun’ was held at Deepcroft Farm, the home of Peter and Gill Morgan. The event consisted of an ‘al fresco’ lunch of roast pork and vegetables followed by ice-cream in cones. This was followed by an auction of lots brought by everyone attending. The weather was beautiful, bright and sunny, and everyone greatly enjoyed the day. The auction was conducted by Bob Keevil, who formerly lived in Newnham Bridge, and, together with some very generous donations, raised over £1,500 for the restoration fund. Very many thanks to all those who attended and to those who could not come but made such generous donations. The total cost of the restoration is estimated at £54,000 so any further donations would be most welcome.


Mobile Library

Just to remind readers............

The mobile library will visit the following locations on 4 October, 25 October, 14 November, 6 December The library goes to each location for approx 15 - 20minutes – Stanford Bridge, Purdhouse Lane 9.45 Eastham, March End 10.10 – 10.35 Newnham Bridge, Wyrebrook Orchard 10.35-10.55 Tavern Lane Newham 11.00-11.20 Eardiston Garage 11.55-12.15 Eardiston Cutmill Bridge 12.20-12.35 Blackstone Severn Bank 1.00 - 1.30

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St Lawrence

Lindridge Harvest Festival

Come and join us at our Harvest Festival Communion Service, 9.30am on Sunday 6th October. This is followed by Lindridge School Harvest at 9.15am on Monday 7th October. We shall support a Food Bank with our Harvest gifts this year - please bring appropriate offerings. Any help with decorating the Church on the Saturday morning would be greatly appreciated. And thanks again to all those who helped raise the £2201.13 at the Lindridge Church Fete, including a generous donation of £925.00 from the Walker family.

Lindridge Autumn Show

This was a great success and we hope to repeat this event next year. See the report and photographs on page 37 and a winning recipe on page 39.


Concert at St. Lawrence, 7.00pm on Saturday 16th November - "A Grand Night for Singing". This is a combined effort between Pensax and Lindridge Churches, organised by Alan Grainger, John Caldwell and Jason Fisher. Songs from Shows and Popular songs Tickets £7.50. There will be refreshments and a raffle. Tickets from: Boo: 01584 881274 Betty: 01584 881358 Pauline: 01584 881216

Advance Notice and date for Diaries!

The Chepstow Male Voice Choir are booked for Saturday 10th May 2014. There will be tickets for the concert or tickets for the concert plus dinner. More details in future editions of Temespan, but please keep the date free in your diaries.

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St James the Great

Pensax Pensax Harvest Service

Pensax Harvest Service takes place on Sunday 6th October at 6.00 pm. Our speaker will be John Collins from St. Paul’s Hostel in Worcester, who is coming to talk to us about the work of the hostel among the city’s homeless. We invite everyone to bring along non-perishable food items to be presented during the service as a contribution towards their work. The hostel is also in need of bed linen, blankets, towels etc. (and indeed warm items of clothing) for distribution. If anyone has such items which they would like us to collect, please contact me. We look forward to seeing you on 6th. Good wishes, Marjorie.

Winston's Wish

On Sunday November 3rd 2013 at Pensax's 6.0pm. Evening Praise, Elizabeth Thatcher, from Winston's Wish will give a short presentation about the charity's work with bereaved children. What she has to say can be a bit of an eye opener.

Bingo - Pensax Village Hall

The next Bingo meeting is at 7.30pm on Saturday 5th October . There will be further meetings on Saturday 2nd November and the “Christmas Special Bingo” on Saturday 7th December. Any donations for the Christmas Special to Maureen please. Bingo will recommence in March 2014 the date yet to be decided. Please come along to support us and have a bit of fun.

Concert – Lindridge Church

Saturday 16th November 7.00pm. Allan Grainger, John Caldwell and friends will be giving us an evening of live entertainment with songs and music to cater for all. There will be nibbles and a drink plus a raffle. Do come along for for an evening of enjoyment. Admission will be £7.50 per person.

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St James the Great - Pensax (continued) Songs of Praise, Hymns of Love, September 1st.

Many thanks to all who made this service so enjoyable and successful. We sang lots of wonderful hymns, giving thanks and praise to God for His love, which spreads through our lives in love for our family and friends. Betty worked so hard to prepare and lead the service, Jason played beautifully, as usual, and we heard a variety of Bible and poetry readings. Especially memorable were Hannah’s action poem, telling us how far and wide love can spread and Kate’s reading from “The Prophet”. Allan sang The Lord’s Prayer very movingly and Sarah led us in our singing. We ended with scones and cake and some refreshing, bubbly elderflower drink. A lovely way to spend a Summer’s evening. It was sad that, as ever, apart from those taking part, their families and the church committee, we had only 2 Pensax parishioners in the congregation, plus 3 from Abberley.

Pensax and Stockton Churches Christmas Fayre The Victory Hall, Clows Top

Saturday 9th November from 10.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. Pensax and Stockton Churches are this year holding a Christmas Fayre at Clows Top Victory Hall. There will be stalls to include:Christmas Cards, Paper, Candles and other seasonal items Range of seasonal gifts and handicrafts Refreshments to include homemade soup and a roll Cakes and Mince Pies Jams and Preserves The will be a Luxury Christmas Raffle to include a Hamper, a round of golf, a meal for two, case of wine etc. Any donations of items for sale or for the hamper please contact either: Maureen Scriven Anna Whymant Sandra Jabbett

01299 832065 01299 832195 01584 881217

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St Andrew's

Stockton Flowers & Cleaning – Jules Kramer Grass Cutting – David Kramer Services- see listing under calendar on page 7.

Stockton Autumn Parish Meeting will take place in St Andrews’s

Church on Wednesday, 30th October 2013 at 7.45pm. Refreshments will be available from 7.30pm. If there are any items you would like the meeting to consider, please contact Margaret Danby on 01584 881611 or email mhdanby@gmail.com .

Joint Christmas Fair with St. James Pensax on Saturday 9th

November at Clows Top village Hall. There will be cards, paper and gifts of all description, handmade goods suitable for all ages and as stocking fillers as well as cake, jam and chutney stalls. There will be refreshments served all day. If anyone can help by donating any unwanted goods, cakes or preserves please let me know. We also have Raffle tickets for sale with many good prizes. Shop early for Christmas and beat the crowds and get a good bargain by supporting us. Please put the date in your diary. If you can help in any way please don’t hesitate to contact me. Sandra

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Rejoice! at Lindridge Parish Hall

This month we met at Lindridge Parish Hall for our monthly Rejoice! gathering. The theme was Jesus the Storyteller and we plan to continue the theme at a future Rejoice! We focused on the parable of the Good Shepherd and there were activities such as making sheep (out of marzipan) and sowing seeds; the seeds representing the seeds of faith that Jesus wants us to sow in other people's hearts. There was also a collage, where everyone was invited to select a picture or write some words to describe what Jesus meant to them. This is something that we will return to in future gatherings.

Our next meeting is at Knighton on the 13th October where we will be looking at the story of Ruth, so please do come and join us. We are also asking all who come along to bring some item that can be used for weaving. It could be wool, ribbon fabric strips from home, or it could be grasses, grain stalks, flowers and stems from the garden anything that can be used to weave. Come and see what we can create with all the different materials that are brought along.

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Lindridge Autumn Show Lindridge came together for their inaugural Autumn Show, showing the best of the garden produce with excellent displays of fruit, vegetables and flowers. The team effort was provided by the WI, Parish Hall committee, Church and the Parish Council. The turnout was good for a lovely day and many families attended. All those who contributed are thanked by the organising committee.

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Lindridge Autumn Show (continued) First Prize in the class - “Your Favourite Cake� Boo Andrewes Boiled Fruit Cake

12oz luxury mixed fruit (Tesco) 8oz light brown sugar 4oz Stork 1 or 2 tsp mixed spice 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda 15oz (approx. 400g) tin of crushed pineapple Melt and simmer all the above ingredients for 3 minutes in a large saucepan. (The bicarbonate of soda makes it fizz up). Let this mixture cool for a little while. Add 8oz of self-raising flour and 2 large beaten eggs. Transfer the mixture to an 8 inch round cake tin. Cook at approximately 160 (mark 4) for one and a half to two hours. Allow to cool for 5 minutes before removing from tin and putting on cake rack. EAT!!!!!


Make a contribution to Parish Funds at NO cost to you

HOW? ....................By shopping for goods and services on the internet Easyfundraising collect money from on-line retailers, as you spend money with them. There are currently some 2,000 retailers (including Amazon and Marks and Spencers) in the scheme giving a variety of contributions. Once you have signed up to easyfundraising, they tell you how much you have earned for the Parish. Sign up to easyfundraising either by typing the address below http://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/Register/?char=32513 or by going to the Parish Website http://www.temevalleynorthparish.co.uk/index.html and clicking on the easyfundraising link. Once you have signed up, you only need to login to easyfundraising and give your password on each future visit. In order to obtain the contribution, you MUST first log into the easyfundraising website and from there go to your retailer (if you are an existing customer all your user names and passwords for that retailer remain the same) and then order in the usual way

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Please remember to mention Temespan when contacting any of our Advertisers Page 40


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Rambling on.........

We are all familiar with the exhortations of doctors and the media that exercise is good and necessary. The latest research seems to prove that sitting for long periods is bad for you. What to do about it? Walking is good but the same old walk close to home might not be motivating or stimulating enough. The Tenbury Rambling Club organises about 40 walks per year ranging, in distance from 3 to 10 miles, so there’s plenty of choice. Walks are usually on a Saturday, Sunday, Wednesday or Thursday. We normally meet in the car park in Tenbury to arrange lifts and check destinations. Each walk is led by an experienced member of the club who takes the responsibility to reconnoitre the route beforehand. Apart from getting out and about in the superb countryside surrounding us, there is also the opportunity to chat with interesting people from different walks (sorry!) of life. The winter programme also includes some indoor talks at Penlu Community Hall. There is too a newsletter reviewing recent walks and covering topics of general interest. We have more than 50 members with a wide range of age and fitness. Our oldest active member, who led a walk near Clun in July, is 87 years old. Some members who no longer walk are there in spirit and show up at some of the meetings. Anyone interested should feel free to come along for a taster before deciding on membership, which costs only £8.50 per year. It’s hard to think of many clubs that give better value for money! The contact is Ian Stone (Secretary) 01584 876698 or e-mail ian@pykefield.co.uk

Teme Valley Geological Society Our forthcoming monthly evening lectures : Monday October 21st @ 7.30pm: Alan Browning Development Officer for Fforest Fawr Geopark in the Brecons. Saturday November 16th Professor David Siviter on “The Fossils of the Herefordshire Lagerstatte” (This will be preceded by our AGM). Time to be advised. Venue: Martley Memorial Hall Cost: £1 members £3 non members. School children Free. BUT please check our Blog beforehand (www.geo.village.eu ), as things can (and do!) occasionally go pear-shaped, or ring Harriet on 01886888382.

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Teme Valley North Tote September's Draw (The sixth in this series) September's prize draw of the Tote was decided when Rev'd Louise Grace rolled the dice to select the set of random numbers and the starting point. As a result, September's winners are as follows: The £50 winner is Mrs Angela Williams of Pensax (Draw no 362) The £30 winners are Mrs Liv Evans of Pensax (Draw no 371) The £20 winner is Mrs Edna Knott of Lindridge (Draw no 174) Reminder about joining the current Series If you have not entered and wish to do so, you can now enter the six remaining draws starting in October for £5.00. If you wish to be included, please contact Robin Dean on 01886 853295 or by email at robin.c.dean@googlemail.com. It is open to anyone wishing to take part – you could be a winner next month!!! The Tote raised over £2,000 for the Parish of Teme Valley North in 2012. We would like to make it more this year! ------------------------

Rock Bridge Club are starting their Autumn Season. We meet every Sunday at Rock Village Hall at 7.00 pm. New members welcome whether on own or with partner. The meetings are very sociable and relaxed. We do not play Duplicate Bridge. Just turn up or contact Luke Grant on 07854 951 330

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Clows Top & District Gardening Club

October brings a richness of colour to the garden with displays of autumn foliage. The autumn colours are at their best this month. Make the most of them as they pass very quickly. The night frosts and clear sunny days bring out the intensity of the colours. Fruits and berries are an added attraction, not only to us but to the birds as well. At the August meeting Ingrid Millington, from Hillview Hardy Plants, Nr Bridgnorth, gave an interesting talk and slide show on Colour with Bulbs. Spring is usually the time when we think of bulbs. But there are thousands of bulbs to plant to give us colour for every season. Ingrid showed some fabulous pictures which barely scratched the surface of this topic. The evening was a great success with everyone enjoying the talk. This years Summer Garden Show had some very good entries, plenty of sunshine gave it a real country show atmosphere. Clows Top Garden Club would like to say ‘Thank you’ to all helpers and exhibitors because without you there would be no show. Show Results were as follows; Vegetable, Fruit & Flower Cups won by Ted Mills, Harry Jenkins, Donna Hudson, John Griffiths Austin Fletcher and Marion Wilson. Cookery Cup won by Aileen Hood. Handicraft Cup won by Marion Cox. Floral Art Cup won jointly by Marion Wilson & Suzanne France. Children’s Shields won by Ben Williams & Victor Coley. If you are not a keen gardener but a keen garden lover, then don’t be afraid to come along, we are a garden club not a horticulture society. Our next meeting on Wednesday 23rd October, is by Michael Darville, who will give a talk entitled ‘Gardening An Arboretum’. Diary Dates Wednesday 27 November, AGM & Members Social Evening Clows Top and District Gardening Club meet the 4th Wednesday in the calendar month at Clows Top Victory Hall; Doors open 7.45pm, for the speaker at 8 o’clock. There are Refreshments, Raffle and a Plant Stall. Non-members are very welcome to any of our meetings. However, if you wish to join the annual membership is only £5. Further details telephone Marion Wilson 01299 270475. Or email: clowstopdistrictgardeningclub@hotmail.co.uk.

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Old Chapel Hall

Menith Wood News

Many people gathered at the Hall to wish the King-Briton's the Haley's , and the Hunt's Good Luck in their new homes and to thank them for all the work they had done in the village over the years. Roy Lilley formally thanked them and presented the ladies with flowers and the gentlemen with wine. A very pleasant evening, much appreciated by the 'leavers' and villagers. Thank you to all who participated and arranged it. The recent book sale raised over ÂŁ80. 100 Club. June. July. Aug. Sept.

1st. L Mocket L Bush. J Cowne. B. Dyson

Meal at Live & Let Live. Meal. 100 House meal. Golf.

2nd - Wine C Coglan R Hall P Thomas K Gittins

Knit and natter at The Gables Eardiston, every Monday 10-12 noon. Old Chapel Hall Events Sunday 6 th Oct AGM 25th Oct Stories over Supper 7.30 start -BYOD 13th Dec Christmas Crackers - sort out your contribution for the entertainment - BYOD 17th December - Carols Round the Village (Acorns Hospice) Phone 01584 881333 or 881102 for details Don't forget that the Mobile Library Visits Menith Wood every three weeks on a Wednesday from 11 th Sept. Claywood, 11.55-12.10. Coppice Close, 12.15-12.30

W. I.

In July Members and friends enjoyed a very pleasant evening at Tina Marie strolling round Keith and Margaret Taylor 's beautiful garden and then feasting on the tasty food provided by members. Thank you everyone. Several members and friends visited Berrington Hall to see behind the scenes costume collection. We marvelled at clothes from the upper classes which were beautifully embroidered on very special and expensive fabrics and thought that nowadays we couldn't produce such exquisite work. Later that evening there was a social evening at Wych - Hazel.

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Menith Wood WI (continued) Members and friends enjoyed an interesting and informative presentation on Penguins and the Faulkland Islands by Dr Colin Roberts at our September meeting. There are six types and four species of penguin, Rock Hoppers, Humbolt, Mackeronies and Royal, which frequent the 400 Islands. Some stay the whole time others visit along with seals, albatrosses, whales, reindeer, brown-backed gulls, cormorants, silver foxes and many other birds and animals. Thank you, Colin, for a very enlightening and enjoyable evening. Many of us would have liked to have been with you on your visit in spite of the smell! Pauline Briggs asked us to support Meningitis B. Beat It Now Campaign by going to www,beat-it-now.org. and signing the petition to get the Government to bring in the vaccine for our children this year and save lives. Future Events Wed Sept 25th Macmillan Coffee Morning and cake sale at Kath Pardoe's, The Gables, Eardiston,10-12 noon Sun Oct 20th Birthday Lunch, Hop Pole, Bewdley, 3 pm Thu 24th Oct Teme and Tenbury group meeting at Lindridge Hall, 7.30 pm talk by Wendy Hill on Sir Edward Elgar. Members to supply food. Sat 2nd Nov - Soup lunch at Lindridge hall ÂŁ3 plus parkin. Please come and join us for a hot lunch and meet up with friends. Mon 4th Nov. Food evening at Johanna 's - 7.30 at Beeches. Mon 2nd Dec. Christmas party, O C H 7.30 pm. All members to provide food. Meetings start at 7.30pm - members - 7.15. All are welcome to join us for the speakers at 8pm. You do not have to be a member, or female! Just give a member a ring if you wish to come. Phone 01584 881152 or 01584 881102 for further details.

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Teme Valley Wildlife

It was noticeable at the beginning of summer, the distinct lack of Butterflies that were about. But come the end of summer, there was a real upturn in numbers. That said, at one time, it seemed to be only Peacock’s that were settling on the buddleia in the garden, then in a matter of a few days at the back end of August, there was an explosion in the Small Tortoiseshell population and they were everywhere. Several people reported seeing twenty and a few, even thirty, of this species at one time on their garden flowers. Those seen at this time of year are the second brood which, as in the case this year, is often the more numerous brood. Many of these late flyers, need to go about feeding as a priority, hence why so many can be seen at once in area where nectar abounds. They then go into hibernation quite quickly, seeking out safe dry sanctuaries to overwinter. More than probably any other butterfly, they seek out human habitation, hence they are often found in roof spaces, garages, garden sheds or even behind curtains, often in some numbers. Whilst the degree of cold weather will directly affect mortality rate, predation by small mammals such as mice and voles has a far greater impact on survival. At this time of year, small mammals are also busy, voraciously feeding up to increase their fat reserves to see them through the winter and a larder of hibernating butterflies is an easy meal. Unfortunately for the vegetable gardeners this year, there was also a huge increase in the numbers of Small and Large White Butterflies about too. Their caterpillar offspring quickly developed and devastated many of the brassica type crops, leaving nothing but the plants mid-rib. In the semi shaded dingles and on bracken banks, Speckled Wood butterflies also made a welcome and numerous late appearance, flitting around shafts of sunlight that break through the tree canopy and basking in the remaining heat of the approaching autumnal sun. They live in distinct colonies with the males being extremely territorial. Hence they will often be found investigating any passing insect that comes within range, before returning to a favoured warm perch. The Speckled Wood can be seen at almost any time of the year and is regularly recorded over a period of nine months, spring to autumn, owing to its three broods per year. It is unique in the British Isles as it is the only butterfly that has the ability to over winter as either a fully grown adult, or a chrysalis. Consequently in spring, there are often two early peaks in numbers as over wintering adults mix with freshly emerged individuals which have just emerged from their cocoons.

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Teme Valley wildlife (continued) Another butterfly that appears to have done well this year is the Small Copper, a delightful little butterfly that is often seen on warm days on rough grassland and dry scrub. The female of this species is exceedingly choosey about where her eggs are laid and actively seeks out either Common Sorrel of Sheep’s Sorrel, on which to deposit her developing offspring. In areas where these plants exist, quite high numbers of this butterfly have been seen this year. ...Unlike the migrant species. Our two more common migrants, the Painted Lady and Hummingbird Hawk Moth, did not really turn up this year. Whilst a few have been reported locally, there have been no great numbers, as is the case in some years. So whilst the early part of the year saw a significant decline in butterfly numbers and species seen around in the Teme Valley, the back end of the summer was a joy, with good numbers gracing our gardens, fields and woodlands. The indoor meeting of the Wildlife Group being held on Thursday 10th October at 7:30pm, Rochford Village Hall, sees the very welcome return of Johnny Birks who will be talking about British Bats. Johnny is one of Worcestershire’s premier experts on bats, so this will be a meeting not to be missed. As always, its just £2 on the door and everybody is most welcome. For Up to date information on what wildlife is being seen in the area, or to give us your sightings, visit us at www.temevalleywildlife.com The Wildlife Group normally holds a meeting the 2nd Thursday of the month. All are very welcome. Tel. 01584 781500 or email danny.arnold@waterwide.com

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Teme Valley Historical Society A superb turnout of 25 members (and 3 children) enjoyed an excellent visit to the Museum of Carpet at Kidderminster on 20th August. We were given a very interesting talk on the history of the building and the means by which the museum came into being in October of last year. Kidderminster was a cloth producing town from very early on, but the first Kidderminster carpet was woven in 1735. In the mid 1800s the Industrial Revolution brought steam engines, power looms and the mills. The real boom in carpets was in the 1950s and Kidderminster was at the centre of the carpet making industry. This came to an end in the late 1970s and there are now only 5 manufacturers in Kidderminster working on a much reduced scale. There is an excellent collection of artefacts, and the story of the carpet making industry is well set out in the rooms of the museum. In addition, whilst there, we were able to see two looms weaving Wilton and Axminster carpets in action. Our next meeting will be at 7.30pm on 29th October at Abberley Village Hall when Anthony Collis will give a talk on “Inn Signs and Pub Names�. All are welcome. Mike Harley

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List of Local Events Services and Church Events in September are listed on page 9 Tue 1 Oct Fri 4 Oct Sat 5 Oct Sat 5 Oct Sat 5 Oct Sat 5 Oct Sun 6 Oct Wed 9 Oct Wed 9 Oct Sat 12 Oct Sun 13 Oct Wed 16 Oct Fri 18 Oct Sun 20 Oct Mon 21 Oct Wed 23 Oct Thu 24 Oct Fri 25 Oct Tue 29 Oct Wed 30 Oct Sat 2 Nov Sat 2 Nov Mon 4 Nov Sat 9 nov Sat 9 Nov Sat 16 Nov Wed 27 Nov Mon 2 Dec Tue 17 Dec

Pensax Stanford Knighton Worcester Pensax Knighton Menith Wood Eardiston Areley Kings Great Witley Worcester Knighton Eardiston Bewdley Martley Clows Top Eardiston Menith Wood Abberley Stockton Eardiston Pensax Menith Wood Great Witley Clows Top Lindridge Clows Top Menith Wood Menith Wood

Pensax Parish Council (page 63) Food for Thought Supper (page 57) Harvest Supper (page 15) Festival of Healing (page 11) Bingo (page25) Harvest Supper (page 15) Chapel Hall AGM (page49) Mid-week break (page 35) Vikki Day licensing (page 13) 'Drop in" flu vaccination (page55) Bishop David 'farewell' (page 11) Knighton Friends games evening (page 15) History of Lindridge (page 35) Menith Wood WI birthday party (page 49) Teme Valley Geological Society (page 43) Gardening Club (page 47) WI meeting (page51) WI 'Stories over Supper' (page 49) Teme Valley Historical Society (page 57) Parish Meeting (page 29) WI soup lunch (page 51) Bingo (page 21) WI food evening (page 51) 'Drop-in' flu vaccination (page 55) Christmas Fayre (page 25) Concert (page 27) Gardening Club (page 47) WI Christmas party Carols (page 49)

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Clubs and Societies

Below we list the clubs and societies in this area – we are happy to add further groups or correct any errors or elaborate – please contact the Editor. Abberley Angling Club - Coarse fishing club with own pool in Abberley. Contact Tony Steward on 01299 896456 Clows Top Garden Club – meet on the 4th Wednesday of each month at the Victory Hall, Clows Top for further information contact Marion Wilson on 01299 270475 or by email clowstopdistrictgardeningclub@hotmail.co.uk Eastham Garden Club -this has been recently set up with occasional meetings at Eastham Village Hall for further information contact Diana Clarke, Secretary on 01584 781 505 or by email at dianaclarke17@yahoo.co.uk Lindridge Art Group - Art for everyone - meetings at Lindridge Parish Hall every Tuesday at 3.00pm. We have an excellent tutor and your first lesson is free. Come and join us. Further details dekjan@tiscali.co.uk Knighton Friends – meet 3rd Wednesday of each month at the Parish Room Menith Wood WI - meet generally on the first Monday in the month at the Old Chapel Hall for further details please contact 01584 881 102 Rock Bridge Club - meet every Sunday at Rock Village Hall at 7.00 pm. Just turn up or contact Luke Grant on 07854 951 330 Teme Valley Childrens Centre - run a number of relevant events for children and parents for further information contact 01886 812982 or by email teme.valley@barnardos.org.uk Teme Valley Geological Society - meet monthly at the Martley Memorial Hall for further details contact John Nicklin on 01886 888318or by email at secretary@geo-village.eu they also have a blog at http://www.geovillage.eu Teme Valley Historical Society - meet monthly on the last Tuesday in the month at Abberley Village Hall for further information contact Mike Harley on 01584 881 194 Teme Valley Wildlife – meet each month at Rochford Village Hall for further information contact Danny Arnold on 01584 781500 or by email danny.arnold@waterwide.com There is a website at www.temevalleywildlife.com Tenbury Town Band - meet for rehearsals at Penlu Sports Club on Sundays (Apprentices 4 – 4:30 and full band 4:30 – 7:00) for further details contact Steve and Mel Parker on 01584 881 683. There is a website at www.tenburytownband.co.uk

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Editor in the Back Lindridge House Lindridge WR15 8JQ Dear Reader It feels like Autumn has arrived with the shorter days, colder mornings and evenings, and the leaves beginning to fall. I am looking forward to a lovely display of Autumn colours this year. Lots of harvest festival activity this month and the Tenbury Applefest to enjoy. It is amazing how many varieties of apple there are - last year I counted more than 200 on show, with traditional ones making a bit of a comeback, it seems. All in all, a beautiful time of year in this corner of the country but make the most of it, though, with Winter just around the corner! A big thank you to everyone who has sent in a donation for Temespan and, as ever, to our advertisers for their support. Don't forget to send in any suggestions you may have to help me improve Temespan - I would love to hear from you. With best wishes

Malcolm Malcolm Gillespie editor.temespan@gmail.com

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