Natasha Pisarenko: The Blind Sometimes See Better

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The Blind Sometimes See Better Can one imagine a world where the president outlawed adoptions from a certain country? Children could not be adopted from one’s country into that country. This is Russia. This is what many people, especially one inspirational teenage girl, are attempting to change. Blind to the World Natasha Pisarenko has lived her whole life in Russia. She was born in the town of Rostov-on-don, where Natasha Pisarenko was born and raised.

Rostov-on-Don, in southern Russia. When Natasha was only days old, her father quickly realized that something was different about the new arrival. He soon figured it out: Natasha was blind. However,

the Russian doctors could not figure out exactly what was wrong with Natasha until months later. Eventually, Natasha’s parents took her to Germany and the United States for a proper diagnosis. Later, when she was old enough to go to school, Natasha’s parents refused to send her far away to a school for the blind. The authorities weren’t happy about it, but they allowed Natasha into a public Russian school. Natasha is currently in the 10th grade, or form. In Russia, 10th form is one year under

Vocabulary Word Etiology is the cause of a disease or medical condition.

graduation. She plans on traveling to the United States for surgery to possibly grant her sight. She once said, “In Russia, I am a child with an illness of unknown etiology… But in Germany and the United States, I am a patient whose sight they are trying to restore.” If the surgery goes the way it is supposed to, they will have succeeded.

Adoption Ban? All activists need something to protest for or against. For Natasha Pisarenko, it is something to protest against. That thing is the Dima Yakovlev Law. But what is the Dima Yakovlev Law? At heart, it was pure spite. President Barack Obama passed a law called the Magnitsky Dima Yakovlev, the 3-year Act, which prohibited Russians accused of human rights violation old who died after being adopted into the United from travelling to the United States or owning land or other assets States. The ban is named after him.

there. In response to this, Vladimir Putin passed what is now known Vocabulary Word

as the Dima Yakovlev Law. The Dima Yakovlev Law prohibits people from adopting Russian children into the United States. This is a very bad idea, however, because over sixty thousand

Human Rights Violation is when a person deprives another person of basic human rights, such as freedom from slavery, or the right to a fair trial with justice.

children have been adopted from Russia into America. Natasha is not the only one unhappy about the ban though. She joined many in protesting. The Dima Yakovlev Law was passed on January first, 2013. Blogger Natasha Pisarenko is an activist for the ban. But, one may ask, what is she doing, exactly? It is simple. To protest, Natasha blogs. The first blog Natasha ever wrote in protest was Vocabulary Word Blogging is someone writing to someone else online.

directly to President Vladimir Putin. To make her blog completely and utterly withering, Natasha used one of the most powerful

Vocabulary Word Medicine is the science and study of the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease.

weapons in the teenage arsenal: sarcasm. She wrote that Putin was saving disabled children fom “American evil” by passing the law. This blog was written on January 6th, 2013, in response to the ban. Natasha’s blog was written as an open letter, calling Putin out for passing the law. She wrote that disabled Russian children are often never adopted. Usually, these unfortunate children end up dead. Natasha said that the disabled children die because Russia’s medical system is backwards. It is old-fashioned instead of new and modern. “They die because Russia doesn’t have modern medicine.” Natasha wrote. On a later date, Natasha Pisarenko once more stood up for Russian children. She called on Putin to adopt five or ten disabled children. She said, “Mister President! Surprise us with one more of your wise tricks! Adopt five or ten disabled children and we will follow your example.” Attracting Attention Recently, Natasha has been getting a lot of attention. But what kind of attention is she attracting? The press loves writing stories about her bravery and wit. There are many, many news articles about her. But Natasha has been receiving plenty of not-so-positive attention, too. One of Vladimir Putin’s spokesmen, Dmitri Peskov, when questioned by the reporters, said, “Of course we will pay attention to such a statement. This girl is well known to us.” The health care unit knows Natasha because of her blindness, and therefore Putin is well informed about her. The authorities are not at all happy with Natasha’s protests, and Natasha herself is worried that her parents will be called in for questioning. She recently gravely wrote, “Probably, I will regret that I wrote what I think.”

Inspirational The activist known as Natasha Pisarenko is an extremely inspirational teen activist, for many reasons. For one thing, she had the courage to stand up to the leader of Russia. Not only did she blog, but she blogged directly to him. Another thing, and this is absolutely amazing, Natasha Pisarenko is blind. This means that she did everything she did without having the power of sight to help guide her. This is one of the most impressive things about Natasha. She somehow had enough courage to do all the wonderful things that she did anyway, but throw blindness into the mix, and it is a whole new level bravery. Natasha Pisarenko is a very brave and courageous Russian girl. She has inspired many people. Natasha may not be the most famous or most talked about person, but she certainly is one of the most inspirational.

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