Tvergastein Issue #8

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Karen O’Brien’s article about travel in a changing climate tries to answer some of the above questions while reflecting on our need to travel, our desire to see places before it is too late and the consequences this has on the environment. Nina Jensen offers advice on how to make your travels more meaningful, and shares examples of conservation projects around the world. Julia Szulecka reflects on how the travel of trees has shaped our landscapes and homes, while Anne Helness’ contribution gives an analysis of the history of travel writing, focusing on the 15th and 16th centuries. Pascale Argod talks about how travel diaries can help us reflect on travel in a different way, through observation and introspection, and encourages more environmentally sustainable tourism. In the article ‘Running for Unity’, Robert Bergström introduces us to Kristina Paltén who ran across Iran to challenge her own fears and prejudices, while Richard Hansen shares his story about what he learned about life goals and challenges while hiking the Pacific Crest trail. In Wei Guo’s article about China’s ‘One Belt, One Road’ strategy we learn about the New Silk Road and its relation to the travel of things, while in Katrina Lenore Sjøberg’s article we learn about the journey of ancient seeds. Jonathan Frænkel-Eidse takes a critical look at the environmentalists’ paradoxical love of flying, and provides some explanations as to why it is so hard to change our habits. The final contribution, by Dave Olesen, reflects on our advances in communication and how it affects journeys and expeditions near and far. Travel is an enriching and stimulating experience for the individual, but aggregated, these behaviors are highly problematic. Finding the right balance between individual satisfaction and the best global outcome requires some reflection. What is it that makes you travel? How will it enrich you, and is it the only way to get what you are looking for? Asking these questions could not only be a way to contribute to a more sustainable world, it might also make your personal travel experiences more meaningful. Credit: ERWIN HASSELBRINCK 7

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