Inverse Function Worksheet

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g (b) = a is the inverse function of f (a). We can take an example of defining the process of inverse function as if there is a function p (a) = 2 a + 3 then inverse of the function is as in the first function p (a) there is variable a is multiplied with 2 and also constant value 3 is added to 2 a that is given the expression 2 a + 3 and for making the inverse of the given function first we have to subtract the 3 and then divide the term by 2 as q (b) = b – 3 / 2 that is the inverse of the function p (a) = 2 a + 3. So we can written the function as p (a) = 1 / q (b) and inverse function of the p (a) = 2 a + 3 is describe as p -1 (b) = (b – 3) / 2 .We are using the term b in place for showing that we use the different values. If we take some values in the above define functions as p (a) = 2 * a + 3 , If a = 4 then p (4) = 2 * 4 + 3 p (4) = 8 + 3 = 11. Then according to the inverse function depiction if we take the input for the function q (b) = (b – 3) / 2 is 11 as q (11) = (11 – 3) / 2 q (11) = (8) / 2 q (11) = 4. Read More About Adding And Subtracting Positive And Negative Numbers Worksheet

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