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Volume 10, Issue 128 Templeton Newsletter Mailing Address: 204– 2929 Nootka Street, Vancouver BC V5M 4K4 Canada Published every month, if possible. Contributions are always welcome. The articles should be in, not later than day 25th of every month.

“Dedicated to Excellence”

October 2010

Jeannie’s 2010 中秋节 Vacation

Disclaimer: The views expressed in Stroke Recoverer’s Review newsletter: articles, submissions and spotlights are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of Templeton Stroke Recovery or the editor of Stroke Recoverer’s Review. Reserves the right at any time to make changes as it deems necessary. It is the purpose of this periodical to share a variety of viewpoints mostly from stroke survivors. Contributors: Ollie Stogrin Loy Lai Werner Stephan, Jose Suganob Production of SRR: Jose Suganob Email: suganobj@gmail.com

Here is the logo for Easter Camp 2011

Printing Person: Kiyoko Akeroyd 604-434-6513

Inside this issue: Recipe Encouragements




Last Month’s Happening


Scam Alert for Older Men...J-Notes


What Can One Write About? Newsletter Creating


“Building Life After Stroke Together” When: Good Friday, April 22 to Easter Monday, April 25, 2011 Where: Squamish Easter Camp, Squamish, BC “Start putting a dollar a day into your Turtle bank today.” For more information: Please visit turtletalk.ca

Volume 10, Issue 128

Stroke Recoverer’s Review

October 2010

“There’s life after stroke”

Page 2

RECIPE: Chinese Chicken Cutlets




At My Age… I‟ve: Seen it all Done it all Heard it all I just can‟t remember IT ALL!

What comes into your mind when you hear the word Yoga? Well, if you think of people in seemingly impossible poses, then you may have an inkling of what Yoga is. But that‟s just it - an inkling. You‟ve got a long a way to go before fully understanding Yoga. The word Yoga came from the Sanskrit word „yuj‟ which means “to unite or integrate.” The three main Yoga structures —Exercise, Breathing, and Meditation.

1 lb .............. Chicken breast, boneless and skinless 1-1/2 cups .. Chicken stock 2 tbsp .......... Tomato paste 1 tbsp .......... Low-sodium soy sauce 1 tbsp .......... Honey 1 tsp ............ Ginger root, peeled and minced 4 cloves ....... Garlic, minced 2 cups.......... Hot cooked brown rice Small amount hot-pepper sauce, to taste Water, enough to cover pan for sauteing the chicken Directions: 1. Cut chicken into 1/2 inch slices. 2. In a large non-stick frying pan over medium heat, add water to sauté chicken. Add chicken; sauté until it begin to brown, about 5-7 minutes. 3. In a medium sized bowl, combine stock, tomato paste, soy sauce, honey, ginger, garlic and hot pepper sauce. Pour over chicken. 4. Reduce heat to medium-low; partially cover the pan, simmer until chicken is cooked thoroughly, about 20 minutes or more. 5. Garnish and serve with rice. RESCUE scorched rice & restore its flavor. Top the pot with a crust of bread, clamping on the lid & allowing the rice to stand five minutes off the heat. For best result, transfer the un-burnt rice to a fresh pot, first.

Chinese Proverb: When someone share something of value with you and you benefit from it, you have a moral obligation to share it with others. Lessons Learned. Realize that different people have different problems. It does not matter what the actual problem is—it matters how people deal with it. One might think that this problem is trivial. Could be but every person has different strengths and weaknesses. It only matters how one deals with disadvantages. Never ever give up! If you really want something, strive for it! „The smiles, the energy, the goodwill which are all on display for the rest of the world to see! It‟s great to be OLD!” —Submitted by Loy Lai Templeton Stroke Recovery STAY CONNECTED Need more face time with longdistance friends and family! With your webcam (or your computer‟s built-in video camera) and the video-conferencing Skype software (free) you can have a face-to-face chat with loved ones anywhere in the world. Never miss another birthday greetings! www.templetonstrokerecovery.com

Yoga is beneficial to all, and has proved to be especially so for disabled people as well. It can be performed by those who have undergone surgery, although a gap of three to six months AFTER the surgery must be observed. Yoga can also be performed by those with acute or chronic and painful disabilities. The physical postures of Yoga and the breathing techniques of Pranayama, along with meditation can be helpful for the disabled in many ways. They can improve balance, strength, stamina, and fle xib ility . Pra cti cing Yog a regularly can reduce stress and anxiety, relax the body and mind, and induce better sleep. Most postures can be modified and adapted to suit the particular needs of the individual. In fact, there are wheelchair bound individuals who perform yoga. Some Templeton members are on 8 week YOGA program with Terry. —josesuganob Page 2

Volume 10, Issue 128

Stroke Recoverer’s Review

October 2010 Page 3

“There’s life after stroke” LAST MONTH’S HAPPENING... I just don‟t know how to start this month of October! I think, next year I will do away with Oct! Just flip from Sept. to Nov.!

couple weeks ago. I know, the members loved the change, Thank you, Loy, for donating the soup. It was wonderful.

not the victim.

Seems everything happens in Oct., at least at Templeton. Let‟s list the good thing first:

This hasn‟t been a good year for Templeton in a way as the volunteers are needing repairs!

Thanks to our members that called me since I come home. Those calls made me feel better already. Thanks again, see you all soon.

Lina & Lilia came back after being away in therapy. Jeanie came back from her vacation in Shanghai. She has a video of her vacation. I hope, I don‟t miss the showing. John B. came to visit us. We got a new member, Derek is his name. Welcome to our group, Derek, hope you will be happy to be in our group. Constantino was away for a few weeks but now is back helping Valerie set-up coffee, etc. Also, Athena came back after going on 3 weeks vacation! She went to the big APPLE (New York) with her mom. I‟m sure Athena will be writing about her vacation which I hope I‟m there to hear about it. Our Debbie is still setting up tables every Wed. night with her neighbor. Thanks to Debbie! We have tables set-up every week! Our members are now enjoying Yoga. We are giving it a try, to see if our members will feel the benefits of Yoga with the trial period. If they enjoyed it, time will tell if members start doing it at home also. Which would be great! Only as always, it‟s more fun to exercise in a group. Loy became our „soup maker‟ a

Key had surgery on her foot! Was off for weeks. Valerie was off for surgery for a couple of months. So happy to have both of them back! And, now it‟s my turn for repairs! I was scheduled for surgery Oct. 4th, they took me in, dressed me in a nice blue gown & then cancelled the surgery!!! I finally made it Oct 21st, pheew!!! In the mean time before going in my computer died! My printer quit! & webcam crashed Then I get out after 4 days, my wallet was stolen 2 days after being out of hospital! On my first trip to the store, stress like that I could do without!!! It took me 22 phone calls to get all my information redone! Hopefully, that‟s it for Oct. I only have 2 more days to go to the end of the month. How much more can happen??? We will see, there‟s still 2 days! Aaah. Lessons learned! CARRY LITTLE AS POSSIBLE IN YOUR WALLET! Because when it‟s lost or stolen, its costly to replace. It takes forever to replace. The reports one has to file takes forever and with our wonderful phone system (press 1, press 2.) One gets grey hair waiting for a human being to answer the phone. One starts to feel like one a robber www.templetonstrokerecovery.com

Our „Christmas Dinner 2010‟ is December 4, 2010 at Lion‟s Den. Bring your family and friends.

Till next month, for more news… —Ollie Stogrin, Templeton Stroke Recovery JUDGE ME NOT You can‟t see inside my brain You can‟t see inside my body You don‟t know The amount of damage My stroke has done You don‟t understand How hard I try This is the best I can talk This is the fastest I can walk This is the least That I can complain So, judge me not Criticize me not Cheer me and praise me For how far I have come Because you don‟t know About tomorrow Tomorrow might be your turn. —by Helen Singh FUNNIES When you‟re finally holding all the cards, why does everyone else decide to play chess? Let‟s face it, traveling just isn‟t as much fun when all the historical sites are younger than you are.

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Volume 10, Issue 128

Stroke Recoverer’s Review

October 2010 Page 4

J-NOTES...Jose Suganob

FOR OLDER MEN... Women often receive warning about protecting themselves at the mall and in dark parking lots, etc. This is the first warning I have seen for men. I wanted to pass it on, in case you haven‟t heard about it. A „heads up‟ for those men who may be regular customers at Lowe‟s, Home Depot, Costco, or even Wal-Mart. This one caught me totally by surprise. Over the last month, I became a victim of a clever scam while out shopping. Simply going out to get supplies has turned out to be quite traumatic. Don‟t be naïve enough to think it couldn‟t happen to you or your friends. Here‟s how the scam works: Two nice-looking, college-aged girls will come over to your car or truck as you are packing your purchases into your vehicle. They both start wiping your windshield with a rag and Windex, with their breasts almost falling out of their skimpy T-shirts. (It‟s impossible not to look). When you thank them and offer them a tip, they say „No‟ but instead ask for a ride to McDonalds You agree and they climb into your vehicle. On the way, they start undressing. Then, one of them starts crawling all over you, while the other one steals your wallet. I had my wallet stolen Aug. 4th, 9th, 10th, twice on the 15th, 17th, 20th, 24th, & 29th. Also Sept. 1st, & 4th, twice on the 8th, 16th, 23rd, 26th, & 27th, and very likely again this upcoming weekend.

So, tell your friends to be careful. What a horrible way to take advantage of us older men. Warn your friends to be vigilant. Wal-Mart has wallets on sale for $2.99 each. I found even cheaper ones for 99 cents at the dollar store and bought them out in three of their stores. Also, you never get to eat at McDonald‟s. I‟ve already lost 11 pounds just running back and forth from Lowe‟s, to Home Depot, to Costco, etc. So, please, send this on to all the older men that you know and warn them to be on the lookout for this scam. (The best times are just before lunch and around 4:30 in the afternoon) You can‟t be too careful guys. —jokeonly WHAT ODDS??? I was mugged twice last year. The odds of getting mugged once are 1 in 50. The odds of getting twice are 1 in 2,500. The odds that I got mugged twice last year because I look like the kind of guy that would calculate those odds? One in 1. “There’s life after stroke” RIDDLE Michael J. Fox has a small one, Madonna doesn‟t have one, the Pope has one but doesn‟t use it, Clinton uses his all the time, Mickey Mouse has an unusual one, Liberace never used his on women, Cher claims she took on 3. What is it? Sorry Folks...No Dirty Jokes Here!—Answer is „a last name.‟


Broadway Connections is no more! Our last meeting was Thursday, Oct. 28, 2010. The Global News TV Crew was there again to interview us. Broadway Connections Adult Day Care Program is a unique therapeutic peer to peer self-help group for disabled adults that has been funded by Vancouver Coastal Health for twenty five (25) years. It helps keep disabled adults from isolation and the resulting depression and pain. It is successful because it is unique and specifically designed for people with disabilities. It is an accessible, welcoming and inclusive space and has adaptive equipment that facilitates full participation. It is one of a kind in Vancouver, and there are no others like it. 15 years I‟ve been going to that group, right after my stroke, when “Why me?” and “Angry” stages of my life was occurring. In Broadway Connections, I learned that there are people worse than me living a good and normal life. And, I discovered the whole new world out there. Thru them, and Neil Squire Foundation, I started see the computing world. And, studied it more at home, correspondence school (ICS), that is, and two years after I got my diploma, Desktop Publishing/Design in 1998. Edited and published the Broadway Connections newsletter. I have a better quality of life and deeper connection to the community as a result of attending Broadway Connections, and now it‟s gone! What a shame! Page 4

Volume 10, Issue 128

Stroke Recoverer’s Review

October 2010 Page 5

WHAT CAN ONE WRITE ABOUT? Is it too controversial? It is assumed that writings about money, politics, religion or sex are normally taboo. Some magazines, of course, are excluded. One cannot expect Glenn Beck to be quiet about politics; Billy Graham not to write about religion; or Hugh Heffner not to mention sex. But, these are the exceptions. I cannot think of somebody who is well-known, who writes about money matters. Sure, there are many investment advisors, but do you believe them? Let us assume that it is true that most writers worry about finding a new and acceptable subject to write about. It is also true (and creates envy) that very few writers do not have to worry about new ideas because they have plenty of ideas. There is one website which suggests how to go about finding new ideas. I wasn‟t too impressed. This website listed, among others, stimuli like „What makes you weep?‟ or „What restores your faith in people?‟ I can see it now: political correctness becomes unavoidable. Another website lists all the topics of recent TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) exams. Here are some samples: „In your opinion, what are the qualities of a good neighbor?‟ or „What are some important qualities of a good boss?‟ Sorry, they do not seem too exciting either. It is my opinion that an exciting subject should be, (if possible) controversial, solicit strong reactions in a reader and be topical. That is not always possible. In articles about events, trips or subjects of interest: „Informative‟ is desirable.

by W. Stephan, NSSRC—West Vancouver Group

If it is neither informative nor controversial, there is the danger that an article is simply boring. „Controversial‟ subjects elicit strong reactions, force one to formulate strong opinions, and are logical. One must be ready to support the opinion with arguments that make sense. Let‟s look at some printed publications such as the supplement to a weekend paper. Examples are: „Appreciate Men‟ (that should raise some eyebrows) It turns out to be an ad for menswear, „Explore the West Coa st‟ (not ba d!), „Travel, Light‟ (might be informative), „Are you waiting for things to fall apart?‟ (another ad, this time for dentists—the subject has possibilities), „Blue-ray Disc Players‟ (a tricky subject because this technology might be quickly superseded). Let‟s look on the Internet again: AskMen.com (some of the articles are certainly controversial). An article should also be tailored to a specific target readership. There is no point to write about pick-up techniques (certainly controversial) if your target readerships are married seniors. I do not want to write about the structure of an essay. We probably learned that in high school or in English 101 (although I have forgotten most of it). Can you think of anything else that that might be important to know about fin ding subjects to write about? —by Werner Stephan, NSSRC, NSSRC - West Vancouver Group


CREATING A GOOD NEWSLETTER.. Series of newsletter making: by Jose Suganob How to create a PDF email newsletter— The Two Disadvantage of PDF newsletter compared to other types of newsletter: PDF newsletter is not as easy to read & navigate on-screen. Readers may need to zoom in & out, scroll up & down more to read the articles. Email messages usually 2 megabytes maximum. Enewsletters with complex designs, the large file size can make it cumbersome for e-mailing. The large file size will make it slow. For most people, the many advantages of a .pdf enewsletters outweigh the minor disadvantages. It is easy and inexpensive to create using your own newsletter software that you already know how to use. Just make sure that the file (PDF) is less than 2 megabytes. The front page of this newsletter (also email newsletter) is all the photos—I use the Google‟s Picasa Photo Editing. One-click fixes for common problems: red-yes, color, lighting to make photos look even better. Original size photos can be resized to lesser pixels to 50 kb (maximum) per photo. NEWSLETTER TIP: Get to the point in the first sentence. No cute stuff. Just the facts. You can provide the background later, after you‟ve captured the reader‟s attention! And be sure to use the spell check OFTEN!!! 5

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