Templeton Newsletter, Jan 2017

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Vol. 16, Issue 196

“Dedicated to Excellence”

Basses and Tenors section...

BLAST Booth at REE at the ROO 2017 with Martha H. and Jetson—Jan 5, 2017

Templeton SR New Coordinator Alison Ogilvie

Colleen Music Therapist

January 2017

Vol. 16, Issue 196

January 2017

Caregiver’s LIFE…

Tomorrow!!! To me tomorrow is the next day or next week. As it is often said we never know what tomorrow will bring. Even if we knew what tomorrow would bring, there is nowhere to hide that would be safe from tomorrow. When one of my tomorrow landed on my 50th birthday, never in my worst nightmare could I have imagined what surprises the immediate future awaited me. Two weeks after my 50th birthday, my 75 year old mother suffered a stroke that landed her in a wheelchair. Only someone who has tried to contain their cat in a burlap sack could imagine how an independent woman like my mother would react to stroke disablement…...rage! Pure and unadulterated rage!!! Over the next two years, she was like an active volcano. She spent almost as much time sitting on the floor in front of her wheelchair as in it. HONEY & CINNAMON TO CURE COLDS

Did you know that a teaspoon of honey (raw is best) and a 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon will usually knock out a cold within a day or two? Take twice a day for 3 days for best result. Both honey and cinnamon are antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal. Also, knocks bladder/kidney infections, reduces sugar levels, blood pressure and acts as a pain reliever for arthritis.

Templeton Newsletter Mailing Address:

She was going to walk: come hell or high waters. When she was initially told she would never walk again, the doctor was informed that that was a stupid statement. She still had two legs and anyway who did he think he was to tell her that she wouldn’t ever walk again. “That may be you but that’s not me.” She informed him. Attending Trout Lake Stroke Club with the likes of a very no nonsense Phyllis Segal as coordinator seemed to be the tonic mother needed. Attending Easter Camp with the fun loving Phyllis Delaney was the finishing touch. With the likes of Yvonne Cramer in attendance at the camp pool was a bonus. Mother was so determined to not miss camp, she had her grandson transport a Hoyer lift to her last camp in 2003.

204– 2929 Nootka Street, Vancouver, BC V5M 4K4 Canada Published every month, if possible. Contributions are always welcome. The articles should be in, not later than day 25th day of every month. Disclaimer: The views expressed in Stroke Recoverer’s Review newsletter: articles, submissions and spotlights are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of Templeton Stroke Recovery or the editor of Stroke Recoverer’s Review. Editor reserves the right at any time to make changes as it deems necessary. It is the purpose of this periodical to share a variety of viewpoints mostly from stroke survivors January 2017 Contributors: Kiyoko Akeroyd Ollie Stogrin Deb Chow Jose Suganob

Production of SRR:

—Key Akeroyd Templeton Stroke Recovery, Treasurer

Jose Suganob


Niagara Falls is one of the Natural Wonders of the World. After Victoria Falls in Africa, it is the second largest waterfall n the world. An astounding 6000 cubic metres of water tumble over its brink every second.

Inside this issue:

The highest waterfall in Canada (440 metres) is Della Falls in British Columbia. It is located in Strathcona Park, about 60 kilometers from Port Alberni, Vancouver Island.

Caregiver’s Life


Last Month Happenings




Jokes page


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Vol. 16, Issue 196

January 2017

Last Month Happening...

Xmas is over! Only it felt like xmas for almost a month. This 2017 has been very different. I hope everyone had a nice xmas

Frank Kish thinks we are to dull! Ahh, seriously I don’t know why Frank is not coming anymore.

Loy, our good spokeperson has moved to the classy part of Burnaby in Brentholiday? wood Mall area. We will miss you, Templeton was closed for the holi- Loy. Come and visit, as you still drive days, also, on account of the all the so you can come. snow...or did anyone notice that we Now, about our kitchen, we no longer were snowed in? I couldn't get out of can have soup and sandwiches for my garage. Every time I shoveled the $4.00 (including tea, coffee and cookdriveway, it snowed again so I gave ies) Guess it was to reasonably priced. up...The driveway is back to normal There was no reason for the again. ‘government health department’ to take Since I last wrote, our Jose’ (editor) our lunch program away. (The reason has moved. I think, he lived at was the liability issue—Jose’) What the health department should do is to walk Grandview for as long as I have into some of the city’s café’s greasy known him. It must been quite a kitchens where the mice are having a change for him. Jose’ can’t say, ‘It a picnic and close those places down. long way to the bus now and all the That really makes me angry as our excitement of living on Commercial lunch program helped buy some of our Drive. Hope you like your new neigh- picnic and kitchen supplies. Now, lunch bors? is pre-ordered a week in advance and is Key and Helen have been sick with flu more expensive at $6.00, not including which is going around. That’s why coffee, tea, or sweets. It’s not fare to our handicapped members. they haven’t been around. Our Germaine has moved to the Next month, March is Spring Clean-up Vancouver Island . She will be missed for Templeton Park Pool and is always by all our members as she looked after closed. We usually move to Norah our members blood pressure readings. Davis Garden to have our program, She spent her life as a nurse and was which is booked for a month this very good with our members that March. needed to know their blood pressure Also, again, Deb Chow, will be taking readings. names for Easter Camp. Hope some of Olga, our kitchen helper, has had a lot our members will be attending. It’s really a fun weekend. We hope the appointments. weatherperson will be kind also… John Boynton no longer drives. Have a Happy Valentines Day, ‘till next Josef Kranister moved to Burnaby. month... Joe Funaro is not well enough to —Ollie Stogrin come. Templeton Stroke Recovery, Co-Founder



We are getting old or already old. Let’s face its consequences and limitations. 2) FOCUS ON ENJOYING PEOPLE, not indulging or accumulating material things. 3) PLACE AND SPEND WHAT YOU SAVED. You deserve to enjoy it, and the few healthy years. Travel if you can afford it. Don’t leave anything for your children or loved ones to quarrel about instead of helping, you can even cause more trouble when you are gone. 4) LIVE IN THE HERE AND NOW, NOT IN


It is only today that you can handle. Yesterdays are gone, tomorrows may not even happen.


DON’T BE THEIR FULLTIME BABYSITTER. You have no moral obligation

to take care of them. Don’t have any false guilt about this. Your obligation to your children is finished.

6) ACCEPT PHYSICAL WEAKNESS, SICKNESS AND OTHER PHYSICAL PAINS. It is all part of aging process. Enjoy whatever health can give you. 7) ENJOY WHAT YOU HAVE RIGHT NOW. Stop working hard for what you do not have. If you don’t have them, it’s too late. 8) JUST ENJOY YOUR LIFE WITH YOUR SPOUSE, CHILDREN, GRANDCHILDREN AND FRIENDS. People love

you for yourself not for what you have, they will just give you misery.

9) FORGIVE AND ACCEPT FORGIVENESS. Forgive yourself and others. Enjoy peace of mind and peace of soul. 10)BEFRIEND DEATH. IT’S PART OF LIFE. Don’t be afraid of it. It’s the beginning of a new and better life. It’s the beginning of the true and real life forever. So, prepare yourself, not for death, but for a new life. Page 3

Vol. 16, Issue 196

BLAST 2017 Stroke Survivors, Caregivers, and Friends!

Come, join us for dinner! February 15th, 2017 (Wednesday) Dinner starts at 5:30 pm Trocadero

2411 Nanaimo St, Vancouver, BC (North of Broadway)

ICE WORMS (filler)

Legends of the Tuchone people of southern Yukon describe giant ice worms that emerge from the glaciers of the St. Elias Mountains when the Midnight Sun disappears from the sky. They feast on people leaving behind a shell of greyish, dead skin. An Inuit myth refers to Sikusi, a mischievous ice worm. The legend inspired an inside joke for bartenders and seasoned prospectors during the Klondike Gold Rush. They created a drink called the ‘iceworm cocktail,’ which they gave to tenderfoot prospectors as a rite of passage. The ‘worm’ was actually a piece of flaccid, cooked spaghetti, suspended in alcohol. The drink reduced the number of prospectors who stayed to fight over claims. WARNING Be sure to check your next drink

You may not want to know this, but ice worms really exist. In fact, three creatures known as ice worms live the frozen north. 1) A dark-pigmented, smooth worm found in tangled masses in melting glacier ice. 2) A fuzzy caterpillar that is tolerant of frigid conditions. 3) A wingless, creamy white insect found at the edges of melting glaciers.

January 2017

Happy New Year January 2017 ???...

Two months to BLAST 2017. Last year, it was early at the end March. This year, Good Friday is April 14th. I think, I’m always tense at this time waiting for people to return emails. April in the normal world is a long way away. So far, we have stroke survivors coming from as far as Agassiz and Campbell River. Plus, Keith (MODC) from Ontario! Ontarionians likle BLAST. Glenda, also from Ontario has come to our last 2 dinners with Diana. She has family in Sechelt. To come to our dinner, it takes her 4 hours by the time she meet Diana in Surrey. Register now for BLAST 2017 April 14-17 at Camp Squamish Contact Us to sign up If you are a returning camper from last year, we have your info on file and will send the long form to update and verify. This year, we are purchasing Hoodies . They must be pre-ordered. $35 for campers. Please make cheques payable to BLAST Send to this address: #308— 1590 West 1st Avenue, Vancouver, BC V6J 4X4 $225 is preferred or a $50 deposit. Full payment will be due March 15th, 2017 Refunds are available until March 10th You can also join us a casual dinner BLAST Dinner on the 15th of every mont at Trocaderos. If you have any questions, please email admin@turtletalk.ca or call 604-7607769 11am to 11 pm

I’ve made a form for everyone to place their orders for hoodies and Tshirts. If all goes well I should be able to pull totals from the spreadsheet. Long registration forms should go out in March. It’s great that we have few to do manually. Just about everyone has someone who can help them by tablets or phones. How quickly we progress. —Deb@TurtleTalk.ca 604 760 7769 after 11am “Building Life After Stroke Together” GROUNDHOG PREDICTIONS (filler)

Wiarton Willie is a real live groundhog who lives on Brown Street in Wiarton, ON. Every February, little Willie steps outside to predict the coming spring. If he sees his shadow, he goes back inside, telling us there will be another six weeks of winter. Wiarton Wille and his predecessors have been predicting the coming of spring in Canada since 1956. It is said that their predictions are as good as those made by meteorologists— accurate about 25 percent of the time! CHALK THIS ONE UP! (filler)

On September 8, 1954, Canadians welcomed television into their homes. The first person to appear onscreen was Percy Salezman, a meteorologist and Canada’s first TV weather reporter. For the next 22 years he ended his weather report with a toss his chalk and a chirpy “And that’s the weather!” Page 4

Vol. 16, Issue 196

January 2017




To all of you approaching 50 or have REACHED 50 and past, this is especially for you…

It was the stir of the town when an 80-year-old man married a 20-yearold lady. After a year, she went into the hospital to give birth. The nurse came out to congratulate the fellow. “This is amazing. How do you do it at your age?” He answered, “You’ve got to keep that old motor running.” The following year, she gave birth again. The same nurse said, “You really are amazing How do you do it?” He again said, “You’ve got to keep the old motor running.” The same thing happened the next year. The nurse said, “You must be quite a man.” He responded, “ You’ve got to keep that old motor running.” The nurse then said, “Well, you had better change the oil, this one’s black.”

The following is supposedly a true story. To be included , besides being true, the story is most likely strange, weird, surprising or funny.

We extend a special welcome to

We extend a special welcome to

come to the Cathedral.

those who are single, married, divorced, widowed, gay, confused, filthy rich, comfortable, or dirt poor.

those who are over 60 but not grown up yet, and to teenagers who are growing up too fast. We welcome keep-fit mums, football dads, starving artists, tree-huggers, latte-sippers, vegetarians, junk-food eaters. We welcome those who are in recovery or still addicted.

We welcome those who are inked,

Senior Citizens are the nation’s leading carriers of AIDS!!! Yes, AIDS… Hearing AIDS Band AIDS Walking AIDS Medical AIDS Government AIDS Most of all, Monetary AIDS to their kids! Not forgetting HIV (Hair Is Vanishing)

It’s good to see you smile and do pass it on to others, so , that they can smile, too...

On a recent flight, an elderly passenger kept peering out the window. Since, it was totally dark, all she see was the blinking wing-tip light. Finally, she rang for the flight attendant. “I’m sorry to bother you,” she said, “but I think you should inform the pilot that his left-turn indicator is on and has been for some time.”

“Always believe that something wonderful is about to happen”


We extent a special welcome to

wailing babies and excited toddlers. We welcome you whether you can

sing like Pavarotti or just growl quietly to yourself. You’re welcome here if you’re just browsing, just woken up or just got out of prison. We don’t care if you’re more Christian than the Archbishop of Canterbury, or haven’t been to church since Christmas ten years ago.

We welcome you if you’re having

problems, are down in the dumps or don’t like organized religion. (We’re not that keen on it either) We offer a welcome to those who

think the earth is flat, work too hard, don’t work, can’t spell, or are here because granny is visiting and wanted to

pierced, both or neither. We offer a special welcome to those who could use a prayer right now, had religion shoved down their throat as kids or got lost in the city centre and wound up here by mistake. We welcome pilgrims, tourists, seekers, doubters, and You!

“Music can always lift up spirits and bring color back to the world”

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