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Easter Camp BLAST 2011 April 22-25, 2011

January 2011

“Dedicated to Excellence”

Vol. 10, Issue 130

Str o ke R e c o v e re r’ s R e v ie w

Volume 10, Issue 130

January 2011 Page 2

RECIPE: “Lamb & Winter Veg’s Stew” chopped 1 cup ................. Celery, sliced 1 medium.......... Onion, thinly sliced 1/2 cup .............. Sour cream 3 tbsp ................ All-purpose flour Directions:

Ingredients: 2 tbsp.................Vegetable oil 1 lb .....................Lamb stew meat, cubed 2 cups ................Beef broth 1 cup ..................Dry red wine 2 cloves..............Garlic, minced 1 tbsp.................Fresh thyme, chopped 1/4 tsp ...............Salt 1/4 tsp ...............Black pepper 1 .........................Bay leaf 2 cups ................Butternut squash, peeled, seeded & sliced 1 cup ..................Parsnips, sliced 1 cup ..................Sweet potatoes,

1.Heat vegetable oil in a large saucepan, and brown the lamb meat on all sides. Drain fat, and stir in the beef broth and wine. Season with garlic, thyme, salt, pepper, and bay leaf. Bring the mixture to a boil. Reduce heat, cover and simmer 20 minutes. 2.Mix in squash, parsnips, sweet potatoes, celery and onion. Bring to a boil, or until the vegetables are tender. 3.In a small bowl, blend sour cream mixture into the saucepan. Gradually stir in 1/2 cup of the hot stew mixture. 4.Stir the sour mixture into the saucepan. Remove the bay leaf and continue to cook and stir until thickened.

EASTER CAMP BLAST is moving ahead... Teri Damiani from yoga2go will be coming Sunday afternoon and most likely bringing a friend or two. April 22-25, 2011

We’ve had a great offer from Whistler Healing Arts. Colleen Fraser, RMT, will be coming down with a team (5-6) to give everyone massages Saturday. Other Volunteers of note, are Heather Brascombe from Abilities Neurological Rehabilitation.

Elizabeth Dao from The Brain Behavior Lab at UBC has volunteered to spend the entire weekend with us. We’re still working on bringing more money in. Every little bit counts. Today (1/27/11), Jose brought $42 in pennies. That’s a lot of one handed rollin’! Thanks, Jose. —by Deb Chow Templeton Stroke Recovery

ENCOURAGEMENTS 1. It is amazing how much you can accomplish when it doesn’t matter who gets the credit. 2. Never give up on what you really want to do. The person with big dreams is more powerful than one with all the facts. Seniors… I’ve sure gotten old! I’ve had two by-pass surgeries, a hip replacement, new knees, fought prostate cancer and diabetes. I’m half-blind, can’t hear anything quieter than a jet engine, take 40 different medications that make me dizzy, winded and subject to blackouts. Have bouts with dementia. Have poor circulation, hardly feel my hands and feet anymore. Can’t remember if I’m 86 or 95. Have lost all my friends. But, Thank God, I still have my driver’s license. —Submitted by Loy Lai Templeton Stroke Recovery JOKE I feel like my body has gotten totally out of shape, so, I got my doctor’s permission to join a fitness club and start exercising. I decided to take an aerobic class for Seniors. I bent, twisted, gyrated, jumped up and down and perspired for an hour. But, by the time I got my leotards on, the fitness class was over.


Templeton Newsletter Mailing Address: 204– 2929 Nootka Street, Vancouver, BC V5M 4K4 Canada Published every month, if possible. Contributions are always welcome. The articles should be in, not later than day 25th of every month. Disclaimer: The views expressed in Stroke Recoverer’s Review newsletter: articles, submissions and spotlights are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of Templeton Stroke Recovery or the editor of Stroke Recoverer’s Review. Editor reserves the right at any time to make changes as it deems necessary. It is the purpose of this periodical to share a variety of viewpoints mostly from stroke survivors. Contributors: Ollie Stogrin Loy Lai Werner Stephan Deb Chow Valerie Offer Jose Suganob Production of SRR: Jose Suganob Email: suganobj@gmail.com Printing Person: Kiyoko Akeroyd 604-434-6513

“There’s life after stroke” Inside this issue: Recipe Encouragements


EASTER CAMP BLAST is moving ahead...


Last Month’s Happening


Bill Blair


Holiday Reflections J-Notes


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Volume 10, Issue 130

Str o ke R e c o v e re r’ s R e v ie w

January 2011 Page 3

LAST MONTH’S HAPPENING...Ollie Stogrin Don’t know if our members are aware that Debbie is responsible for putting up the tables and the chairs every Wednesday night with her neighbor for Thursday Templeton Stroke Recovery program? If she and her neighbor didn’t set them up, we would have to put them up every Thursday morning. That’s very much appreciated by us. Also, we really appreciate Constantino, Orlando and George for putting the tables and chairs away after every meeting. That all means a lot to us. It’s also good for our members to feel that this is their Templeton Stroke Recovery Branch, that they are part of a team, Thank you, everyone. It is so good to see our members helping out, like Athena’s taking lunch orders, Jeanie leading the exercises and helping, too, in the kitchen, Lilia (a caregiver) helping Olga make the sandwiches and having fun getting the lunch out. There’s Nancy cleaning table clothes and putting them away. All this is beneficial to our members in their recoveries. As, it is also being a part of our team at Templeton but so helpful to us, volunteers, are so hard to come by. We couldn’t run the stroke recovery program without all your help. Now, we have a new member from the island? (Ed. Note: Lulu Island) Rich-

mond, ahhh. Diane Shaylor. She has been around for a number of years. Only, she attended another branch. I have known Diane since Easter Camp days. We welcome Diane to our group. I’m sure she will be happy to joined us as we are to have her join our group. We had Ann, a new volunteer for a week, unfortunately her grandfather passed away. Hopefully, she will be back soon. Also, if any of you know of anyone that would like to volunteer, please let one of us know as we can always use an extra hand. At our program two weeks ago, we said ‘goodbye’ to our Bill Blair. Our Valerie gave a tribute to Bill with our members. We are going to miss our Bill with a booming voice. I think, our members felt there was no closer as there was no memorial for Bill. It seemed that’s the way Bill wanted it. Only, after Valerie did a small service for Bill. It seemed there was now a closer for Bill’s departure. Thanks, Valerie, very well done to us Bill was remembered the way the members remembered him. It was nice to see John B. this year! It’s only 3 weeks in to 2011. As sometimes John isn’t around for weeks as he volunteers his time for studies that are done to prevent stroke. Which is wonderful, as these studies are very important in the research of Stroke. Thank

you, John for participating in these studies. I have talked about ‘Easter Camp BLAST 2011’ to our members. I’m hoping some of you will attend the Easter Camp. As more people that will attend the price will be reduced. It is such a great experience, our Debbie C. along with Karel L. and Martha H. are trying so hard to make this a success. As Debbie recalls how going to camp was a ‘turning point’ in her recovery. And, she is wishing more people could have that opportunity in their recovery. Again, ‘Strides For Strokes 2011’ will be in Saturday, June 25, 2011. We are hoping to go with Coquitlam/Port Coq ui tlam ‘Strides’ again in Rocky Point Park in Port Moody, BC. As that seems to be the most convenient walk for most of our group with an eating place nearby and wash rooms close by. Not much has changed when it comes to HandyDart. It is very difficult to run a stroke recovery program when HandyDart refuses to pick up our members earlier. It’s not as if we are getting paid by the community for our program. All our ‘Stroke Recovery’ programs are volunteer run. The only one that is paid is our coordinator (which is very minimal). We are not running a ‘drinking club.’ We provide help for the community, for the stroke survivors. When our

“There’s life after stroke” www.templetonstrokerecovery.com

members can’t come till 10:30am when the program starts at 9:30am. That shouldn’t be acceptable. We are just same as ‘adult day care’ as most of our members are adults from 30 years and up. Where would our stroke survivors go if it wasn’t for our programs? These people need to have a life after stroke. Stroke Recovery is where their life takes on a new meaning. That’s why our program is so important and that’s why we need HandyDart to get our members to the program in time. As we can’t have a two (2) hour program. Stroke people don’t move fast. It takes time to get people moved from one area to another. Two (2) is not acceptable. It seems HandyDart doesn’t listen when we tell them that they don’t bring our members till 10:30am. We can’t tell time??? There’s no one to talk with. As the same people have been at the HandyDart for 100 years? And they refuse to listen to anything we have to say. When one can’t have communication with HandyDart, where can one go??? Anyone know??? If you do, then tell us or is it just Templeton that has this problem. Next month, either Key, Debbie or Jose will be writing here as I hope to be in Australia. —Ollie Stogrin Templeton Stroke Recovery Page 3

Volume 10, Issue 130

Str o ke R e c o v e re r’ s R e v ie w

January 2011 Page 4


At the center of our being is an awareness of an end to a valued friendship. We remember Bill. Our hearts ache and we feel a deep and tender wound because he is no longer here with us. We grieve because of his physical absence but we rejoice in the memories of the times we shared with him. Bill came into my life about 6 years ago when I started at Templeton Stroke Recovery. One of the first things, I remember about him is being impressed with his

posture, he stood so tall and erect almost at attention. Therefore, I was not surprised when I learnt that he had been a police officer as he had that military stance of one who had been on the force. He was so proud the year we did the YMCA skit at Christmas dinner and my brother gave him a Vancouver Police Force shirt to wear for it. Do you remember the whole costume with the toy guns, handcuffs, police helmet and even a sheriff’s badge? He really got a kick out of wearing it. Over the years, I learnt that Bill was very intelligent and there were times when I had to curtailed his intelligence or else no one else would have been able to answer the trivia questions, as Bill had an extremely

amazing resource of trivia answers stored away and was always willing to blurt out the answers. He had a great sense of humor and loved to laugh and did not mind if we even laughed with him like when he squeezed the whoopee cushion or called himself “Bad Bill Blair.” As everyone knows he loved his Bingo and really enjoyed helping Athena call the numbers. Other than the exercise program, Bill was always game to try anything and thoroughly enjoyed any and all outings. He attended Easter Camps, Bowen Island Retreats and all the large bus outings. Although, I knew little about his personal life and upbringing I know, he was extremely proud of his son, who is a lawyer and he told me that

even though he had been divorced for many years, his wife and he had remained good friends over the years. Most weeks, Bill would buy two Cokes from the machine, one for him and one for me. He, even did this the last time he was here at our Thursday stroke meeting which was the day he passed away. Although, we all knew he had cancer and was progressively deteriorating, it was still a shock to lose him so quickly. I wish him a safe, final journey and hope that all his Bingo cards are lucky. Goodbye, Big, Bad, Bingo Bill. I will miss your booming voice and that lovely twinkle in your eye. —Valerie Offer Coordinator, Templeton Stroke Recovery

Bill has a mind like a steel trap. He has so much general knowledge stored in his brain, how do you know that, he is often asked. I just know, he says.

“There’s life after stroke” www.templetonstrokerecovery.com

—Helen Singh Page 4

Str o ke R e c o v e re r’ s R e v ie w

Volume 10, Issue 130

January 2011 Page 5


Just recently somebody asked me what my most m e mo r ab le C h r i s t m a s dinner was. I had to think about it, but one dinner in the late 60’s in Yukon seemed to come to mind i m m e d i a t e l y : A work colleague had invited me to his cabin near Whitehorse, where he lived with his native wife or partner (I never found out what her status was). The cabin did not have electric power and the light was supplied by an oil lamp. The dinner opened with smoked bear meat and lots of beer. Suddenly, a bell rang and the ‘wife’ grabbed a chainsaw. She came back to the cabin with some wood which she had cut to feed the stove. As I said, we drunk lots of beer and I don’t remember much afterwards, especially not what we had for dinner or dessert. I asked my friend later about the bell and he told that it was operated by thermostat (when it got too cold in the cabin) and was

W. Stephan, NSSRC—West Vancouver Group

powered by batteries. From him, I heard the saying first than in Yukon ‘men are men and women know it.’ It was not the dinner but the whole spirit that made that particular Christmas memorable. As I said, it was the 60’s and it happened in the North Country.

more in detail. I was waived to pass without checking which enraged the English fellow. He shouted to the guard, “That guy is German, you should check him and not me.” His protests prompted the guards (who were young and could only recall recent history, like Vietnam and not WWII) to really take his car apart. He was stuck for hours. How do I know all this? He told a friend and I heard about it later.

You think that things are different now? True, there was no dinner and Women’s issues were not yet at stake, but the following story might amuse you never-the-less. It happened I told both stories to my at a navy base in Washingwife and she thought that I ton State. One of the crew should share them to show members was English but how much things have had been living in the area c h a ng ed . W e di d no t for a long time. As a hobby, discuss whether it is for he was breeding dogs. better or worse. That is a It happened in the early matter of opinion, anyway. 90’s, terrorists were not yet Why do I waste your time an issue and security was w i th t al es a bo u t an lax. The base was secured oppressed woman and an by gates which were i nn oc e n t Eng lis h m an, manned only infrequently. although, both issues are a Security was mostly conmatter of personal viewcerned with drugs. This parpoint? Well, work (if one ticular day, the gates were can remember what ‘work’ manned and the guards is) is not all boring and checked all cars for drugs. stressful. It can have its To do so, they used sniffing lighter moments with bear dogs. When it was the turn and moose meat and lots of of the English fellow and his beer. car, the dogs went wild. They must have smelled the —by Werner Stephan, female breeder dogs scent NSSRC, West Vancouver and the guards started to Group check the car “There’s life after stroke” www.templetonstrokerecovery.com

J-NOTES...Jose Suganob HEALTHY TIP: 2 glasses of water after waking up helps activate internal organs. 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal helps digestion. 1 glass before taking a bath helps lower blood pressure. 1 glass of water going to bed –avoids stroke or heart attack. HANDYDART WOES When the new company MVT, at first, took reins of HandyDart, they have a lady customer relation officer that took care of the passenger needs. After a year or so, she was gone. The HandyDart is going back to same problems we had before. And, now, we to find a way to talk to HandyDart. Because the customer relation, if it is, is bad. Old people in the new company tends to do the same way they do before. ‘If you don’t want our services, you have to find another way of transportation.’ I thought, HandyDart is for all disabled people. Not only for dialysis patients or going to doctor person, but every disabled person. The HandyDart drivers is doing wonderful job, that’s for sure, but the booking needs of the disabled persons can be improved. —Jose Suganob Page 5

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