Stem cell therapy for type-1 diabetes mellitus - Tuncay Delibasi

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Tuncay Delibasi

Diabetes mellitus is a number of chronic metabolic disorders. It is categorized as hyperglycemia. It happens due to inadequate insulin secretion or sometimes due to insulin resistance.

FOUR CATEGORIES OF DIABETES ARE THERE: Type-1 diabetes mellitus Type-2 diabetes mellitus Gestational diabetes Monogenic diabetes

Patients with type-1 diabetes require daily insulin injections to treat acute endogenous insulin insufficiency. It is caused by autoimmune pancreatic- β cell destruction. So, type-1 diabetes is also known as insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.

Diabetes needs proper treatment, otherwise, it may cause several complications. Severe complications may include diabetic ketoacidosis, hypoglycemia, hyperosmolar nonketotic coma etc. Chronic complications may include diabetic nephropathy, cardiovascular disease, diabetic retinopathy etc.

When it comes to the treatments of type-1 diabetes mellitus, hyperglycemia can be treated by exogenous insulin or drugs. But these procedures cannot ensure physiological blood glucose regulation. So, the ideal procedure must include both the restoration of insulin secretion and insulin production. It will regulate the blood glucose in type-1 diabetes patients.

Stem cell therapy is now showing a bright ray of hope in treating type-1 diabetes mellitus. A lot of research work and medical trial sessions are going on till now to achieve the best result. A Turkish professor and medical person Tuncay Delibasi is a renowned name in this sector.

Prospectives of Stem cell therapy: Stem cell therapy is now considered to be a promising therapeutic method for type-1 diabetes patients. Advanced level of research has improved the chances of rebuilding glucoseresponsive secretion of insulin.

Although the clinical trial results for stem cell therapies for type-1 diabetes are not too satisfactory, scientists are hoping for the desired result to be achieved very soon. Many technical hurdles are questions that still need to be answered clearly. Tuncay Delibasi is working to find out the best solutions for stem cell therapy that will change the entire type-1 diabetes mellitus treatment.

Tuncay Delibasi

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