The Talk Line: July/August MCA

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July/August 2023

an internal publication for TTL team members IN THIS ISSUE
PURPOSE TTL Insights .............................4 ADP ..........................................4 Driven to Serve .......................5 Summer Interns ......................6 Good News ..............................7 Anniversaries ..........................8 Birthdays .................................9 Meet Marketing ....................10 Project Highlights .................12 PEOPLE PROJECTS WHAT’S




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oluptae porestiur, quisto cus sum alitior endiame nisquis audaero od quibus vellorum essin corporae nihilis dicia sequidendae plab int, voles earumquidis non eosapiti ommolenimi, simaxim agnimos sin ellendi adicatio que nimus ratium et paritas maximporro et rehenisquam inusape rchitia volupicil maio quis sequi omnitiatios illam,

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The Talk Line | Page 3
Be Safe!

What's New?

TTL Insights

After the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Sackett v. Environmental Protection Agency rolled back some of the federal government’s regulatory oversight of wetlands, it would take an expert to understand what all it would mean to the A/E/C industry.

Lucky for us, we have one.

Cindy House-Pearson, TTL’s senior vice president for environmental services, offered a deep dive into what these regulatory changes would mean for TTL and our clients during a recent “TTL Insights” webinar.

“It’s going to make a huge difference in the regulatory arena,” said Cindy, who spent 38 years enforcing these regulations with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers before joining TTL in 2014. “The Corps has been overreaching for many, many, many years, and now the Supreme Court said you’re not going to do this anymore.”

At issue was whether the EPA could declare certain Waters of the U.S. protected under federal wetlands regulations because they were near an already-protected wetland area. It took a 14-year legal fight and a ruling by our nation’s highest court, but now simply being close to a protected wetland isn’t enough. The Supreme Court said in May the EPA must be contiguous for federal protections to extend over previous unprotected wetlands.

In her presentation, Cindy clarified what the ruling means, could mean – there remains lots to be decided, she said, now that the EPA and Corps have to rewrite the rules – and what it doesn’t affect. But one thing is for sure, she said. The ripples have yet to settle.

“There will be additional changes coming,” Cindy said. And as they come, TTL and our clients will benefit from Cindy’s knowledge and understanding of such complicated matters.

“It was encouraging to hear how knowledgeable and experienced Cindy is,” said TTL Chief Operating Officer Jason Walker. “We all know this from working with her, but to again hear the level of detail and how effectively she can relay this information to our great list of clients, it’s refreshing to know what kind of resources TTL can offer.”

Please share this recording with your clients. Is your client concerned about how regulatory changes will impact their projects? Reach out to Cindy or one of our other environmental experts to set up a call or in-person presentation with your client.

What's New?

Welcome to ADP

We are happy to announce we have completed our transition from PAYCOM to ADP for payroll processing. ADP offers many self-service options such as changing your address, tax withholding, direct deposit, benefits during qualifying events and open-enrollments. There is even a section to design and complete team-member reviews that we are experimenting with.

We show there are still about 90 team members who have not registered with ADP. We strongly encourage you to get that done! Look for an email from noreply@adp. com on 6/16/2023 and follow the prompts to complete your profile.




Book Lovers Day

Friday, August 9th

Tell a Joke Day

Friday, August 16th

International Dog Day

Saturday, August 26th


Labor Day Holiday Monday, September 4th

Coffee Day

Friday, September 29th

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Driven to Serve



With the new school year fast approaching, it’s time for Ryan Costanzo to get to work.

TTL-sponsored reading program aims at lifelong love of reading, learning. Tuscaloosa’s Crestmont Elementary School. With up to $5,000, TTL purchases a range of prizes – from Play-Doh and dolls to basketballs, footballs, bicycles, and electronics – that third, fourth, and fifth grade students can win by reading.

Based in our Tuscaloosa South office, Ryan is TTL’s business development director for Alabama, charged with expanding our client base across the region. But this time of year, he takes on a role of equal – if not greater –importance.

He gets children excited to read.

Ryan now heads up TTL’s Accelerated Reader program, an initiative that dates back in our company to the mid-2000s. As the child of lifelong educators – his father was superintendent for the Tuscaloosa County School System from 2004 to 2012, his mother a social worker and after school mentor – who married into a family of teachers, principals, and coaches, Ryan is naturally driven to serve his community through this inspirational program.

“I had every opportunity afforded to me that helped me succeed in life,” Ryan said, “so to be able to give back to those who may not have had those same opportunities is something I don’t take lightly.”

TTL now sponsors the Accelerated Reader, or AR, program at

The students must choose an ARapproved book and take a test upon reading it to gauge their comprehension. In return, the students earn AR “bucks” based on the skill level of the book and how well they tested. It’s a program that feeds into the elementary-age drive to be the smartest in the class while demonstrating the benefits of patience, hard work, and dedication to a goal.

“Essentially, you’re teaching life skills through reading,” said Ryan, who took over TTL’s AR program in 2014.

The program begins each year at Crestmont Elementary with a kickoff meeting, during which the program is explained to the kids and all the eligible prizes are put on display. In the past, Ryan said TTL has brought in Big Al, the University of Alabama mascot, UA and local high school cheerleaders, and pep bands to heighten the festivities.

“I think it’s important for us to give and invest back in the communities in which we live, and education is paramount to what we want to do with this company,” Dean said. “Being able to read at grade level by third grade is pretty critical.”

Ryan wholeheartedly agrees and, fueled by the success stories he sees every year, remains passionate about keeping TTL’s AR program alive.

“To be able to give back to kids in the community – to be part of something bigger than brick and mortar in a building or some designs on a piece of paper – and to be able to invest in a child's life, it’s just a huge honor that I get to be a part of every year,” Ryan said. “We’re not going to reach every kid, but if you can reach even one or two, it’s worth it.”

Should your TTL office sponsor a local Accelerated Reader program? Reach out to Ryan Costanzo – – for more information.

“We go all out for this,” Ryan said. “Their eyes get huge and it’s just sparks of fire in them. It’s so rewarding to watch that.”

TTL President and CEO Dean McClure was an early proponent of the AR program when TTL began sponsoring it in schools in 2007.

Backed by national studies of fourthgraders showing that 83% of children from low-income families – and 85% of low-income students in highpoverty schools – failed to reach a “proficient” level in reading by third grade, a crucial marker in a child’s educational development that has been linked to higher dropout rates, Dean said TTL intentionally targeted schools with a free or reduced lunch threshold of 90% or more.

Immediately, he said, they saw dividends within the students, and TTL’s sponsorships soon spread to AR programs in Tennessee and Georgia.

PEOPLE Summer Interns

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our summer interns for their dedication, enthusiasm, and hard work throughout their time with us. Their invaluable contributions have been instrumental in achieving our goals, and we wish them success in their future endeavors. Thank you for being an essential part of our team!


Safety by choice, not by chance!

TTL has grown quite a bit over the years and,unfortunately, the number of accidents we have has grown, too. Our vehicle accident rate (accidents/hours worked) has stayed fairly steady from year to year which is a little disappointing given how much we have invested in Smith Driving training, policy changes (ex: hands-free communications only), and telematics. The surprising statistic is our rate of personnel accidents. It has increased over 80% from four years ago. In fact, in 2022, we had more personnel accidents than the previous three years combined.

You may be asking, what can we do to reduce the rate of personnel accidents? Philosophically, we need to reject any notion that accidents are unavoidable. All accidents are preventable. Start every activity using S.L.A.M.

Take a moment to observe

How can I control the hazards (eliminate, substitute, engineering controls, administrative controls, PPE) MANAGE

Work your safety plan

LOOK Identify hazards ANALYZE
Trey Owen William Martin Trenton Corbitt Chance Dedman Carlin Reeves Anna Massey Reese Self Gabe Parada Luke Key Samantha Borglum Kelly Vu Kaden Breger Ashley Davidson Riley Leavell

Steve Newton & Dam Safety

On July 17, TTL Birmingham Office Manager

Steve Newton, PE, was present at Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey’s ceremonial bill signing for Senate Bill 284, which establishes a statewide Dam Safety Program.

This legislation presents dam owners with an optional program that provides inspections, emergency action plans for certain dams, and notifications for local emergency management agencies when a new dam is constructed. For years, the Alabama Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers has been working with state policymakers to implement a dam safety program. To promote this need, Steve serves as the chairman of the Alabama Safe Dam Coalition Technical Committee representing ASCE.


TTL Decatur-Huntsville participated in the first ever North Alabama AirFest in Decatur, AL, providing refreshments to spectators.


TTL was happy to participate in the ASCE Nashville chapter's tournament to support the ASCE scholarship fund for students. Special shoutout to Dominic Stone for winning closest to the pin!

Jonathan Shepard's second son was born on 6/24/23 and was 7lbs 10oz and 21 inches long.

The Talk Line | Page 7 PEOPLE
Have some good news or fun holiday content? Email them to Baylee Gardner! More Good News!
ACEC ALABAMA CHAPTER GOLF CLASSIC Hunter Windle and Adam Strachan (Tuscaloosa) golfed with Southern Company at the ACEC Alabama Chapter Golf Classic.

Welcome to the Team!


Patrick Kelly

Sidney Laing


Lillian Furlow


Camden Harrington

Decatur- Huntsville

Samantha Borglum

Neal Patel


Micheal Jones

Cam Taylor


Jesse Mattox

John Butkevicius

Matthew Fernette

Nolen Miller

Sam Wickizer

San Antonio

Jenn Levrie

Alex Hilario


Kyle McDoulett

Riley Leavell

Jordan Faltys

Charles Shearer

PEOPLE Anniversaries




Robbie Slee

Tony Adamo

Chris Nungesser

Bradley Porter

Timothy Corbitt

Rafael Flores

Kevin Williams

Steven Farmer

Lynn Smith

Alex Henry

Landon Andrews

Jarred Dawson

Robert Cummings

Skip Olinger

Connor Gilbert

Jacob Trull

Thomas Wainwright

Steve Kosub

Dakota Hollingsworth

Dylan Georg

David Norris

Kyle Melton

Robbie Harris

Mike Andrews

Shane Morgan

Nick Hallum

Paul Gay

Armando Oliveira

Jennifer Harper

Angel Flores

William Tillett

David Edmondson

Darcy Joseph

Hunter Englett

Christopher Roel


Mark Tanner

Melissa Norris

Cindy House-Pearson

Caleigh Deal

Bradley Adkins

Chase Mccluskey

Rex Nye

Joel Shell

Tommy Geris

Mitchell Massey

Christian Baker

Ty Taylor

Ray Weger

Troy Walls

Mike King

Alejandro Hernandez

Reginald Gardiner

Alex Manzano

Ernest Garcia

Jacob Hudson

Kaitlyn Tillery

Trey Schodorf

Chad Harris

John Bush

Corey Stead

Parker Griffeth

Josh Felts

Robby Norris

Austin Elizondo

Page 8 | The Talk Line
Tony Adamo 15 yrs Landon Andrews 5 yrs Jarred Dawson 5 yrs
21 yrs 10 yrs 9 yrs 8 yrs 7 yrs 7 yrs 7 yrs 7 yrs 6 yrs 4 yrs 3 yrs 3 yrs 2 yrs 2 yrs 2 yrs 2 yrs 2 yrs 2 yrs 2 yrs 2 yrs 2 yrs 1 yr 1 yr 1 yr 1 yr 1 yr 1 yr 1 yr 1 yr
33 yrs 15 yrs 12 yrs 11 yrs 8 yrs 8 yrs 7 yrs 7 yrs 7 yrs 6 yrs 5 yrs 5 yrs 4 yrs 4 yrs 4 yrs 4 yrs 3 yrs 3 yrs 3 yrs 3 yrs 3 yrs 2 yrs 2 yrs 2 yrs 2 yrs 1 yr 1 yr 1 yr 1 yr 1 yr 1 yr 1 yr 1 yr 1 yr 1 yr

PEOPLE Birthdays

Fred Warner

Adam Strachan

Glen Gary

Angela Dudley

Balde Barrera

Joel Shell

Rafael Flores

Randy Grissom

Luke Tittle

Dalene Kalani

Patrick Kelly

Eric Bridwell

Jason Barclay

David Beard

David Norris


Robbie Slee

Jim Poland

Leah Martinez

David Rossip

Rodrigo De La Pascua

Byron Bailey

Clay Fullmer

Grayson Smith

Chase Bishop

Armando Oliveira

Joel Wampol

Josh Felts

Jim Mackdanz

Jon Fuller

Anna Alvarado

Wyatt Fleming

Tony Lowery

Nikki Wade

Dakota Hollingsworth

Cobie Hampton

Marty Harris

Doug Varnon

Keyontae Phillips

Kyle Talmage

Benjamin Kelley

Ben Miller

Jacob Hudson

Christopher Suggs

Wes Hayes

Sheryle Reeves

Doug Cunningham

Stephanie Johnson

Tyler Bylow


Stephanie Strawder

8/18 8/20 8/21 8/21 8/22 8/23 8/23 8/25 8/26 8/26 8/26 8/27 8/28 8/28 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/30 8/31

Victoria Sutherland

Ronald Bell

Heather Leavell Scott Faulkner

Brandon Phillips

Elizabeth Brunner

Susie Hetzler

Melissa Norris celebrated her 40th birthday!

9/1 9/1 9/1 9/2 9/4 9/7 9/7 9/9 9/10 9/11 9/12 9/14 9/16 9/17 9/17 9/17 9/18 9/18 9/19 9/20 9/21 9/22 9/22 9/22 9/25 9/26 9/26 9/26 9/26 9/27 9/29 9/30 9/30
Andrew McClellan Marcel Scheeff
Schmidt Clinton Jackson Taylor Carroll Robert Maxwell
Fletcher Zackery Hayes
Austin Clayton
Heckel Riley Leavell Anthony Washington
Hopkins Zach Wisniowski Kaleb
Kathy Mendias
Sam Wickizer Austin Howard Austin Dixon
Zachary Hill 8/2 8/3 8/3 8/4 8/5 8/6 8/6 8/6 8/6 8/10 8/11 8/12
8/13 8/13
8/13 8/14 8/14 8/15 8/15 8/16 8/16
8/18 8/18

Meet Marketing

Every firm faces marketing challenges – even engineering firms! Here at TTL, your marketing team was created to promote and enhance TTL’s brand while supporting its full spectrum of professionals. In addition to crafting compelling stories, we design conference materials and advertisements, develop proposals, and prepare presentations. We update your resumes, create graphics, and manage TTL-branded items. This team was built to boost the company brand, attract clients, provide a competitive edge, and increase visibility and recognition. We strategize each month to curate our social media calendar and this bi-monthly newsletter, The Talk Line, and are currently gathering content to build our new company website. The marketing team and business development team work hand-in-hand to build client relationships and respond to project opportunities, and our proposal team is always ready to collaborate with our technical professionals to provide qualification packages for new project or contract opportunities.

Whenever you have a need that we can fulfill, please reach out to Marketing Manager Susannah Medley at smedley@ or, for proposal/qualifications assistance, Proposal Manager Jessica Havard at You’re not alone. We’re here to help.

A Tennessee native and diehard Volunteer, Susannah leads TTL’s marketing team as marketing manager.

Armed with bachelor’s and master’s degrees in civil engineering from the University of Tennessee, Susannah began her career as a geotechnical professional before transitioning into business development and marketing. Her tenure with TTL began in 2014 overseeing marketing and business development for TTL’s Nashville office, but her vision soon resulted in a diversified approach to these efforts and the growth of what is now a six-member marketing team.

When she’s not mentoring new professionals to the marketing industry, Susannah can be found spending time with her dog, Cooper, and husband, Martin – vice president and regional business unit leader for construction services at TTL -- or with friends and family on a beach.



After 15 years as a commercial interior designer, Jessica embarked on a purpose-driven career change that eventually led her to TTL. Now serving as our marketing proposal manager, she channels her expertise into bettering our communities.

A Nashville transplant by way of Mobile, Jessica holds degrees in both psychology and interior design, leveraging her diverse background to simplify complex details and foster strong connections with others.

And when she’s not helping TTL win work, Jessica enjoys seeking adventures. Having explored 47 out of the 50 states, she is no stranger to navigating national parks, sleeping under stars, or the benefits of bug spray.

After more than two decades in newspapers, Jason joined TTL’s marketing department in 2022 as its writing specialist.

A native of Alabama, Jason began his newspaper career in 2000 with the LaGrange (Georgia) Daily News before transitioning to The Tuscaloosa News in 2004. His journalism career took him from city halls and construction sites to crime scenes and living rooms and earned him multiple writing and reporting awards from newspaper associations in Georgia and Alabama, including the 2012 Pulitzer Prize for Breaking News Reporting.

When he is not behind a keyboard, Jason enjoys cooking, watching movies, losing to his son in video games, and cheering on his alma mater, the Alabama Crimson Tide.

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Communications Specialist

With degrees from the University of West Alabama in English and Integrated Marketing and Communications, Baylee found TTL after casting a wide net during a 2021 job search.

As our communications specialist, Baylee carefully curates TTL’s social media presence, website profile, and The Talk Line internal newsletter as part of her ongoing efforts to build TTL’s digital brand.

Outside of work, Baylee enjoys reading, watching movies, and listening to too much Taylor Swift. She currently resides in Montgomery with her boyfriend, Cole, and their cat, Mara.


Corporate MultiMedia Specialist

Liam is an award-winning photographer and videographer who joined our growing marketing team as a corporate multimedia specialist. For TTL, Liam creates photo and video content for recruiting, community outreach, project pursuits, social media, award submissions, and project milestones. He also documents the firm’s various accomplishments across all service lines and market sectors.

A graduate of the University of Alabama, Liam is the son of a career New York City firefighter and earned a 2020 Emmy from the Regional Southeast Emmy Chapter. Outside of the office, Liam pursues additional creative outlets through shooting photos, reading, and writing.


Graphic Design Specialist

An internship brought Lily to TTL, but her boundless talent and enthusiastic creativity soon made her an invaluable member of the marketing team.

Lily is our graphic design specialist and joined TTL while completing her graphic design degree at Nossi College of Art & Design. Since arriving, she has elevated not only the look of our professional resumes, but also the functionality of TTL proposals, pamphlets, banners, and anything else that’s crossed her desk.

When she’s not meeting a last-minute proposal deadline, Lily devotes her time to scootering across Nashville, spending nights out with friends, or relaxing at home with her cats, Gibby and Bella.

Proposal Stats

January 2023 - July 2023


#1 Ranked Proposals

Marketing Supported Proposals Submitted

Social Media Stats

As of August 1, 2023


Linked-In Followers


Facebook Followers


The Talk Line | Page 11
Linked-In 2023 2022 0 100 200 300 Monthly Likes Facebook Instagram




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July/August 2023



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