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Dear, Me What advice would you give yourself as a high-school senior?

Dear Me,

What advice would you give yourself as a high-school senior?

Linsae Snider, TSPRA Dimmitt High School Dimmitt, TX 1975

I would like to share some advice my mom gave me when I left for college. “Always keep in touch with your high school friends. The friends you make in college will be your forever friends.” She was right!

Voted “Nicest Girl”

Debbie Bridgeman, Beaumont ISD Westwood High School Austin, TX 1987

Having a rewarding career is amazing, but don't forget to take the time to serve others and volunteer in your community.

Tracie Seed, Harmony Public Schools - Central Texas Lubbock High School Lubbock, TX 1987

Chill out. Have more fun! Stop being so serious and worrying so much. Oh, by the way, Mom was right about everything.

P.S. Never, ever take another photograph with back lighting!

Susan Ard, Cleveland ISD Cleveland High School Cleveland Texas May 1982

I would say, "Susan, you do not have to decide or make any decisions about what your life story is going to be today. At age 18. May of 1982. Take time to figure out what you are interested in, where you want to go from here, and mostly, find out who you are before you make any decisions about anything. Because it will affect you for the rest of your life.”

Lou Ann Rockwell, ESC Region 11 Weatherford High School Weatherford, TX 1986

Enjoy your last year in high school!

Anissa Faris, Hillsboro ISD Hillsboro, TX 1987

If I were to give advice to my younger self, it would be three things; 1. Not to stress so much about the things that I cannot change. Be strong, you got this!!! 2. That you may not always end up where you thought you were going to, but you will end up where you are supposed to be! 3. Everything happens for a reason. Have faith!

Matthew Prosser, Longview ISD Overton High School Overton, TX 1995

I would tell him to prioritize developing a variety of different professional skills and experiences but to always invest the most of his time and energy into building relationships. Cultivating strong connections with people along the way can provide so many avenues for enrichment as well as advancement. After all, it worked out great for me!

Wendy Magness, Navarro ISD Pottsboro High School Pottsboro, TX 2011 If I could advise myself as a graduating senior, it would be to have more faith in myself. Looking back, I was scared to put myself out there because I was afraid of failing or not knowing the answer. Now, I accept that I don't know something and use every opportunity to grow in my skills and have new experiences. It wasn't until college that I learned to let go and embrace the unknown.