2BC 2016 Advent Devotional

Page 7

Genesis 8 1-19

Week 1: A Surprising Moment

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 28 But God remembered Noah . . . (Genesis 8:1-12 for focus)

The story of the ark is, by most accounts, one of ultimate promise; the promise of deliverance from a literal or metaphorical flood. What I’ve missed in past readings of this story, however, is the incredible length of time it takes for the promise of deliverance to be fulfilled! With this firmly in mind, it is striking to re-consider this passage from the perspective of Noah: the waiting game, the continual sending of messenger birds to seek dry land only to see them return, the achingly-gradual receding of waters so that the tops of mountains are again visible! This is an almost other-worldly level of patience and trust. And yet, what other choice did he have? Adrift in a literal sea of uncertainty, robbed of any control over an outcome that was already promised is almost liberating when you think about it. In this season of expectancy, we are all waiting; some are waiting patiently, others not so. Each of us is seeking something: answers, direction, a clear path forward through uncertain waters. But our deliverance has been promised! And the promise has been fulfilled! May we cling to our Deliverer with all the faith we can muster, assured of the outcome. Because ultimately, what other choice do we have?

Luke campbell

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