Car Insurance claims, time limit to file claim?

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Car Insurance claims, time limit to file claim? I got in a auto accident a few days ago it was a three car pile up. The guy who caused the accident was cited and his car was towed away from the scence. Out of all three cars his brand new lexus was the least damaged, my car on the other hand is a total. His insurance company progressive is telling me and the other victim there is nothing they can do as far as a rental car for us or payments for our medical bills or to fix or total out our cars until they speak with there client who is avoiding them. Is there not a time limit? Because I have to go to work, I have childern and I am pregnant so this is a bad situation for me, my insurance company is not going to pay for all the damages just a few so it would be pointless for me to file thru them. What can I do and expect? Related

I'm uninsurable! How can I lower/get car insurance? I am a insurance company's worst nightmare. 17 year old male, I have a job in a rough town, no experience and to top it all off I only finish work at 11pm so ill be driving at night. I have not passed my test yet but need the car for work. Whenever I use go compare or compare the market I am either quoted a stupid amount 10,000+ or I am uninsurable. I cannot get a box monitor installed because the car needs to be home at 11and I don't finish work untill then." Home business and home insurance? What's the risk when running a home business if your home insurance provider (not business insurance) become aware of your home business operations. What will happen and/or can happen. If you have a business insurance can your home insurance premium go up as a result of having a home business? Do Cops get free car insurance? As part of one of their benefits? Just curious.. Someone hit my bumper. Car insurance question? I was in traffic today and someone hit my car from behind , damaged my bumper. I have statefarm and fully covered. I have never been in this situation , and plus i think it's getting a little bit complicated. Because the guy who was driving the car doesn't own the car. And the guy who owns the car's name doesn't seem to be the one who's insured with the car(it seems to be his wife or someone ) Usually does this matter?? What are the procedures I should take to get this done asap . I want honda to fix the damage. Will the other person pay for this damage. What should I watch out for ? any kind of traps? I have a small backpain. is that covered under insurance also ? I think they have allstate. please help !!" Car Insurance and Credit Cards?

In less than a year I'll be getting my own credit card and I'll have to have car insurance. I am trying to find the best credit card and car insurance for me so that I won't have to spend money and time later to change it. I am unsure what kind of credit card is best. I am going to try and will most likely succeed in having the best credit. What credit card do you suggest to a high school student who will go to college and to the armed forces. Also I want to know which car insurance offers the cheapest car insurance, I want one that offers rewards for students, safe driving, clean driving records. Any help will be much appreciated." What can I do if I was dropped from my car insurance? I got a letter today, saying that my car insurance policy will be terminated near the end of October, less than a month from now. This is because of a minor accident last December and a recent speeding ticket that I just finished traffic school for. What are my options? Are my rates going to be sky high with another company because of this?" How much will my car insurance premium change when i turn 25? I'm 24 and a car in insurance group 6 is costing me 600-700. I've heard this goes down significantly when I turn 25, is this true and how much should it go down by?" What Classic Cars are cheap and cheap to insure? I'm coming up to a point in my life when I need to buy a car. (16 years old UK). I want to get a classic car like a classic VW Beetle or an Austin Mini, something with real character and not a typical first car like a Peugeot 106. Have you any suggestions on some cheap cars to insure and ones that you can buy the car for less than about 600-700 used? Thanks." I have just started an apprenticeship and wondering if I would be able to afford a car and insurance? I have recently just started an apprenticeship in march which is only 12 months long, however there may or may not be a job at the end of it. I get paid 2.65 an hour, 5 days a week 9AM-5.30PM and I currently am doing my driving lessons but I am sick of relying on other people for lifts. Will i be able to afford a car and insurance on this pay? I'm really not bothered what car I can get as long as it gets me to work and back." I'm 23 and a female. I've never bought car insurance before. Who's cheaper Geico or Progressive? Is wanting to pay $100 a month unrealistic? APPROX how much would car insurance cost for me? hello, up until this point i have been on my parents insurance. I am going off on my own now and would like a rough estimate on how much per month my specs :) 23 year old female college grad never had any traffic tickets (had an underage drinking ticket in 2007... if that matters now?) car is a 2002, 4 door compact nothing fancy"

I got a speeding ticket. How much will my insurance go up? What up Doodey's & Doodettes! Anyways, I got a speeding ticket doing 80mph on a 65mph speed zone. This is my first speeding ticket violation. Roughly, I'm wondering how much will my insurance go up too? I'm currently paying like 60 bucks a month. I'm living in Los Angeles, California by the way. Please let me know! :) Thanks!" Does anyone know anything about Life Insurance? I heard on the news that some life insurances might be in trouble..especially if they dealt with AIG. I have life insurance with AARP...Please tell me if I am in danger of losing it....What is the matter with people...Why are they so evil and greedy??? How would I find out if my Life Insurance si still good?? Medical insurance bill? hi guys my hubby had a motorcycle accident and he went to the ER, he got a cat scan and x-ray and it came out to be $750. he has no health insurance so he gave them hes name but misspelled like 2 letters in hes first name and 2 letters in hes last name.. they never took down hes drivers licence or ask for hes social number... only thing they have on file correct is hes birthday. even the address is all right but the apt number instead of 7 he put 8, we wanted to know can they actually send him to collection still? like will they be able to still find him even though they don't have drivers licence number or social? and if they can find him will it affect hes credit score if he can't pay.. we are students and are struggling real bad :( so any help from you guys we would really appreciate it we live in California. thanks guys!" Will my car insurance cover this? and its no joke this seriously happened please answers!!!!? ok i JUST got me a new car and i have insurance on it and everything and well i had some friends with me and they were in the back seat and they had a lighter and they decided to try and light their farts on fire and im being very serious here and well he got down and and farted on the flame of the lighter and it actually shot out and caught the back seat of my car on fire and burnt up part of the back seat and this really isnt a joke i didnt even know he was doing that and i walked over there right as he did it and sure enough it actually shot out and caught it on fire so will my insurance cover that? im to embarrassed to call and ask because they probably wont believe me!!! Cheapest car for a learner driver to insure? my mums insurance wont insure anyone under 21 and my dads insurance want just under 3000, so i wondered which would be the cheapest car for a learner driver to insure? thanks xxx" Health insurance options for single moms? My daughter is on my boyfriends health insurance right now, but he is switching jobs and his new job makes him get through 60 days of training before being able to receive health insurance. I am personally covered under my parents insurance, but

they will not allow me to insure my daughter with them, so I was wondering if there is any affordable insurance options for my daughter while my boyfriend is unable to insure her. I am currently unemployed (to stay home with our baby) and since we are not married I am considered a single mom" Car Insurance: Insuring myself on a car registered with someone else? My boyfriend is planning to buy me a car under his name, he doesn't want to be insured on it as he already has his own car. We don't live together, but I am at his house almost all the time. When I get insurance, do I use his address? As this is where the car will be parked most the time and will also be where the car is registered." What is the Difference between a PRIMARY and SECONDARY type of driver on Insurance? Was looking at Auto Insurance and was wondering what the difference is between being a Primary driver of a vehicle and a Secondary. Is it cheaper on insurance to be a primary if one driver has more years experience than another or does it matter at all? I gather being an occasional driver would make a difference on insurance though. CA Borders books pregnancy insurance? I'm working at a Borders in CA and i'm part time. I'm trying to figure out what's the best way to go about getting insurance. My training manager said to look online for borders insurance but I'm not finding it. Is the part time insurance worth it for pregnancy costs? I'm having a midwife and want to figure out how to get that covered. Insurance Groups - HELP!? Ok im looking to buy my first car, and ive found a 1.4cl Ford Escort which im interested in, it says its in insurance group 5E, is that a good group to be in (is it cheap or expensive), thanks for any help :D" Do you need insurance to register a car under your name? Im a bout to buy a used car but im curious to know if you need insurance before the dmv can register the car under your name? thanks alot for taking the time to help me out, its all appreciated" Is there any auto insurance companies out there that does not require a credit check when applying for car ins? I am trying to change auto policies and all the companies I have contacted so far wants to pull my credit and ask for my SSN number. Is there any auto insurance company that does not require a credit check for car insurance ? How do you know if your auto insurance is full coverage? my car is financed and i'm checking on

i'm getting insurance quotes and normally i call and talk to someone and just say i was full coverage. i'm on and that's not an option. they'll let me select bodily injury liability and i checked the box that said i was financing my car so maybe they give me full coverage no matter what then "Is a $2,000 deductible 'affordable?'?" Obamacare: Is a $2,000 deductible 'affordable?'" Car Insurance claims, time limit to file claim? I got in a auto accident a few days ago it was a three car pile up. The guy who caused the accident was cited and his car was towed away from the scence. Out of all three cars his brand new lexus was the least damaged, my car on the other hand is a total. His insurance company progressive is telling me and the other victim there is nothing they can do as far as a rental car for us or payments for our medical bills or to fix or total out our cars until they speak with there client who is avoiding them. Is there not a time limit? Because I have to go to work, I have childern and I am pregnant so this is a bad situation for me, my insurance company is not going to pay for all the damages just a few so it would be pointless for me to file thru them. What can I do and expect? How Much for a 17 year old to have full coverage on a car? I REALLY dont wanna be on my dads insurance anymore, because i want to get a car of MY own in MY name and im not sure what to do because of how much full coverage would cost for myself. Any suggestions. Can i have my car in my name and be on somebody elses insurance? or what? i just cant pay 350 a month for full coverage!" I need a good car insurance company I have 6 points and a chapter 7 in my credit report? I have two cars one needs full coverage $500.00.00 list, the car is a 2002 ford explorer and the other one is a 1992 dodge spirit /liability only. If you know about an insurance company that gives good coverage for a decent price let me know my current policy is $166.20 a month." Auto insurance question? I was a passenger in a car accident and my laptop was broken. Would the drivers insurance cover it? Even if it was liability, it should still have to cover it right? He says the insurance says no because I wasn't injured... That doesn't make any sense." Can one not tell the truth when getting a car insurance quote? i got a violation on a previous occasion, and i can get like 40$ off with not telling them this, will it cause problems? also where can i get some accurate insurance quotes for my car?" Car insurance price for a Civic?

I am a 18 year old boy and I want to purchase a Honda Civic EX 4-door w/ a manual transmission. I am looking at a 2000-2005 or a 2006-2009 model. Could anybody give me an estimate of how much insurance is monthly? Thanks Estimated car insurance premium for a Camaro/Corvette? I am looking to buy either a 2002 Camaro (5.7L V8) or a 2000 - 2002 Corvette (5.7L V8). I am wondering how much insurance will cost me. The detailed information and questions are as below: 1. Age: 34 2. Have been driving in the States for little less than 4 years. No accident at all. Only one speeding ticket about 3 years ago. (I had been driving for 10 years in Seoul, Korea with no accident at all, but it didn't count) 3. I used to drive a 2007 Toyota Tundra (5.7L V8), which I sold a few days ago. I paid about 450 dollars/6 months for full coverage. Questions: 1. How much would it cost me if I buy either one mentioned above? (even ballpark number would be appreciated) 2. Do year and purchasing price (or resale value) affect premium? For example, buying a 2008 brand new Corvette or a 2000 used Corvette makes a difference? 3. I know it would be higher to have a sports car, but do my age and driving record affect premium? If yes, how much do they affect?" How much should car insurance cost me? im 16 and ive been saving some money for a while and i bought a 1998 honda civic, im currently paying $265/month for insurance is that too much, because im not sure im going to make the insurance this month because my hours were cut" What does no-fault auto insurance mean? I live in California which, I think, is a no-fault state. What ramifications does that have if I'm in an accident? Does it matter, in any way, whether the accident is my fault or the other driver's fault? Thanks you." Best insurance for Male 18-24? What is the best type of insurance for a male 18-24. There is a basic prepaid one for $1200 (upfront) but my rates double if I get a speeding ticket etc.. Then there is the traditional one from my bank but that's $300 a month and I can't do that. What type should I be looking for? Also, is it worth it to get the cheap insurance if my rates could potentially double? Could I fight them doubling my rates. I don't plan on speeding but wow. 04-06 Hyundai Elantra GLS/GT." What's the best liability insurance for yoga instructors? I will begin teaching yoga, and need to get liability insurance- what's a good inexpensive insurance" How do I get individual health insurance quotes for North Carolina? I am currently living in New York State and am considering moving to North Carolina. How do I get individual health insurance quotes while still living in NYS? All the websites ask you to provide a North Carolina address which I do not have yet. Thank you.

"Car Insurance / Mother or Father as First Driver, me as Second?" I'm trying to sort out car insurance, but the problem is, is that it is very high, Ive never done this before as Im a first time driver, but a lot of people have told me to put my parents as primary drivers and me as secondary, how do I do this? I really have no idea, thank you I'm using but how do I enter my parents in and then as secondary, thank you very much" What do you mean by car insurance quotes? What do you mean by car insurance quotes? How much does it cost to insure a Ford Mustang? Now for my first car I really wanted a Ford and the only one I like is the mustang. I know that they are sports cars so the insurance is high but I would like to know exactly how much it would cost for insurance especially since it would be my first car. "I wanna buy a 2008 car, how much would i pay for the insurance? i am 30 years old and i just got my driver's license Car insurance question..wasn't my fault.? i got into a car accident 4weeks ago. the person begged me not to call her insurance company n said she'd pay for everything. after i got my estimate then she decided not to pay b/c its about 4000. it took her 2weeks to decide. i already talked to both of my insurance company n her insurance company. it wasn't my fault, and i have a witness. i don't want to use my insurance b/c i have to pay 1000 deductible and i'm not sure if i can get it back, and why should i if it was that person's fault. her insurance company said i should just use my insurance, and my insurance company said it'd be easier to use her insurance. what should i do? should i just wait? b/c i really don't want to pay a 1000 dollars." Does the color actually make your insurance higher?? I have heard this is cars make your insurance higher...I don't think it is true but my husband does. What do you all think? I have looked up quotes and none of them ask for the color of the vehicle just make/model/year... What is the cheapest car insurance you can buy? Age 20's, I want to buy cheapest insurance possible. I don't care about coverage for myself, I just want it legal to drive." Is it possible to get 3rd party insurance for an unregistered car?

I know it is pointless since being an unregistered car it would not be covered during an accident on the road, but will the insurance company approve 3rd party insurance on a car that is unregistered?" How much would insurance cost for a 2003 bmw 330 ci? 17 years old? How much would insurance cost for a 2003 bmw 330 ci? 17 years old? Would a Jaguar be a first car? I want to know for my cousin who is 12. He really like the XJR from 1997-2003 .What does the insurance cost? Auto insurance for a 17 year old dirver? ive had my license since christams and im looking for car insurance and im 17 years old how much is the average auto insurance for a teen like me and whats the best thing i can do thank you A better way acquire an affordable health insurance to cover my family? if I work for, say Pizza Hut as a part-time while I earn $65K/yr full-time job? I dont want to spend too much monthly payments on health insurance?" I have a small business liability insurance question? We have a contract that will probably not generate that many call if any after the first one and the company wants us to carry them on our general liability insurance. I dont feel we should as its an added expense for something we will probably not get a call from again. what is the opinion of the answers people Insurance for renting a home? I'm renting a home from a friend, and she says that she has to cancel her home insurance. Is there rental insurance, or any more suggestions." Car Insurance claims, time limit to file claim? I got in a auto accident a few days ago it was a three car pile up. The guy who caused the accident was cited and his car was towed away from the scence. Out of all three cars his brand new lexus was the least damaged, my car on the other hand is a total. His insurance company progressive is telling me and the other victim there is nothing they can do as far as a rental car for us or payments for our medical bills or to fix or total out our cars until they speak with there client who is avoiding them. Is there not a time limit? Because I have to go to work, I have childern and I am pregnant so this is a bad situation for me, my insurance company is not going to pay for all the damages just a few so it would be pointless for me to file thru them. What can I do and expect? Proof of insurance?

Hello I just bought a new car and called my insurance company to insure my new vehicle they have yet to send me my card my question is I need to drive cross country do you have to have an insurance card or can the police tell if you have insurance even if you do not have a card Free car insurance offers? Does anybody know of any car companies that are currently offering one years free car insurance when you buy a new car in the UK? What co. has the best car insurance for teens? I 18 and want to get my own insurance How to get cheap car insurance? I've heard of people somehow getting cheap car insurance and i want to know their secret! How much would full coverage insurance be with 2 points on my license? I am almost 24 and I want to get a new car but I'm not sure how much I can afford a month because I'm not sure how much full coverage insurance would be. I was recently in an accident so I have 2 points on my license and never paid full coverage so I have no idea around how much it would be. Does Geico Car insurance cover Rental Cars? Does Geico car insurance cover rental cars? Or does it JUST cover your car that you have insured w. them? Car insurance questions PLEASE help? my mom is insured with a car insurance company already, and i just got my licence. do i have to have the same insurance to drive her car or can i use a different company for myself on her vehicle." "Why is the lowest quote i get on insurance websites 4,352.46, I'm 17 and have passed, isnt this excessive?" Im not sure if im doing it right, As my car is a new Citroen c1 which is a 1.0, insurance group 1?" Car insurance in my name? My mom gave me a car afew yrs back and it is still in her name. She's had insurance in her name but wasn't able to make the payment this month. Can I get insurance on the car in my name even with car still in her name?

Could anyone tell me a cheap reliable 125cc motobike with cheap insurance ? Could anyone tell me a cheap reliable 125cc motobike with cheap insurance ? Pontiac Grand Am GT Insurance? I am 20 years old. Looking at a 2 door coupe Pontiac GT. Never been in an accident, never had a ticket. Was wondering what the insurance is roughly going to cost me a month? I have All State. My dad doesn't want to call them because we just called them yesterday about another car, and we don't have the vin number. Thanks! Oh! It has power locks, a spoiler, and a sunroof too! As well as a single disc CD player." Any 17 year olds just got car insurance? (UK)? Hi, I was wondering if anybody aged 17 has got car insurance recently and would be able to tell me how much they paid. I've been told 3k-4k but when I look on the internet most people are saying 800-2k even if you haven't just got insurance which of the two price ranges is more likely for me? I live in an area where car theft is low and I can keep the car in a garage. I'm a 17 year old male." Do i have to make a down payment on my car insurance? i am buying my first car at the age of 18. i want to go on my moms insurance policy with the car in her name. i will pay for it myself though. from what i know, this should be cheaper if the car is known to be hers with me as a driver. when i add this car to her policy, will i have to make a down payment?" Dental insurance? Can i get it? I need to make a long overdue visit to the dentist but I'm worried about the cost involved. I'm pretty sure I've tartar on the back of my teeth but been put off for how much it might cost. Would I be able to take out dental insurance considering my existing problems, how much would it cost etc? I live in the UK btw." Cheapest/Best auto insurance for parents of newly driving teens? My son will be 16 tomorrow and got a learner's permit Friday. Does the title of a car have to be in the insurance owners name? I currently have insurance on mine and my ex boyfriends car. I dont just want to drop his insurance, so im giving him the opportunity to get his own insurance. He is saying that he needs the title of the car in order to get alternate he being honest?" Garage fire insurance? My parents garage caught fire this weekend. It started in one of the cars and burnt the entire thing down pretty much. Two cars, a boat, and a camper were lost in the fire.

Now the insurance company (Farmers) is trying to say that none of those are included under home owners insurance because they have their own plates. The cars is semi-understandable because they have their own insurance, but the boat and camper don't. Beside the fact I'd like to say how crooked this is, I'd like to ask a question. Now the boat hasn't been registered in two years. Because of this we have been told by another insurance company that it should be covered considering it is there because it's not being used. Anyone out there have any idea if this is true or not?" Insurance company wants to total my car/not insure it.? So my dad rear ended someone really softly, but it was a truck that he rear ended with a hitch or something that damaged the grill and the bumper. Problem is, I put a total of $2700 to have transmission replaced and the engine repaired after the timing belt broke and caused damage over the last 2-3 months. It is a 2004 dodge neon and the body to these things are flimsy to begin with. I'm taking it in Monday to get it looked at better, but they said from what they could see it might be a total loss. Which means its only gonna be worth $2000. they said they have to replace the hood, the grill, and the bumper and other stuff which is **** because I know people who could fix these problems for less than $500. they aren't even visibly bad, a few dents in the places i mentioned but when i took it in they reacted like i had been in a head on collision going 50 mph. It runs perfectly, we wouldn't have even reported it except we were worried the guy might claim injury after the fact (which he did). What can I do? This is my only car, and I am already in debt from student loans. $2000 isn't gonna buy me a new car. How can I convince them not to total it when I take it in?" Buy individual family heath policy - what to look for -? hello, i wanted to buy a individual insurance for my family and please advise me a good company my family = myself(31),wife(29),and kid (1yr). -- i got some online quotes. but could you please let me know what are some of the things to look for while shopping for a individual family insurance.. basically, my expectation from a policy,is something that covers my kids doctor visits at no cost and should be acceptable in best hospitals and doctors office." How can I get affordable health insurance because of obama care? I work but i have 2 kids to support and I Make Minimum Wage.. plus rent and bills.. Does anyone have any suggestions about how i could possibly get health care or what will happen if I just simply cant afford it? And no smart *** remarks like get a better paying job. Jobs are hard to find where I Live and i am making it with what i have. But obama forcing us to have health insurance is making me wonder what Options i have. Medicare? or some kind of afforable health insurance? would love to hear people who are in the same boat i am. and any POSITIVE Suggestion would be helpful. Thanks Question for LIFE INSURANCE BROKERS or salespeople!!!!? From a insurance brokers perspective; What is the advantages for a client who buys TERM LIFE insurance, over WHOLE OF LIFE insurance, in your opinion???"

"What is your opinion of this article: how some people who can't afford insurance, can afford things like?" Excerpts: The following items were commonly seen on patients or carried by their dependent children, who were also covered by subsidized programs: * Cell phones and more" 50cc motorcycle insurance? I have a 1982 honda mb5 street bike. Its 50cc and has a 5 speed gearbox. I live in indiana and i want to get my motorcycles endorsment but it requires that i have insurance for the bike. How much would that be? How much does insurance cost for a new young driver with a brand new car in newyork city? How much does insurance cost for a new young driver with a brand new car in newyork city? Do you believe medical insurance should pay for breast implants? Vasectomy, chiropractors, accupuncture, penile enlargement, orthopedic shoes? Why? Have you used it for such?" Car Insurance claims, time limit to file claim? I got in a auto accident a few days ago it was a three car pile up. The guy who caused the accident was cited and his car was towed away from the scence. Out of all three cars his brand new lexus was the least damaged, my car on the other hand is a total. His insurance company progressive is telling me and the other victim there is nothing they can do as far as a rental car for us or payments for our medical bills or to fix or total out our cars until they speak with there client who is avoiding them. Is there not a time limit? Because I have to go to work, I have childern and I am pregnant so this is a bad situation for me, my insurance company is not going to pay for all the damages just a few so it would be pointless for me to file thru them. What can I do and expect? Is the difference between health insurance and car insurance? that while both are mandated, that the repairs on only one of them are garaunteed by the government. I mean, sure a auto body shop can refuse to fix your car if you don't have the money, but the hospital has to put you back together again, regardless of the bill and your relative ability to pay it." Do anybody know of any cheap health insurance? I haven't had any insurance since 2007. "If someone wrecks another person's car, whose insurance pays for it, the owner of the car or the driver?" If someone borrowed another person's car and they wrecked it, who would end up paying for the damage? Would it be the owner of the car or the person driving the car?

This is knowing that the driver is over 18 and has a license. Thanks, 10 points best answer!!" Why is my insurance so cheap? I am a 19 year old male, and I own a 2011 Nissan Altima SL. I live in Baltimore City (which has the highest rates in the state) and have a speeding ticket and a not at fault accident. I carry 100/300/100 coverage with matching 250 deductibles. I also have vanishing deductible, accident, and minor violation forgiveness. I pay 172.00 per month. I thought I could save a few bucks and switch companies, however, I quoted literally every company available in MD and the lowest I found was 580 a month for the same coverages. Thats a HUGEEE difference! I am starting to wonder if something is wrong with my policy. I have had it about a year with no issues, and my not at fault claim went through smoothly. I am the sole policy holder, and no, my family is not with Nationwide either... What could cause such a difference? Any ideas?" Car crash information to your own auto insurance.? I was involved in a car crash. But, it wasn't my fault. A driver hit me from back. I called his insurance company to file a claim. Do i have to call my insurance company, just to inform them about what happened? Is there a downside on letting them know about crash? Thank you" "Im thinking about getting a car, car insurance ?" Im thinking about getting a car I phoned up my insurance company and they said because I have not come to the end of my insurance with the car I got that I would lose my 3 years no claims bonus if I changed over cars also I would have to pay them 50pound to get out of the contract. The only way around it is if I insure the two cars I was shocked with this, I deal with tescos car insurance Is this normal ?" I thought health insurance cost was going down? This article says they are all going up. What happened to Obama caree? http://www.c,0,5611833.story He promised me my family would save $2500 on health insurance. What happened?" Isn't it really the Insurance companies that hate the Affordable care act? Isn't it really the Insurance companies that hate the Affordable care act? Teenage car insurance? I'm a teen, and I'm thinking about getting a car. However, I've heard that insurance for teenagers can be expensive. Since insurance is usually tied to the car instead of the driver, am I able to get away with using my parents' insurance if the car is completely under my parents' names? Am I allowed to save a large amount of money this way? I only plan on meeting the minimum insurance required by law (in California)." How much will insurance cost on a 94 eclipse?

I am an 18 year old first time driver. the car has 133000 miles on it and i'm thinking about buying it from a friend. it is white. how much will the insurance be monthly? roughly? How I get discount on car insurance? I am from Liverpool and wanted to have good discounts on Car Insurance.. Can someone please suggest. HELP!!! Car insurance - 10 month bonus accelerators and cheapest insurance companies? Hi has anyone had any problems with a bonus 10 month accelerator policy when renewing??? also any ideas for the cheapest insurance companies especially when paying monthly and being a young driver (only 20)? thank you xxxxxxx Does a Dodge Dart have sports car insurance? If i buy a dodge dart Rallye and it has the 1.4L turbo engine, will i have to pay for sports car insurance?I have statefarm.." What is the cheapest insurance around for a 20 year old with 2001 bonneville? What is the cheapest insurance around for a 20 year old with 2001 bonneville? Which New York insurance is high? I've heard New York insurance is high, but which one? Car, house, etc.? And why is it so high?" How much is Student Insurance? Hey guys, just wanted to know that how much is student insurance on a 1999, 2000 and 2001 car? You see im thinking of buying one but i hear that insurance is a whopper so just thought i would be careful and ask. Thanks." How much is car insurance in NYC monthly ? I'm 21 and i'll be getting a car in 3 months, I would like to know\ how much is car insurance in nyc monthly" What if i stop paying my insurance when i have a car loan? i am leasing a new car, been paying for 3 years and this month i couldn't afford insurance so i stopped driving and started bike riding. well the insurance was cancelled for like 2 more"

Can i buy a car and still be under my mom's insurance? I have enough money for a car. I was just wondering if i could buy a car and have the title under my name and still be able to be under my mom's insurance. i may be able to buy a car but my own insurance may be pushing it. Where can i get affordable health insurance? I live in iowa.. Where are some places i can get some affordable (cheap) health insurance? Thanks! Does anybody have this insurance? Do you have Presbyterian Health Plan which is an hmo? What does hmo mean and is this insurance any good? The doctors that I go to for my pregnancy, the hospital, and my sons counselor are ALL covered but does that mean i have to have a referral to go to each one or what does it mean (hmo?)" Can car insurance be in both my name and my wifes? I just sold my car, and am waiting 3 months to buy a new car. My job requires that i have car insurance ( i dont know why since i dont drive for my job) I faxed a copy of my wifes insurance. Can my name be added on to the insurance, or do i need to get seperate insurance?" Car Insurance question? about how much does it cost for a 16 year old to be added to parents car insurance? allstate "Florida law - Florida license, no car, so no insurance? If someone with a Fl driver's license who doesn't have a car so doesn't have car insurance is involved in a car accident while driving someone else's car. Does the car owner's insurance cover the uninsured driver? How much will insurance try to offer for a stolen 1985 El Camino.? I had my camino stolen. Show quality, special interest car. How much will an adjuster generally offer since it cant be found in Kelly's Blue Book. Also, whats the process of getting more for it as Im almost positive they wont offer what the car was actually worth?" Car Insurance claims, time limit to file claim? I got in a auto accident a few days ago it was a three car pile up. The guy who caused the accident was cited and his car was towed away from the scence. Out of all three cars his brand new lexus was the least damaged, my car on the other hand is a total. His insurance company progressive is telling me and the other victim there is nothing they can do as far as a rental car for us or payments for our medical bills or to fix or

total out our cars until they speak with there client who is avoiding them. Is there not a time limit? Because I have to go to work, I have childern and I am pregnant so this is a bad situation for me, my insurance company is not going to pay for all the damages just a few so it would be pointless for me to file thru them. What can I do and expect?

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