St mary’s ce primary school prospectus

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St Mary’s CE Primary School Stocks Lane Barnsley S75 2DF Telephone: 01226 206422 Headteacher: Mr L Spencer

Welcome Welcome to St. Mary’s Church of England Primary School, the founding member of St. Mary’s Academy Trust. We are very proud of our school, our pupils and their successes. We believe that this school is special and the relationships we develop with our children and their families enable us to create a friendly, caring and supportive atmosphere. Our committed teaching and support staff strive to bring out the very best in all our children and equip them with the skills they need for their future lives.

Outstanding At St. Mary’s we pride ourselves on delivering outstanding provision for all our children through personalised learning. We believe the grounding pupils receive at our school provides a firm foundation for a life long love of learning. By providing a broad and balanced curriculum, we are able to recognise the talents and interests of individuals. Learning is fun and interactive and children are well supported to reach their full potential. It is central to our principles that not only do we achieve outstanding progress in English and maths, but we also provide a rounded education, giving our children memorable opportunities to experience sport, music and drama.

“Outstanding teaching enables pupils to make outstanding progress in reading, writing and mathematics. Pupils use these skills exceptionally well in other subjects.� (Ofsted Feb 2013)

Creative Curriculum Children at St. Mary’s benefit from a creative curriculum that inspires and motivates them to become independent learners. We believe that education should be fun, stimulating, challenging and memorable. The school prides itself on the variety if learning that takes place both inside and outside the classroom. We actively encourage the use of visitors and school visits to widen and deepen the children’s learning. “The school provides a rich and interesting curriculum. As a result all pupils participate in varied sporting activities, visits and residential experiences and all learn to play a musical instrument.” (Ofsted Feb 2013)

Christian Ethos St. Mary’s school is one based on love, respect and trust and is inclusive of all. As a church school, we hold daily assemblies which give the children opportunities to deepen their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. Our close links with 3 parishes of St. Mary’s, St. Paul’s and St. George’s enable the children to experience the rich Christian heritage. “Parents clearly preceive this as a school where values such as caring for each other, honesty, fairness and trust are important. Many choose to send their children to this school for these reasons.” (SIAS Dec 2012)

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